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Europe’s Clinton Years

Posted by Bob on December 22nd, 2004 under How Things Work

In the Clinton years, I wrote an article called “Superterrorism” (11-21-98). When September 11, 2001 came around, we reprinted it.

It seemed prophetic, but if you look at it, “Superterrorism” was just common sense. Maybe common sense is what real prophecy is based on.

The Euro is going up. Europe is out of the Iraq War and all the problems.

But common sense says that Europe is terribly weak and terribly vulnerable.

Iran’s new missiles might reach Europe, but they won’t reach us. North Korea’s new missiles can reach the West Coast.

But they won’t.


Because if they did South Korea would suddenly be an island.

And if Iran threatens Europe, what exactly is Europe going to do about it? Throw croissants?

America is stupid, but it is also extremely dangerous. Europe is stupid and nobody is scared of it.

Under Clinton, America had a boom like one that Europe is enjoying today. Terrorism? Clinton just ignored it. And it worked out fine.

Until 2001.

Europe is cruising into something that will make 2001 look like a tap on the cheek. Europe is ready to be slapped around. There is always somebody who wants to do the slapping.

Europe is not just stupid, it is hopelessly stupid. There is nothing as dumb as a dumb man who thinks he’s smart.

All that brilliant sophistication Europeans think they have got Europe ripped to pieces twice this century. It nearly wiped out two generations of Europeans.

And Europeans honestly believe they are diplomatic geniuses.

That attitude is more dangerous than any nuclear missile.

  1. #1 by Richard L. Hardison on 12/22/2004 - 7:52 pm

    Europe is really strange these days. When I lived in Germany I remember a bunch of tough men who took on the world and weren’t ashamed of what they did and reveled in the fact that it took three empires to put them down (yes the U.S. was an imperial power at the time with colonies in the Philipines, Guam, Puerto Rico, Panama and few other minor places). They went down in history as the most proficient Army the world had ever seen, and in my opinion, the world will ever see. France was actually more militaristic than Germany, although they were/are running on the laurels of Napoleon and Louis XIV. Great Britain, was even more militaristic than any of the allies, had the greatest empire the world had ever seen and set the standard by which the world’s navies were judged. Now, all of them are castrated poodles unwilling to even defend themselves and their ancient cultures.

    Why should this be? Europeans have come to be lazy, myopic, and inbred intellectually. It all adds up to simple cowardice which yields and inability to defend anything, their lives included as they don’t see the danger rising against them. Those who do are vilified and imprisoned. In my opinion Bob’s opinion of Europe being stupid is quite charitable. Are you going soft Whit?

  2. #2 by Bedford on 12/22/2004 - 8:38 pm

    The Euros are allowing the islamic and african invaders to take them over without firing a shot. N. Korea? Whatta wacko! You could not make up that nutty Korean. I think N. Korea still has a May Day celebration with a parade and reviewing stand. A battlefield nuke on a cruise missle and the coordinates of the location would result in cutting the viper’s head off. Georgie W. would never do that – he probably would put tens of thousands of American troops at risk in a conventional war if N. Korea invaded the south. I would tell the Euros that since they didn’t participate in Iraq, if there is a world oil crisis, don’t even think about Iraq, because the oil there will be secured to supply the USA. BTW, the USA has an inexhaustible amount of money, the Voice of America which broadcast to the Soviet Union, is not only going to be continued, it apparently is going to open a studio in Moscow to broadcast to Russia (in addition to the one billion we spend on promoting democracy around the world).

  3. #3 by Don on 12/23/2004 - 12:25 am

    I have in-laws over in Hanau, Germany.
    One of them says “Everything bad comes from America.”
    He is not one of the “Effeminate Liberal Elite.”

  4. #4 by Don on 12/23/2004 - 9:55 am

    Draw a map of Europe.
    Across the map write in large letters: KAG WAS HERE!


  5. #5 by Bob Whitaker on 12/23/2004 - 7:12 pm

    It may be all our fault.

    But that doesn’t help.

  6. #6 by Don on 12/24/2004 - 1:51 am

    It may be all our fault. But that doesn’t help.

    Oh, I am not willing to take all of the blame.

    Starting with the Boer war, British behavior has been as stupid, foolish, and despicable as one can imagine.

    The French want to fight the Germans and import North Africans. This takes intelligence, this takes brilliance, this takes brains located where the sun don’t shine!

    And the Kaiser sends Lenin back to Russia to foment a Communist Revolution. What a genius. Must have started taking lessons from the British. And what exactly was the purpose of WWI?

    And then there is KAG! I just want to make sure that I don’t cut someone’s legs off and then ask why he has trouble walking.

    But worldwide, in 2004, we are all in the same struggle. And in that struggle Why Johnny Can’t Think is more important than frisking granny at the airport or stopping Iran and North Korea from having nuclear weapons. So get those leeches off of me and go wash your hands, Doctor, cause we have important work to do.

  7. #7 by Twin Ruler on 12/24/2004 - 6:04 pm

    Of course, I once saw a movie called, “the Recruit”. A young man gets inducted into the CIA by an older figure. The older figure, played by Al Pacino, convinces the young man that the girl he was in love with was a Mole. Turned out, Al Pacino turned out to be the very thing he accused the girl of being.
    Then, it occured to me, the “Neo Conservatives” are probably exactly what they accuse the Liberals of being: Communists. They set up their magazine FrontPage, just to trick us.
    Also, I doubt that there is an Al Qaida network. At any rate, what people call Al Qaida is probably really a MOSSAD False Flag Operation. MOSSAD agents, dressed as Islamists, recruited some Saudis to carry out the September 11 Attacks, in 2001.
    For that matter, I suspect that the “Neo Conservatives” were in on it. They waited and anticipated this attack, so that they would have the pretext to turn the United States of America into a Communist Dictatorship. Homeland Security, is just the Trojan Horse from which Communist style restrictions on our Civil Liberties will come.

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