Archive for December 13th, 2004

I Think I’ll Give up Calling Myself Both Conservative and Christian

I was watching a discussion of stem-cell research which would avoid killing the stored embryos that will never be children anyway. Half of them are clinically dead, and can still be used for research. The rest you can throw away, because some of them could become children if someone did what they are not going to do, implant them.

BY THE WAY, if they DID implant those embryos, it would be in vitro fertilization, which every fanatical pro-lifer wanted to outlaw.

They say you can use the dead ones, but not the “live” ones that are going to be dead.

This makes the question of how many angels can stand on the point of a pin look like sober logic. I don’t want to be associated with people who talk like that.

I also don’t want all the crap everybody keeps trying to load on me for calling myself a Christian. I will leave that up to Christ and stop using the word.

As I said before, I am anti-liberal, but I am NOT a conservative. They are stupid, childish, and embarrasing. They don’t even know any history, which is what conservatism is based on.

I think I’ll just go back to the title of my first book in describing liberals and conservatives, Jehovists and Moslems and Jews and Blue-Bird Worshippers:

“A Plague on BOTH Your Houses.”


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“A Nation of Immigrants” is Immoral

The ancestors of today’s white Southerners were here before 1700 AD. They came to America and they TOOK it. Then they had so many children that they doubled their population about four times a century. That NATURAL increase is where most of today’s really white population comes from.

The reason very late immigrants were able to call America a “melting pot” and a “nation of immigrants” is because OUR ancestors let them settle on land OUR ancestors had already taken and made safe.

Indians? What Indians? You just took a boat to New York.

This allows these latecomers to avoid a simple feeling of gratitude to the white Pioneers that every other generation took for granted. So they encourage historians to insult the whites who took over this land and made it possible for the later wimps to just come on in.

This is not only crappy history, it is immoral.

And an American who lets anybody call this “a nation of immigrants” is as immoral as the person who says it. With its usual moral cowardice, the Greatest Generation allowed this “nation of immigrants” and “melting pot” crap free reign.

The pioneers were nobodys, they say. So THEY’RE The Greatest Generation.

The Greatest Generation was despicable.



Peter Was Right, I Was Wrong

I never understood why it HURTS people so much to say something as simple as “He was right and I was wrong.” Even people MY age have trouble with that.

Peter said that Zoroastrianis was the monotheization (?) of the Old Aryan religion of Mazdaism. Just as the Jews had their own God JHWH but took others for granted, Aryans had a chief god Mazda. Mazda became the Only God with the prophet Zoroaster about 1200 BC. JHWH became the Only God and the Good God of the Jews a great deal later.

In the meantime the Jews had a LOT of contact with Persia, including living there.

My mistake was in mixing up Mithraism with Mazdaism. Since I’m pretending to be able to handle all these big words and theological constructs, this should embarrass me greatly.

Sorry, I’m all embarrassed out. As I just pointed out below, you can’t find out if you’re wrong unless you SAY it. From Peter’s explanation, I have learned yet more about the Mazda-JHWH connection.

And I wouldn’t have learned that if I hadn’t been wrong, and I wouldn’t have learned that if I hadn’t SAID it and then sat back and taken the heat.
