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Storming Their Strongholds

Posted by Bob on January 30th, 2005 under Bob's Book

Please read my book as a call for revolution and not just another critique of academia. We have to get on those campuses we pay for and hammer some theses on the doors of the established religion of Political Correctness right in on its home turf.

Any of us can do it and I’m here to help out.

SF Book Discussion II – Why Johnny Can’t Think … Robert W. Whitaker

I am here in Eastern Europe running my usual introductory fever, I always got sick in Latin America, Africa, Asia, you name it.

But I make as much sense when I’m sick as I do when I’m well.

As I said before, if you read Joe Sobran’s Foreword and my first chapter you will discover that for me today’s professors are just one more version of the same old thing. Neocons are professors or wannabe professors, so they talk about professors with respect.

But as the Internet grows, we are going to have a generation that has none of the respect and deference professors depend on.

In earlier days, you had to go to the college library. But you can get all that on the Internet. We are exactly in the position of the literate European middle class when the day of Gutenberg dawned, and the Bible was no longer the monopoly of the clerics.

Can anybody expand on this or just make some random points about it?

The bottom line is that faculties can no longer claim to be special. They can not say that we peasants have the right to come on our own campuses and debate them with their permission.

It is time for us to invade them on their home ground.

  1. #1 by Mike on 01/31/2005 - 1:06 am

    We are exactly in the position of the literate European middle class when the day of Gutenberg dawned, and the Bible was no longer the monopoly of the clerics.

    The bible actually seems pretty benign unless you can read between the lines. Things got watered down a bit before it was turned out, but the truth is always available to those who seek it.

    I’m always suspicious when something really good is given to me out of the blue. The internet is a tremendous source of information. I’m still asking, “what’s the catch?”

  2. #2 by JasonW on 02/03/2011 - 10:19 pm

    “We have to get on those campuses we pay for and hammer some theses on the doors of the established religion of Political Correctness right in on its home turf.”

    There is something wrong with the words “Political Correctness.” Unfortunately, I am not sure what it is. Perhaps because it is negative with no positive content, perhaps because it arises in the context of the adversaries’ camp in their own lefty communes before being adopted by pro-white advocates.

  3. #3 by dungeoneer on 02/04/2011 - 9:09 am


    Anti racism is code for ANTI white = politically correct white racists playing the race card.
    bunnyspangle 21 hours ago
    bunnyspangle 21 hours ago




    “politically correct white racists”

    I think someone`s got the chalk and cheese the wrong way around,but you go right ahead and make a total arse of yourself.

    Political Correctness is STRICTLY a Marxist term.

    If “The Party” demands day be night and night be day,then the Politically Correct communist will tow the party line and say it is so,no matter how ridiculous it makes him look.

    For “The Party” ,read “The Party Of White Genocide”.

    dungeoncrawler55 20 hours ago
    dungeoncrawler55 20 hours ago


    They`re so embarrassed by the term they try to pin it on us!

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