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War Story

Posted by Bob on December 6th, 2005 under How Things Work

When I rent a DVD I watch the movie first, and then I watch it with the commentary.

Almost every one of them contains attacks on Poltical Correctness from the most politically correct place on earth.

I was listening to the commentary on “Back the Future II” and I heard a war story that was as good as any I went ten thousand miles to get.

Two of the producers of “Back to the Future” were talking about the film. One of them said that the two of them and the other producer had asked for an increase in salary for the sequel, since everybody else had gotten a raise.

When a movie is a huge hit, like “Back to the Future I” had been, everybody routinely gets a big increase for making the sequel. So since everybody else from stars to Best Boy got an increase for BFII, they demanded an increase or they wouldn’t do the sequel.

One of the commenters said that the third producer got a call from a big shot in the studio who seldom called anybody. He had thorouhgly Jewish name and the one thing everybody knew about him was that he had mob connections, close ones.

This producer said, on the disc which is available everywhere, that when the other producer came back from talking to this mob-connected studio big shot he was white as a sheet and shaking.

“So,” the producers tells the public at large, “We settled for the same amount we got for Back to the Future I.”

Full stop.

That’s the way it works in Hollywood.

Then they went on to the rest of the comments.

Don’t look for THAT to be talked about by any columnist.

  1. #1 by Anonymous on 12/06/2005 - 5:53 pm

    “Don’t look for THAT to be talked about by any columnist.”
    A mainstream book once did mention the fact that Hollywood is run by the Jewish mob, and that anybody who makes a living there consequently has mob connections.
    It was a book trashing Ronald Reagan.

  2. #2 by Peter on 12/06/2005 - 8:49 pm

    If a columnist won’t touch it, at least a book on Reagan did. Any more clues on the book to help us other readers track it down?

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