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Reply to Anonymous

Posted by Bob on December 6th, 2005 under Comment Responses

In reply to my article saying proliferation means colonialism, Anonymous says:

“Is the agenda to get rid of white people, or is it to make sure that only white people have the Bomb? It can’t be both, Bob.”

Anonymous, despite your politics you are thinking like a John Bircher. You imagine some giant, centrally orchestrated, consistent Plot.

I am talking about the real world and what people are really thinking. Your clocklike precision simply doesn’t work here.

Look at my other article about pilots in Africa. Your logic would say, “They can’t be for a black government and not be for black pilots.”

The only problem with your theory is the Bob Problem:

It doesn’t WORK.

They DO prefer white pilots. They DO prefer black governments. Maybe not hte black government they HAVE, but black governments.

Your logic breaks down in analyzing real people’s real motivations. The same pro-Israeli Jew whose dream is a world without white gentiles is fanatically against non-whites having the bomb.

Not only are you wrong that it can’t happen, as your logic breaks down in the case of black pilots, the fact is you are surrounded by people who think BOTH things.

And not one of them knows he has this doublethink in his mind.

Doublethink in politics is routine. Logicking out what people SHOULD think just won’t cut it.

This leads us to vital point: blind hatred is suicidal. The blind hatred of white gentiles which most Jews mistake for “righteous resentment” is actually hate.

For whites to desire the end of the white race is the natural result of the kind of worship of sterility that Christianity adopted from the Manichaeans. What would be more natural than that a race which believed sterility is the highest good would adopt the attitude that its own end is the ultimate goal a true Christian should seek?

To pursue this goal, they have to insist that a world without any whites would be just as good as a world without them.

But Mark Twain defined “faith” as “Believing what you know ain’t so.” This is a wonderful illustration of what he meant.

Everybody wants to have faith in the equality of all races and to view the end of hte white race as a great, world-saving sacrifice. But that’s for our great-great-grandchildren.

But when you talk about NUKES you talk about NOW. You are not dealing with far-off future date when Mamma PC will make everything nice.

And, frankly, you are not talking about future generations any more. Youare talking about what will happen to somebody your idealistic neighbors CARE about.


So if youthink non-whites should have the Bomb people say, “Have you lost your friggin’ MIND? You think a bunch of brown Iranians and black Africans and Orientals should have the BOMB!?”

It’s more coded than that, of course, but that is what it means.

Anonymous, you seem to be unaware that all your liberal friends who glorify diversity all the time could buy a house very cheaply in a black or Hispanic neighborhood and enjoy not only a low price but all the joys of multiculturalism.

Right NOW.

The real thing is ugly and nasty, but the faith of Poltical Correctness will take of that.



You cannot be unaware that everybody around you agrees that former colonies should not have the Bomb. You cannot be unaware that they all agree that getting rid of the “race” problem, i.e., getting rid of whites, is the ultimate goal.

So why on earth did you pose such a sillly proposition?

You’re smarter than that.

  1. #1 by lemon on 12/06/2005 - 7:38 pm

    Most people I know are white and they don’t know anything about a “manichean worship of sterility.” They just beleive in being nice. They don’t know that there is even a threat. They just don’t know that nice isn’t the same thing as good, which is stronger stuff,much stronger. But then I don’t travel in big shot political circles. Shari

  2. #2 by Anonymous on 12/06/2005 - 11:49 pm

    “Your logic would say, ‘They can’t be for a black government and not be for black pilots.'”

    You had me there for a minute, Bob. That was brilliant. Upon further reflection, however, I find you haven’t yet convinced me that I need to retract.

    Basically, you’re saying that I trust my brain more than I trust my eyes. You’re saying that if something doesn’t make sense, I’ll refuse to admit it exists, even when the proof is sitting right in front of my nose.

    It’s true that my brain isn’t wired very well for understanding politics. You’re helping me to get over that handicap. But although doublethink is hard for me to understand, I don’t deny it exists. So when I’m charged with being the kind of person who prefers a logical theory over the evidence of his own eyes, I must of course dissent.

    You and I disagree on a matter of fact, that’s all. Perhaps I’m missing something big, but it’s not at all obvious to me that “nonproliferation” is directed at keeping the Bomb out of non-white former colonies. China, Pakistan, and India already have it, and Brazil is very close. But nobody’s demanding that they be referred to the UN Security Council. I don’t think they developed that technology all by themselves, either. Do you?

    To me, it’s a lot more plausible that what “terrorists and tyrants” have in common isn’t brown skin, but “anti-Western” nationalism. That’s why most of the “regime change” in the last five years has been going on in the former Soviet republics, including the white ones. Both Putin and Musharraf have the Bomb, but the white guy’s in a lot more trouble than the brown guy right now.

  3. #3 by Anonymous on 12/06/2005 - 11:57 pm

    “For whites to desire the end of the white race is the natural result of the kind of worship of sterility that Christianity adopted from the Manichaeans.”
    You’re certainly on to something there, Bob. There’s definitely something suicidal about gentiles when compared to non-gentiles. Last night I came across the following passage in a VERY obscure work first published in 1931:
    “In the Jewish race education does not tend to an increase in the suicide rate as it does with other peoples. Here again I think the reason is obvious. For the Jew in Central Europe education is sought not so much for an end in itself, but because they, being a race in constant conflict with other societies with whom they are in contact, are seeking education in order to equip themselves better for that conflict.”
    As you’ve said before, perhaps white gentiles will become less suicidal when we ourselves become a beleaguered minority in our own countries. If this suicidal tendency is genetic, on the other hand, we’re in big trouble.

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