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David Irving

Posted by Bob on August 8th, 2006 under Coaching Session, History

When Gorbaczev let up just a little on the Soviet tyranny, the whole thing collapsed. Political Correctness is making this mistake up front.

In the days when the Soviet Empire seemed unshakable, an opponent of the regime just disappeared. There are many altered photos that showed Stalin with several of his top leaders in which the leaders who were purged were actually taken out of the photo, which is Orwell got his Memory Hole.

Later, when the world had copies of photos from the wire services as soon as they were made, another tactic was used. Anyone the regime didn’t like who was too public to disappear was put ito a psychiatric institution. All the media tended to agree that the guy might just be nuts.

Political Correctness used to use a version of both these tactics. A threatening high-level person like all the people I worked with would simply be ignored. Even Nobel Laureates like Crick and Shockley became Unpersons.

All the arguments Political Correctness lost became Non-Issues. Now that they have been crushed on the importance of heredity versus environment, it is now official docrine that there is NO SUCH THING as heredity or environment. Al the authorities who expect a pyacheck now agree that is Simplistic Concept.

When we beat them on the absolute doctrine that all races were innately equal on IQ, the official doctrine, backed by anyone who wants to make a living, is that race does not exist.

The second method was also popular. Anyone like Enoch Powell who denounced immigration or Revilo P. Oliver or Willis Carto was declared to be a nut.

Nothing could be STUPIDER on the part of the Politically Correct Terror than opwnly imprisoning people like David Irving, openly, for the CRIME of HERESY.

David Irving and others who are in prison under the Politically Terror are doing a job that they know very well is the death knell of the Politically Correct Terror.

I regret that the pain ANY martyr has to face. But it absolutely indispensable, and I am sure Irving KNOWS that.

  1. #1 by mderpelding on 08/09/2006 - 8:36 pm


    How can you say that pain is good?
    That is an eastern concept.
    By your own worldview.
    “All martyrs have to face pain”?
    “Pain is indispensable?”
    How about sacrifice?
    Lets kill a few of our own.
    They deserved it.
    It’s all about JUSTICE.
    We are nine percent of the worlds population.
    Oh, I know, we need to SACRIFICE.
    Worshipping David Irving and HIS SACRIFICE
    makes you sound like a Catholic.
    Allthough, in early Europe, Catholicism
    attempted to unify disparate peoples.
    Sacrifice is sick.
    Martyrdom is sick.
    WE Desperately need to LIVE.
    We can no longer tolerate martyrdom.
    Nor sacrifice.
    These are wordist concepts.
    They are my progeny.

  2. #2 by Shari on 08/10/2006 - 9:48 am


    I agree that expecting the younger generation to shoulder all this mess is wrong. They have just been born into it. And too many have not been born at all. But nothing the powerful are doing seems to be working anymore. I think the handwriting is on the wall although the trouble isn’t over yet.

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