(Reprinted to Blog from email list of 5/14/05)
*** Bob’s Insider’s Message ***
I will be on Saturday at 6 PM, EDT, for the second edition of my weekly Internet radio show. I am getting lots of listeners. *
You go to WhitakerOnline Townhall Archive: “THE UNTRAINED EYE” and listen in.
This huge WOL list is, as one of my team said, “the deadest list I have ever heard of” – which means you don’t respond. Let me tell you one of the No-Nos of “working” any list, be it direct mail or this one. You NEVER tell the people on the list anything bad about themselves.
But my list consists of people who want to hear it like I see it, or you don’t belong here. This is no place for touchy people.
We required you to sign up again for the list some time ago, and those I am writing to now did that. So you want to hear what I have to say, and that is more than enough for my needs.
My ideas keep coming up on cable networks, though they have no idea where they came from and wouldn’t credit me if they did. Considering how effective the other side is in suppressing dissident thought, anyone who makes his living or depends for his influence on a “live” list is going to be stopped or watered down to nothing.
My enemies DO realize how dangerous I am, but there is nothing they can do about it. I write what you are thinking, I make you say, “So THAT is what occurred to me!” Then you have it to use in conversations and to make your own points more clearly, and it goes out.
A good, entertaining set of ideas is a deadly weapon.
That’s the way I’m doing my radio show. Everybody in radio likes to talk about how informal they are, but they are surrounded by the sword of Damocles on every side. The radio station and the company that owns it is responsible for everything they say.
I truly, sincerely, and with all my heart don’t give a damn. There is no money here. There is no FCC license here. I don’t LIKE offending people, but if it is a choice between telling the truth or somebody taking offense, I have no dog in this fight.
I get no money. I get no credit. I am in this to say what seems obvious to me in plain English. That is ALL this whole enterprise is for.
For any other kind of communications besides the Internet, everybody else needs some kind of sponsor. On the radio or TV or cable, you have to sell a religious creed or some other program some rich guy wants pushed, even if you are doing it free.
Nobody even SUGGESTS what I should talk about.
If you truly want to listen to somebody say what he is thinking, no holds barred, listen to my show.
And if you like the ideas, use them.
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