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Delighted, Confused and Apprehensive

Posted by Bob on December 20th, 2005 under Coaching Session

“Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.”

Suddenly, after half a century, I have what I wished for. Suddenly there are other active minds who have grasped the basic, effective points I have worked on all my life and are running with them.

This has left me both delighted and confused.

It is going to take me considerable explanation to explain exactly why this leaves me in such a state of confusion. But the explanation isnot to tell you about me, but to explain what a breakthrough this is.

So I am delighted and I am confused.

You see, for half a century I have worked, intellectually speaking, alone. Now there are suddenly three or four Bob Whitakers here who understand exactly what the work needed is.

I am also apphrehensive. I am TERRIFIED of Mark and Peter and Hollywood professional and the man Peter has found and all the rest of you fading out on me. My terror is now that horrible Comments (0).

We are now, for the first time, conducting a SEMINAR on the whole purpose of my life. Readers know what I have gone through to finally reach this point.

But I am very vulnerable here. To my delight, we have gone from a lecture to a seminar. I can do a lecture all by myself, but a seminar cannot be done by one person.

Get in here!


  1. #1 by joe rorke on 12/20/2005 - 8:43 pm

    Fear not, Bob. The Bible says, “the just shall live by faith.” Also, “there is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear; he that feareth is not made perfect in love.” Your friends will be your friends if they are your friends.

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