Archive for September 29th, 2006

Joe and Rocky

Remember what I told you about Rocky Marciano, Bob. He was scared before every one of his fights. That’s what he said. And you know the Rock don’t lie. Just ‘cause you’re scared don’t mean you don’t tho a punch at somebody.

Part of Comment by Joe Rorke


I’m glad you know how to spell the word “tho.”

If I felt that the Rock DID lie, I would be able to prevent myself from telling him so. As you know, “Discretion is the better part of valor.”

I ain’t chicken.

But I’m LOADED with descretion.



The First Church of Judaism

I hate sermons. In the little Methodist Church my mother made me attend every other Sunday, the clock faced the preacher so he would see when his half hour was used up. It didn’t help that back then a wool suit was the only formal attire, so I had to wear wool pants in the middle of the South Carolina summer.

As I had to explain at each conference I attended, I have spent fifty years writing speeches, giving speeches, listening to speeches, and I attend precious few and never for fun.

Within two miles of where I am sitting there are three synagogues, one of each major branch. If I wanted to hear about Jews all I would need to do is drive to one of them on Saturday. But I don’t.

When I talk to David Duke, he almost NEVER mentions Jews to me. That is because he knows that I am sick to death of the subject. But most specialists on Jews, and he certainly qualifies on that score, are neither that polite and none of the others I have met have David’s empathy.

I am an old interogator, so to me an anti-semitic lecture is much the same as a rabbinical sermon. There is something fundamentally unhealthy about a gentile building his world around Jews. But I am wrong to some extent. You see, an interrogator must not just go with his gut reaction. He has to take human motivations into account.

Being an interrogator is based on rule that are simple, but not EASY.

One of the most basic motivations of human beings, since our outstanding chraracteristic is a large frontal lobe, is that we become interested in what we know about. Overriding Joe’s loud objections in advance, I myself am, to a surprising degree, human. I can prove this surprising point with one example.

I was Special Assistant to the head of the Civil Service for both Staffing and Security checks. There is nothing quite as mind-numbing as regulations for civil service jobs. But I had to study them in depth.

I knew that my studies had gone too far when I was trying to explain to someone the radical implications of a particular decision recorded in the loose-leaf, ten thousand page Federal Personnel Manual (FPM). I finally noticed that the person I was filling in on the background of my Great Discovery had a look on his face that showed clearly that he would be rather doing something more pleasant, like being in the last stages of tuberculosis or having a spike driven into his ear.

Remember that I was a professional interrogator, and it took me that long to catch on!

It bothers me that, in church, there is always a reading from the Old Testament. The curse of being from the Bible Belt is that we are exposed to Jews, Jews, Jews all the time, even if we have never met one of the sect that calls itself Jews today.

I am fighting human nature here. Anybody who has studied Jews on and on and on, for any reason at all, is going to find Jews interesting.

Whether he is anti-semitic or pro-semitic (philo-semitic is pretentious nonsense) makes no difference at all. Whether he is a rabbi or a Bible Belter makes no difference at all. A person tends to take an interest in whatever he knows a lot about.

My problem is that I don’t HAVE to listen to the rabbis. But I have to show folks on my side polite attention, even when I would rather be sitting there having a spike slowly driven into my ear.



Why Antis Use “Ignorant” So Much

The first rule an interrogator learns is that a person is not saying what he THINKS he is saying. We are constantly accused of Hate by people who hate us and our race with a fury that is alien to us. I have never in my long lige met a person who used the word “lie” often whose word could be trusted. This is a basic for survival if you are in power politics. If someone keeps repeating, “It’s not about the MONEY” over and over, you know it’s anbout the money.

And so forth.

So why is one staple term antis use the word “ignorant?” What are they ACTUALLY saying? What they are ACTUALLY saying is the following:

“My Politically Correct Mommy Professor and the media’s carefully selected “respectable” conservatives tell me everything I will ever know. I refuse to learn from anybody else. Everybody outside of Mommy Professor and respectable conservatives is just plain IGNORANT.”

A young man criticized my writing and then apologized for doing so. My re0ply was, “When an old guy resents criticism, he is announcing he is no longer able to learn. I will not reach that stage until theyclose the coffin lid.”

A person who uses the general term “ignorant” has closed his intellectual coffin lid.



Shari and Joe (Ladies First)

Damned right Shari is scared of you. You’re one scary guy. I remember when I first entered this blog. I thought you were going to come through the computer at me. You told me how nobody messed with you and I wondered what part of Brooklyn you came from. So, of course, since I’ve been there and done that, I took you on. Child’s play. But Shari probably is scared of you. Remember what I told you about Rocky Marciano, Bob. He was scared before every one of his fights. That’s what he said. And you know the Rock don’t lie. Just ‘cause you’re scared don’t mean you don’t tho a punch at somebody.

Shari might be scared but she’s also right there and that’s enough. She hasn’t left town yet. And she’s a great student. Which is a lot better than no student at all.

Comment by joe rorke — 9/28/2006 @ 2:10 pm | Edit This

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I don’t know if I am scared of Bob or not. I figure there is not much he can do to me unless he is really a PC sicko, pretending otherwise, and will turn me in to the secret police.

Comment by Shari


Joe and Shari have given me a chance to repeat something basic: Being a gentleman. I am not naive enought ot hink Joe did so accidentally. As you know, being raised around the group that calls iself The Greatest Generation makes me sick at my stomach when I tell anybody how tough I am.

So Joe did that for me. Yes, I have been a in a lot of situations that would give a frozen turkey the shivers, and so has Joe. On the other hand, a lady has nothing to fear from me or Joe. Quite the opposite. Mexicans are “macho.” That means they drive wildy and risk the lives of otehrs to prove their manhood. They are mean.

All of our enemies make war on women and children. Jews and homosexuals try to subvert us through getting white women to be Libbers or to be fashionable. In Soul on Ice, Eldridge Cealver demanded that blacks rape white women to take away their aura of being on a pedestal. Black riots never went into white areas, because there were white MEN there.

A gentleman is just what it says, a gentle MAN. Those sweet old Southern boys with their “Yes, maam” and “No maam” are notoriously the last guys on earth you want to insult face-to-face. If you come to, it will be in an Intesive Care Unit, and everybody knows it.

We’re PROUD of that. “Macho” is what we call “trashy.”

It is astonishng that Hollywood LIBERALS described our Southern women best: “Steel Magnolias.”

I was not raised with weak women. I was not raised with weak men. But because our women act very feminine and our men consider good manners to be the sign of class, many Yankees portray our women as shrinking violets.

I treat Shari and Elizabeth as ladies. But I am NOT easy on them. They would, quite rightly, be offended if I did. Anybody who tried to treat Elizabeth or Shari as a delicate little flower in a discussion would find himself in the verbal equivalent of that Intensive Care Unit the Good Ole Boys would put them into.

No, I leave it to trash to physically abuse women or to make their attacks on our women and children. I leave it to idiots to treat an intelligent LADY as if she were a shrinking violet. I do speak differently to women than to men here in some cases. But that is respect for the sex, not giving out breaks.


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Alan B.


Good question, why did Reagan pick that turkey Bush senior for the VP position. Well there are many reasons and one important one may be that a conservative like Reagan could never be elected with out a moderate or sellout like Bush. Now if we remember what BOB taught us about Wallace and the strong showing he had as a third part candidate it would have been obvious that this reasoning was false. But Washinton DC is full of experts on everything and Reagans advisors sold the party out by choosing Bush as the VP. Few people vote for the vice president, Reagan would have defeated peanut head with a conservative as the VP.

Comment by Alan B.


Reagan’s choice for VP in 1980 was Laxalt of Nevada, a solid conservative of Basque descent.

Reagan’s staffers, the same ones who later took, “Mr. Gorbaczv, tear down this wall!” out of his speech THREE TIMES — he kept putting it back in — were committed to a “moderate.” When they suggested Bush, Reagan’s first words were, “But he’s a WIMP!”

But the pro-moderates had solid support from the media and from Nancy Reagan.

In 1989, Nancy, there was a little revenge on Nancy. When Bush accepted the nomination her husbad had obrained for him for president, Bush made a speech saying his would be a “kinder and gentler_ Administration.

Like so many respectable conservative dupes, Nanacy finally got it, and got it it too late. Sobran and Bushanan had the same problem.

Nancy came back from that speech asking, “Kinder and gentler THAN WHAT?” She finallly realized that the man she had sponsored was repudiating Reagan openly. He then got rid of ALL the Reagan appointees more throughly than a Democrat would have.
