Archive for September 17th, 2006

Al Parker, Shari, and OUR Conspiracy

If anything happens to me, you can call Jamie Kelso and he will tell you how to keep this blog, our seminar, our conspiracy, going.

One watershed was reached here that only I would fully appreciate:

Shari said she didn’t know how to do the copying and pasting, AND SOMEONE ANSWERED HER.

Once you learn to do something on the Internet you forget how mysterious it was before. Shari had the courage to state flatly that she didn’t know how to do it. For one person who simply doesn’t know how to do, there are at least ten more who don’t want to admit their “ignorance.”

When a comrade asks for help please give it. Please don’t leave it to me.

I see more and more commenters advising each other on which blogs to hit with Bob’s Mantra:


Let’s not overlook the blogosphere. It may be a more suited area to target. Blog readers are less composed of nerds and wannabe intellectuals. Let’s look for blogs worth posting to on, then enter the comments section and insert Bob’s mantra. Often the commenting can be done quickly, anonymously, and is not even moderated. We can start with the Islamo-obsessivist Gates of Vienna ( ), who thinks the question of Muslims in Europe is only religious in nature.

Comment by Al Parker


This is exactly what I am looking for!

You are steadily taking over.

This is not a lecture, this is a seminar. I am not your Fearless Leader. I am trying to get you grad students ready to take my place.

And this is why I do not want you to consider me “political leader.” In fact, the whole point of my efforts here depend on your clearly seeing the distinction I make here:

A Leader is one who cannot be replaced. His followers follow in the path he has set out.

And here is the BIG difference. I am not a Great Leader in whose steps you are supposed to tread. I am a SEMINAR leader. I am a TEACHER.

The whole point of being a great historical leader is to be one who can never be completely replaced. The whole point of being a TEACHER is to train your replacements in what you have to offer, and for THEM to go on from there.

I want to leave a group of people who have learned a way of thinking, some basics. But I want you to become capable of calling Kelso and going right ahead with this or proceeding in other way, or both.

I want to see Shari asking questions and getting less apologetic about HER point of view. I want to see YOU answering questions. I want to see YOU reminidng people to go back to basics.

You cannot imagine how delighted I am when I don’t have to repeat the point because YOU do.

One commenter made me happy when he told another wrier, “You are getting off Bob’s point.”

YOU have to steadily learn the points I can offer you.

But you must progress so that Ian not be the only one who keeps prodding people back to the BASICS. YOU are supposed to get better and better at doing that yourself.

YOU are supposed to go out and try what I have to offer and come back (please note this, Joe) with the lessons you learn, many of them lessons I don’t KNOW.

If you don’t progress this way, I have failed. If you DO, then everything I am doing is worth the effort.

I want to teach you what I know. But what I know should be only how to handle a glider.

I teach you how to glide so you will learn to fly.


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