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Reply to Joe

Posted by Bob on December 13th, 2005 under Comment Responses

In response to my article, “PAINFUL Nostalgia,” which described how the president of the main university in Ukraine gave Sharon and the ADL the answer that, before the group that calls istself The Greatest Generation took over, would have been considered an AMERICAN reply, Joe writes,

“Oy. Further down in the article, a paragraph reads, ‘stung by growing criticism, Ukrainian officials may finally be taking the issue seriously. President Viktor Yuschenko this week urged his country’s elites to condemn anti-Semitism and xenophobia.’I remember the US and international media screaming to change the presidential results to get this bozo in office. Is there any wonder why? ”

Comment by joe o — 12/10/2005

My reply:

Joe, what officials in Eastern Europe say is a good deal different from what they mean.

They are still very much dependent on us.

For example, Russia has the same Hate Speech Laws every other country outside the United
States has. Under those laws you can get a prison sentence just for owning David Duke’s
book “Jewish Supremacism.”

It is on sale in the Russian Duma, in Russian. Going into the subay, David and I met a
man who was selling it. It sells like hotcakes in Russia.

  1. #1 by joe o on 12/13/2005 - 9:37 pm

    President Viktor Yuschenko is the President of Ukraine, not the University. He said what he is supposed to say in accordance with the PC religion. The University newspaper was the heretic, not Yuschenko.

  2. #2 by Mark on 12/14/2005 - 9:18 am

    Bob, do the people in Ukraine understand who was responsible for the murders of 20,000,000 of their own people when the Communists took over years ago? It boggles my mind to think that a people who had been slaughtered by their Jewish/Communist oppressors 50 years ago would forget so easily and then elect a Jewish supported president. Is there something here I’m missing?

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