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Posted by Bob on September 11th, 2006 under Coaching Session

My doctor was in the Naval Reserve. He took a course in survival in Alaska.

Often groups of men are isolated in Alaska and for months have nothing to eat but meat.

FAT meat. There are no skinny animals up there. The course pointed out that, contrary to

every dietitian’s course, the men never end up anything but MUCH healthier from an all-meat


This is practically a secret, since there is a giant industry based on a “balanced diet.”

One experiment is worth a hundred “expert opinions.”

My doctor brother has searched the literature. There is no correlation between eating cholesterol and heart disease.

There IS a correlation between cholesterol IN parts of the body and disease, but this has nothing to do with EATING cholesterol.

Cholesterol is animal fat. Every extra calorie you eat, no matter whether it is sugar or meat, turns into animal fat, YOUR fat. Oddly enough, the only known exception is the high-protein Atkins Diet.

But MANY people have eaten low cholesterol diets, heavy on the sugar, and died because of high cholerterol in thier bodies. The carbohydrates become animal, i.e., human fat, inside them.

  1. #1 by Dave on 09/11/2006 - 3:38 pm


    We are told that Americans live longer and are healthier because of the modern miracles of that organized crime racket called American medicine.

    Nothing of the kind.

    The reason we are taller, healthier, and live longer is the advent of cheap meat protein owing to the factory farming innovations of the 1960s.

    People are so moronic that they are forgotten that until the 1960s you could tell the difference between the rich and poor by looking at them. The poor were small in stature, with frail bones, because that did not have access to meat protein as children.

    This phenomenon is still very visible in the third world.

    Also, a meat diet is the most marvelous protection against infection from both bacterial and viral causes. In days past, the sick would live or die depending upon their access to meat protein.

    I truly believe that most vegetarians are morons plain and simple. Parents who refuse to feed their children meat are flat out criminals.

  2. #2 by Jeremy on 09/12/2006 - 4:22 am

    Hi Bob. Fairly new to your site. I feel like I should say something here, since I am a healthcare professional, a cardiovascular intensive care unit nurse(CICU RN) and a vegetarian since birth. I am 6’1′ and 280 lbs. was on a sports scholarship in college. I’m big and strong and fast, always have been. And my little brother is bigger than me. I am saying this since Dave apparently likes to make wild unsubstantied claims about being a meat-eater vs. being a vegetarian. You don’t need to eat meat to get adequate nutritionally complete protein, that’s bunk. And if Americans are taller and bigger (fatter) it’s because of the steroids fed to the animals and the increased number of calories we eat. If you went to another country, it would be patently obvious that this is the case. The difference between rich and poor was not meat in the diet. It was diet and lifestyle in general. Less food (veggies, grains, or meats) equals less calories. CALORIES. As you mentioned earlier, a calorie is a calorie. But not all calories are created equal. If you eat extra fat calories, your body doesn’t have to do anything to convert the fat, it simply stores it, not a lot of work involved. It prefers to store fat, less work. It you eat higher amnounts of protein, it is a lot of metabolic work for the body to convert it to fat, same with carbohydrates though not so much. I feel that a complete explanation of biochemical reactions at the cellular level is beyond the scope or interest of this message board. If you really want to know more, I’d be happy to tell you. Plants, by the way, have sterols, which are similar to cholesterol from animals, and of course, a person’s body produces cholesterol all by itself. So, while you would seemingly like to claim no correlation between eating meat and CAD(coronary artery disease), there is. Eating extra calories, which are fat, are readily stored in the body as fat. DUH. And if you eat a lot of protien, most people eat too much in this county, that creates a state of metabolic acidosis, that your body doesn’t like. And this is also ignoring the bodies’ systemic response to basically any stressor, which is an inflammatory response. Which creates a whole cascade of problems you body has to scramble to fix, like acid-base balance. Notice how osteoporosis is only prevelant in socities where people eat a lot of meat and dairy? The animal protien leaches calcium from the bones. Now as for your example of people in Alaska, don’t you find it odd that a remote people like the Eskimos who eat this diet all the time who as a distinct population are much fatter than most people all over the globe with the same standard? Is this an attempt at stimulating discussion about differences of race? I hope so, otherwise you seem oblivious and naive to such an obvious thing. It is mainly fat from fish by the way, which most Americans are deficient of, the omega 3’s and 6’s, I am sure you have heard of them. And if your buddy is taking a survival class in AK, do you think he is eating a lot of processed foods, empty calories, extra calories? You may be very astute in the sociopolitical arena, international relations, foreign policy, but you don’t know jack about the human body or optimal nutrition. And at this point I really doubt this post gets put up on your site, but here it is anyway.

  3. #3 by Jeremy on 09/12/2006 - 4:31 am

    p.s. i probably should of edited and rewrote part of that last post, as i am reading through it again, some of my thoughts (so clear in my head) got jumbled or lost in the process of typing them out.

  4. #4 by Mark on 09/12/2006 - 11:34 am


    Hoo boy! 6’1″ and 280 pounds. Last time I looked at the “official”
    height and weight charts Jeremy would be classified as OBESE. Unless he
    has a physique like Arnold Schwarzenaeger, I’d say he was
    kinda’ fat — and a candidate for heart attack and/or stroke, not
    to mention diabetese. I’m glad he’s a vegetarian — would hate to see
    how big he’d be on a protein rich diet.

  5. #5 by Jeremy on 09/13/2006 - 12:57 am

    i am pretty built, i could lose 20-30lbs, though you are right about that. But the charts you are refering to, are either from the metropolitian health insurance actuaries fromt the 1950’s or a BMI chart (body mass index). Neither is accurate or reflective of someone with a lot of muscle mass.
    Hence my intro regarding my (in my mind) athletic background. I get plenty of protein, by the way. Have you seen old man arnold lately, he’s quite chuncky his ownself.

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