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How Jews React

Posted by Bob on December 4th, 2005 under Coaching Session, How Things Work

Take the three articles below and show them to a Jew. Tell him that they were written by a pro-Israeli Jew. Listen to his reaction.

Then tell him they were written by a gentile who is not the biggest fan Jewry ever had. Listen to his reaction.

We all know what the reaction will be. Read it as written by a pro-Israel Jew and it sounds like a warning. Read it from Bob and they will scream that I am anaziwhowantstokilsixmillionjews.

What I write in Prediction (“What May Happen”) is an uncanny prediction of exactly what happened. It is a warning. But Jews cannot stand anything but unstinted praise from non-Jews.

To quote Henry Kissinger, who is a Jew whose family left his native Austria when the Nazis took over, “A people that has been hated for two thousand years is doing something WRONG.”

Kissinger is a professional in diplomacy. He knows that when someone is consistently hated everywhere, it cannot be everybody else’s fault.

Kissinger knows that the motto of people in the looney bin is, “Everybody’s crazy but ME.”

The most obvious thing that Jews do wrong is that they refuse to listen to anybody who does not praise them and tell them they are only disliked because they are too GOOD for everybody. Everybody’s jealous.

The motto of the Jewish community is, “We are hated for our virtues.”

You will not find one single instance in any history book permitted in any schools of Jews ever doing anything wrong.

Everybody knows that if you raise a child that way he will be hated by everybody, and for very good reason.

Jews will say, “The last time any non-Jew was allowed to say bad things about us we were persecuted.” The fact is that in the last society in which someone was allowed to say something GOOD about them they were persecuted.

In the Soviet Union, being anti-Semitic was a capital offense. Today in Russia nasty comments about Jews is table talk.

Jewish-supported leftism and Hate Laws have turned Europeans and Americans into cowardly little bunny-rabbits. The only Americans today who have any cajones despise Jews.

So when the Arabs come for the Jews, who are the Jews going to turn to? The tame little liberals at the country club? The even tamer little respectable conservatives at the country club?

You taught them D.I.C.T.A, “Don’t Interfere, Call the Authorities.”

They will be at home, watching you and the Moslems on television.

  1. #1 by Tim on 12/05/2005 - 10:26 am

    Maybe the Chinese will come and help them. Aren’t they cozy with China??

    Mr Whitaker,

    I have a feeling that a hundred years from now the creation of Israel will be thought of as a Huge
    mistake for the Jewish people. It seems that the eyes of the world are on them. Even in Africa and Asia people have been noticing the Jews. Every other day some African dictator proclaims himself as
    Hitler. All these developments are not good for the jews. Everyone I grew up near and around hated
    Jews——and they were all brown. I have a feeling the future Jews will beg and pray for White Christian neighbors—–I know I did.

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