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Posted by Bob on September 9th, 2006 under Coaching Session

People keep talking about “What if the southwest becomes part of Mexico?”

Then the southwest would become Nowhere.

When I was living in Rhodesia, I was at the back in Johannesburg, South Africa when some American tourists were coming through. Someone asked, “How do we get Rhodesian money?”

Rhodesia was under sanctions, and Rhodesian money was not allowed in any bank that was part of the international banking system. But Rhodesia was still Somewhere, because it was under white rule. Tourists poured into Rhodesia and South Africa.

Now Zimbabwe occupies the same ground Rhodesia did. It is black-ruled, and it is on precious few tourist itineraries.

If you go to Nogales, Mexico, right on the border with Nogales, Arizona, you will see little difference between that city and any other Mexican city. The only drinkale water in that Nogales has to be piped in from the US Nogales across the border.

When the southwest becomes Mexican, it will sink into the third world. The fact that it was once part of the United States will make no difference whatsoever. As New Orleans showed during Katrina, a black city is the third world. For the first time in American history, foreign aid poured into New Orleans in the same way it would into any other helpless third world location in a disaster.

Tourism still flows into New York. But Harlem is Nowhere. Tourists come into Washington, but not into the third world section of DC. Whites used to live there. But it has been gone for almost fifty years, and it is simply not noticed today. The third world takes over areas, and those areas routinley become Nowhere.

So don’t panic over the reconquista of American states. There will be no sudden terror. What is happening there is happening all over the white world. And whites are steadily becoming a voting bloc.

Whites race becoming a voting bloc. This process will go on from here. Whites think more racially every day.

What is under way is a process, not a looming tsunami that people say will be “solved” when they get tough and fight from their bunkers.

  1. #1 by Kelly on 09/09/2006 - 3:35 pm

    Lets also be clear that the more they take the more they will feed off of their spoils! The more they take the more they will consider themselves capable to do as they like…More rapes more gang rapes of our woman, children, and wives…The more they will murder our people trying to live in a free country…Freedom meaning free from all of this barberic people who have been doing nothing for our society…with their complacentcy and their murdering of innocent people and children!..Raping are unsuspecting women at will!..All because of this Media that has blood on their hands…Remember when the time comes, these people who sat behind the T.V. screen and told you nothing of the truth…they didn’t use logic will hiding behind that camera…these people are a direct cause of our innocent women and children being raped and murderd at the will of these hordes…No one escapes JUDGEMENT!…

  2. #2 by Kelly on 09/09/2006 - 3:40 pm

    We are under attack from many different fronts…These hordes are entering this country illegaly!..They are kidnapping our own citizens!..They our killing the innocent!…They are raping our children!…they are demanding that we bend to their will!..

  3. #3 by Bob on 09/09/2006 - 3:50 pm

    The real point of the post was the last sentence in the above article I left out:


  4. #4 by Kelly on 09/09/2006 - 3:50 pm

    Their is nothing more despicable then these hordes attacking our United States with this kind of treachery (killing and raping our women and children while systamaticaly with content to take over our country)!..The countrys and their people behind all of this should not be allowed to sit in the nose bleed sections thinking that they are going to be immune to the judgement neither…They themselves should be punished with HELL on EARTH…You do not attack The scientific creators work and beleive you yourselves immune to punishment!

  5. #5 by Kelly on 09/09/2006 - 3:52 pm

    NOT SPAM NOT SPAM…Bob I forgot not spam on three earlier post…

  6. #6 by Bob on 09/09/2006 - 3:58 pm


    Don’t worry.

    You will be hanged and left on the tree as a warning.

    But next time, I’m going to really get tough on you.

  7. #7 by Kelly on 09/09/2006 - 4:15 pm

    NOT SPAM NOT SPAM…Let me also say thet the complacentcy of the foreign countrys to the killing and raping and all out degenerate actions of their own against a foreign country has been noted…These hordes deserive no respect or hospiltality!..ANY!…these kinds of people are terrorist!..We live in a natural existense learning to be ruled by law and aiming toward what is right…hordes are nothing more then a plague as a whole…They are simplicticly an organicism striving to exist in a world that runs parrallel to this common mode of survival…Simply we as a nation want to evolve and survive by doing the right things and making laws to help guide us to a more evolved society…As to where these hordes want to infiltrate and mutate that, in turn, bending the will of Nature and God to their will…

  8. #8 by Kelly on 09/09/2006 - 4:22 pm

    Sometimes I even miss the point of tying my own shoes, so it does’t surprise me…?

  9. #9 by Mark on 09/09/2006 - 5:06 pm


    We’re getting what we deserve. We always do. At some point we will
    rise up and take our lives back, but until then we weill continue
    getting what we deserve.

  10. #10 by Kelly on 09/09/2006 - 7:22 pm

    NOT SPAM NOT SPAM Bob if you see me making a mistake, Getting tough on me would be a good thing…ANTIS should get the hell out…This is a Seminar…Or ANTI number two-The ANTIS that are making laws that are forcing the genocide of the white race in what ever form should also face JUDGEMENT for trying to control the will of GOD!..Anyone who back’s the knowingly genocide of a race of people have tainted minds that are just as responsible as a knowingly violent criminal on the streets commiting murder against some one who is an innocent person…So these society murderers (ANTIS) can sit back on their little keyboards playing and pretending not to understand what is going on but the judgement shall be the same…for when the LORD knocked no one answered…WHAT these ANTIS should do, is clear their minds and get on the RIGHT side of this FIGHT!

  11. #11 by Pain on 09/10/2006 - 12:27 am



    I was just looking at pictures of what a pristine paradise LA was 100 years ago. Places like Gospel Slough and Nigger Slough were popular for bird-hunters. It was sunny almost everyday except foggy mornings at the beach. Open space, Live Oaks, White Oaks and silver Sagebrush everywhere.

    It’s all gone now. It’s a wonder that LA isn’t already No PLace. Maybe they’ll move Hollywood to Columbia, SC. Lots of cheap, slip-shod Spick labour for contract work now.

  12. #12 by Pain on 09/10/2006 - 1:01 am



    I like this: “We are under attack from many different fronts…These hordes are entering this country illegaly!..They are kidnapping our own citizens!..They our killing the innocent!…They are raping our children!…they are demanding that we bend to their will!…”

    Fuel for Revolution.

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