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Peter and Mark Have Taken us from from a Lecture to a Seminar

Posted by Bob on December 20th, 2005 under Comment Responses

For the first time in my life, I am no longer lecturing on basics.

Peter went out and started WORKING on getting our points out, and Mark has some in with advice as a professional salesman.

Here are Peter’s latest two contributions:

I saw the man yesterday inside church before we went home. Two nice old ladies came by to listen, because they “like history so much.” I’ll try to give you a summary for you to think about. I am including longer details so you get a clearer picture.

As I was speaking to the man, I recalled that he hadn’t slung the Nazi thing at me, but used it to explain why HE avoided racial loyalty. This is HIS fear. I decided to use your response anyway. He said, no when he thought white loyalty would lead to killing, he didn’t mean that I was the kind of man that would do that. Because I believed him, we were in a church with excellent acoustics, I have the loudest speaking voice known to man, and the two old ladies and others were listening, I decided it would be bad to go on the attack.

I did, however use most of your arguments (multiculturalism, genocide, the PC religion). He REALLY liked your arguments, since they were phrased just like his own thoughts and he caught the good humor in them.

However, the trick may be tailoring effective arguments to the situation, and seeing what is the central questions in the other man’s mind. I ran through a litany of other answers to his objections. I said racial genocide is murder, but love cannot be hate, love does not lead to killing, race is part of God’s creation, man is created in God’s image, etc…

But the central issue was his fear. I have encountered the identical fear in both liberals and conservatives and it all comes down to the PC version of WWII, the Jews’ great blood libel, which covers up their own genocidal crimes against humanity.

Fear does not well respond to reason. The fear had already led to a rationalization: that the only real race is the kingdom of God. I said that this was much like the gnostic heresy (he knows quite a lot about that and the problems it has led to in American religion), that Jesus came down into history to make our lives better now, before we die, but countering what he said does not work because the real issue is his fear.

Actually, though the conversation was very encouraging. Here is a good man and intelligent, who probably represents the overwhelming majority who think just like us but are waiting for a strong man (or anything viable) to come along and show signs of success. And the masses will through their weight in.

He told me, too, that when he was first hired as the legislative aid on the staff of the assemblyman, he was asked at some kind of a board meeting what he thought was the most important issue of the age. His answer: race. When he was met with total silence, he knew he had hit upon the right answer. But his fear kicked in, too.

So, the only thing I could think of to address the issue of fear was to return to the Scotch-Irish. He was interested in a bit how their history began as Anglo-Saxons in the old English kingdom of Northumbria. The two old ladies listening liked that. (One has red hair.) He accepts his heritage with pride but is guarded because of his fear that ethnic pride leads to killing.

At some point when I first talked to him, he had said UNguardedly, that he did believe there was one race that did deserve extinction, but at that point, he looked terribly embarrassed and I did not twist the knife. I can only guess what he meant.

In any case, I can’t say I have had a conversation like this before. He is fascinating to listen to. He had interesting things to say, such as: Westerners living in the dry West developed strong bodies, but weak minds (and Northeasterners have weak minds and weak bodies). I said he hit the nail on the head. He often has long friendly conversations with people after the service, not surprising for a man who used to travel around a district talking to strangers.

Comment by Peter

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