Archive for August 24th, 2006


Joe says that my failure to correct my spelling shows a contempt for my readers.

Joe is a mean old bastard, but he is a mean old bastard with a feel for reality.

Yes, I didn’t bother to correct my spelling, and it DID show a contempt for MANY of my readers.

I got so desperately TIRED of having to make the same points over and over and over and over and over and then getting replies that completely ignore the points I make over and over and over and over. When I make the same point for the dozenth time, I don’t want to read it over again and correct the spelling.

I was SICK of it!

But Joe made me realize something critical. The only person who can deliver a kick in the ass to a mean old bastard at the right time is another old mean old bastard.

Just after I wrote the above “I was SICK of it!”, I went back to find some examples of what I was sick of. But I found that ALL the comments I have received lately are exactly the ones I keep asking for.

For example, I went exuberantly ballistic at Tim’s hitting dead on target. Dave gave me encouragement. The rest of you were on target.

As Joe says, it’s time I realized this.

After YEARS of reading Old Testament quotes and detailed agreements and disagreements, I am FINALLY getting dead on target participation in this seminar.

Joe’s criticism came in at just the right time.

I am not about to knock myself correcting my spelling and grammar on Stormfront. On Stormfront I just wrote a piece that was hard work explaining to a Jew about why we don’t trust Jews who try to have the right opinion.

Most of the responses consisted of the usual canned crap about how Jews are a tribe or religion or a nation or a brand of rock candy.

But Bob’s Blog commenters are coming around, and, as Joe says, it is about time I treated you with more respect.




Tim has a LONG quote in the comments section under “But Dave, Nobody Wants to Rule the World Any More.”

But Tim put that long quotation in AFTER explaining, in his OWN time, what it was about and how it fits in here. Tim understands what the rules on quotes here are.

Let me repeat, if you don’t read the comments, you are not reading Bob’s Blog. I approve each one. You will see “Comments (4)” at the bottom of “But, Dave, Nobody Wants to Rule the World Any More.” You click on Comments (4) and you read the comments.

That is REQUIRED reading for this seminar.

Then, having read the give and take here, you see examples of the best and the worst.

The WORST is a quote from the Old Testament with no explanation. The BEST is a piece that relates everything to what is being raught in this seminar, or, even better, an expansion on it, as mderpelding is particularly good at.

This very long quote from Tim falls into the latter category.

There is a PROCESS going on where some Jews are having to try to find some way to face their own stupidity and still say they are Shrewd. There is a PROCESS going on where respectable conservatives like Buchanan are trying to wiggle out of saying what everybody is beginning to realize about race.

If you read Bob’s Blog, and you don’t just decide whether you agree or disagree with Bob, you will profit from Tim’s comment. If you don’t understand our Blog way of thinking, your mind will wander off into the “agree/disagree” crap and you will have no idea of the PROCESS Tim is using this long quotation to illustrate and expand on.


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Jewish Stupidity

A Jewish grad student wrote an anti-diversity piece in the Euro-American Student Forum which, in the tradition of University

Free Speech, has since been abolished.

Someone on Stormfront asked why a Jew was complaining about the fact that he had been abused in his high school by nonwhites as a WHITE man, cine Jews are the ones who are always denouncing whites.

My reply may be worth your time to read:


He is a victim of Jewish stupidity.

As I said before, Jews refer to themselves as a minority or white or a nation or a religion, whichever is convenient at the

time and nobody dares call them on it.

So Jews taught minorities to hate whites, to attack whites, to insult whites. They wanted to vent their hatred on white

gentiles and they wanted non-whites to do the same thing.

But what they did not take into account was that, to non-whites, Jews LOOK white.

So while a lot of us white gentiles live in the country, it is JEWS who live MOSTLY in the big cities like New York where the

huge and really nasty mass of nonwhites are. So, after all their vengeful work in inciting nonwhites against whites, who is

it that gets the hell beat out of them on a regular basis?

Ah, those Perfect Jewish Geniuses! They are so SHREWD!




You’d think the guy would have the decency to at least spell his words correctly so that people wouldn’t have to figure out what the hell he’s saying. But you would be wrong. He doesn’t even think about spelling his words correctly so that you don’t have to figure out what he’s trying to say. This is a basic contempt for the reader. What else can it be?

Comment by joe rorke


Joe, please do not refer to me in the third person.

I work very hard here to earn your abuse, and you owe it to me to give me PERSONAL credit for pissing you off.



Welcome, Papillon!


Hello Bob,

I have come to join your seminar. I take it the above must be written before commenting. Is one enough for the system?

Your ruling the world would be most splendid. For all concerned.

– Papillon

Comment by Papillon


Welcome aboard!

We’ll see if you qualify, but youa remore than welcome anyway. This seminar is for people who have outgrown their college education whether they had one or not.

I charge zero tuition, but for your benefit I provide you with a student loan to cover it.

You cannot feel that you have had a truly University Experience these days unless you have to carry around a debt for a student loan for the rest of your life, even if it’s just a theoretical one.


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