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I Need a Better Act

Posted by Bob on December 4th, 2005 under Bob, History, How Things Work

Read the ten steps I wrote down in Prediction ( “What Might Happen).” Try to put yourself back to September 12, 2001 when the whole world was on America’s side. Even Aran terrists were distancing themselves from the perpetrators. The world has never been so pro-American, before or since.

This is the problem with every prediction I make. By the time it comes true, everybody has totally forgotten what everybody else was saying when I made it. Everybody says that they, or “somkebody they know” said exactly the same thing.

Because it seems so obvius now, it seems so obvious then.

Maybe I have the wrong technique. If I had a picture of over a deck of Faro cards straining and sweating to see a glimpse of the futre, it wold be a lot more convincing.

Almost exactly three years before September 11, 2001 I wrote a piece for whitakeronline called “Superterrorism.” It was reprinted on Septemeber 11, 2001 and it is the archives. Suddenly every possibility I discussed in that article became front page news.

I wish I had a picture of me in a turban straining over a crystal ball while writing THAT article.

Or maybe somebody can get his nose out of the latest news and listen to me without a circus act.

It doesn’t make me very happy to keep seeing disasters coming and then watching them happen.

  1. #1 by Anonymous on 12/05/2005 - 3:41 am

    We know you’re good, Bob. That’s why we’re here.

  2. #2 by Elizabeth on 12/05/2005 - 1:33 pm

    I know the feeling.

    I remember, twenty years ago, riding the Metro and watching a Latino
    family group. They had a small child with them and the kid started
    choking. I was at the point of running to get help — it was pretty
    apparent these folks didn’t speak English — when the kid recovered.
    Somehow, from there, I made the leap to thinking about children
    entering this country illegally, without vaccines, and bringing us
    diseases we haven’t had to deal with in decades….A few weeks later,
    some customers at an area fast food restaurant were diagnosed with
    typhoid. The culprit was an illegal who’d been hired to prepare salads…
    More recently, I’ve been seeing occasional news stories about outbreaks
    of generally-vanished children’s diseases…Polio was officially defeated
    before I started school, but I’m expecting that we’re going to start
    seeing cases of it and some other horrific diseases. A lot of these
    illegals come out of the jungles of southern Mexico and central America
    and most of them don’t necessarily speak Spanish in their home towns,
    they’re that remote…

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