I happened to be watching a documentary on the ancient city of Herculaneum, which was buried at the same time Pompeii was. They found a library, but the scrolls had all been reduced to ashes. That did not stop Western science.
They are now restoring the wording on those burned ancient scrolls.
They found that most of the scrolls were in Greek. They said this might seem strange, but in the first century AD the language of scholars was Greek, not Latin.
Which is what I have been talking about.
#1 by Gary Sem on 08/13/2005 - 9:12 pm
Hi! I just heard you via “stormfront” in place of David Duke today (Saturday) in Canada. Interesting perspective that “political correctness” (defined by whom for what purpose?) or “liberalism” is a religion… well, certainly an extensive belief\system (imposed by force once you get a well-funded “liberal” regime, as in Canada, largely due to the big vote block in Ontario dominated by urbanized sprawl of Toronto-Missisuaga (immigrant suburb)-Hamilton-London-Windosr up to Ottawa – federal capital & deathly afraid of a break-up of Canada, driven by “Bloc” in Quebec. Our “Conservatives” (not really conserving much, mostly for more privatisation which, without comnpoetition, just means corporate price gouging) kings in Alberta and strong in other west areas. So “undecideds” mostly go Liberal to avoid a breakup… and make sure they are with the winners to get local perks when they can – just “porkbarrel politics” like USA.
At least that is how I see it up here for the 30 years since I left USA. The Liberals are a very closed circle (I can’t even attend a “town hall” type meeting here in Calgary, where Conservatives at least have open sessions monthly)
Thus, there was not really much intellectualizing about Liberal control, just geopolitical party dynamics…. and then “they” (top liberal insiders) feed stuff to us via media dominated by liberals… and Jews… anything but white christians. But they run white candidates in places where that is all that will win, and (so far) for Prime Minister. Liberals appointed a Governor Gerneral (mostly ceremonial head) an Asian-Canaidan, now replaced by Haitian. Two of seven Supreme Court judges seem to be Jews. Etc.
Certainly they have infiltrated and dominated education and we get all the politcal correctness crap! Learning our actual history has gone to almost zero, replaced by “social studies” teaching how a democracy works (?)and mostly how to spot “racism” in older history etc. The former head of history in Ontario schools saw it cut back and finally he was let go, and wrote a book “Whatever Happened to High School History? Burying political memory of Youth in Ontario: 1945-1995” by Bob Davis 155028486X… which I never saw in books shops, but got at a garage sale! (He was a liberal, but never expected history itself to be virtually eliminated from high school… and so fast!)
Also check out the “newer” method of teaching reading, by just learning whole words as a collection of letters (like Chinese which has no alphabet), rather than learning phoenetics of letters and combinations from which one can usually deduce the link between spelling and pronunciation. This is called “The Prussian (German) Education System” in an internet file by “Majordomo” excerpt from “Free Republic.” (I cut off exact internet site name) It makes learning to read harder and longer, so, less time for history… and we must be computer literate! (This may backfire as frustrated rebels communicate all over & learn all sorts of stuff, from your ideas… to Islam extremism… to nuclear bomb making!) And this teaches by rote learning, versus thinking. (Do you cover this in your book, I haven’t read it yet.)
As for myself, Mom taught me the alphabet young, and simple phoenetics and words, and I was reading well before I went to kindergarten… which I found boring when they began with letters and words! I was actually sent home… and sat in my garage (locked out of house) and began reading an old encyclopedia set with help of dictionary I knew how to use. I decided I would learn without school… although that set looked mighty long, maybe a few years of self-study! I played hookey from school, pretending to go, then going back to the encyclopedia in the garage, for two days… then, of course, the shit hit the fan! I had to go back!
(Later I went to MIT starting in chemistry and with a strong liking for nuclear engineering, but reactors were going down, and I wanted answers to many more questions about the world, and graduated in geology and the explored the world… for ore and oldest evidence of life