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Me and Antonio

Posted by Bob on December 5th, 2005 under Comment Responses

Anonymous wrote that my last piece was unnecessary because my readers wouldn’t be here if you didn’t know I’m good at predictions and so forth.

My longer-term readers know that the last article falls less into the category of new information and more into the category of Bob Bitching.

You can see below that Antonio sent me a smart-ass note and I slapped him down.

Antonio didn’t get outraged. He just said he expected that and the only reason he wrote what he did in the first place was because he felt crappy that day.

This is a blog. We bitch here some, we joke here a lot.

I try to keep my personal venting down, and usually the venting I do is aimed at saying what you wish somebody would say. One reason we’re here is because we have a lot of things we are ALL pissed off about, and Ole Bob is good at saying it right.

But sometimes I have to bitch for myself.

I have lived all my life under a curse that is so old it is in in Homer’s Oddyssey, the Curse of Casandra.

One god who like her gave Cassabdra the gift of prophecy. So one who hated her gave her gave her the curse that her perfect prophecies would never be believed.

That second god was a genius. The gift of prophecy turns into the worst of curses if you see what is coming, warn against it, and no one believes you.

This is a CRITICAL point:

Perfect prophecy is wonderful gift. But ever since Homer wrote it down no one has ever referred to The Gift of Cassandra. It has ALWAYS been referred to as the CURSE of Cassandra.

No one has ever denied that the gift of prophecy, or being good at predictions as I am, combined with not being believed, is a curse.

For almost fifty years I have seen EXACTLY what was going to happen to everything I care about and nobody believed me.

All those people who say, “Well, I began to realize what was happening when…” are concerned about themselves just as I am concerned about me. During all those years BEFORE they bean to realize what was happening I was talking to a stone wall of people just like them. They are just beginning to feel what I have felt all these years.

So when I bitch too much, call me on it as Anonymous did. But give me a little room for venting here for Ole Bob himself.

I guarantee that most of the things I complain about will be saying what you wanted to say if you had the time.

One special thing I can offer you here is an old pro with elephant-thick skin who can take it and dish it out right back at you.

It would really be weird if I claimed to be a professional in the areas I have been in and then turned around and acted hurt when I was hit at. The worst you can get back is a verbal slap-down. I am NOT going to go into the corner and mope.

And, like Antonio, you should realize that this lattitude stretches both ways.

If you can dish it out and you can take it, this is a great place to be.

We are not being graded. This is supposed to be fun.

And if it stops being fun, it is your responsibility let me know fast.

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