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Reply to Anonymous

Posted by Bob on December 4th, 2005 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses

Anonymous points out, inresponse to my point 10) below, that he has seen more turbans than swastikas.

This was my reply:

“Anonymous, which is more consistently, violently, unforgiving,
UNFORGETTINGLY anti-Semitic, a swastika or a turban? ”

“They can’t prove the last Holocaust so they have to enforce it.”

“They might not have to do that after the next one.”

“It will be televised.”

  1. #1 by Kevin (anonymous #2) on 12/05/2005 - 11:26 pm

    The “White Power” swastika is not a threat to Jews. For proof that “White Power” has ceased to be a threat to anyone except those who espouse it, one need only consider how many formerly loudmouthed neo-Nazi types have fled to the religious sanctuary of Odinism.

    Christianity is often mistaken as a European religion. In truth, it’s a Middle Eastern meme which had better success fooling US than Middle Easterners. Before Christ’s doctrine of masochistic turd-munchin’ submissiveness came and ate Europe’s soul, most of the native Euro-religions were keener on power, blood-drinking, and shoving heads on sticks than they were about turning the other cheek.

    Odin was an ass-kicking, pissed-off, buffed-out grandfather type worshiped by ancient Germanic and Scandinavian tribes. Contrary to the idiotic propaganda of certain “misinformed” “anti-hate” groups, he was not worshiped by Hitler’s crew; in fact, Adolf Hitler swore allegiance to Christianity (which was, er, founded by a Jew), and his underlings actively persecuted Odinists.

    But in yet another of the eternal string of ironies with which this world tortures me, one now sees Americans of European ancestry pleading for the right to worship as their “indigenous” forefathers once did before the Christian missionaries came with a sword in one hand and a Bible in the other.

    Modern Odinists remind me of the sad Indians who’d gather on my university campus to beat their tom-toms and mewl their off-key chants. All they seem to want is the right to worship the God that let them down.

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