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Posted by Bob on September 5th, 2006 under Comment Responses

Bob I forgot you covered that in one of your radio lecture/porch talk lessons…I’ll go back to what I thought (but forgot) as I do sometimes

Comment by Kelly


As I said below, us old warriors get mean. So I called Kelly’s excuse for the WWII Generation “BULLSHIT.”

But my commenters are getting used to me. A year or two ago somebody would have been personally hurt if I had said that. Kelly takes it in stride. I am not aiming this at HIM. I am aiming it at all those others who keep coming back at me about how I am insulting their Beloved Grandaddy Earl who was in World War II.

Did Kelly make some monstrous mistake here?

Of course not.

Here is my reply to his comment above:

“Kelly, it would be nice if you remembered every single golden word that falls from my keyboard, but it ain’t gonna happen. Trying to remember all I write would be like trying to swallow Niagara Falls without a bathroom break.”

“If you get the basics and build on them that is more than enough for me.”

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