Archive for September 13th, 2006

The Preamble Party and The Last Superpower

The only Preamble that is binding onthe United States Government, “We the People of the United States of America and OUR Posterity,” was written when this country had no standing army at all.

The Preamble Party says that the size and weapons capacity of our armed forces has no effect whatsoever on the Constitution. Whether we are the last superpower or we have nothing but a Coast Guard and National Guards, the ONLY obligation we have is “to secure the blessing of liberty to OURSELVES and OUR Posterity.”

We have no right or obligation to kill foreigners to secure liberty for THEM or anybody else. We have killed hundreds of thousands of people with that excuse, and it is inexcusable and unconstitutional.

We have not only the right, but the obligation, to shoot a far smaller number of people crossing our borders illegally. We cannot secure liberty for our people without taking our own borders as seriously as we do the borders of Iraq.

The shooting has already started, long since. So we will listen to no outcries about how innocent civilians might get killed. We had no such scruples firebombing Japan or bombing Arabs.

The United States Government has no RIGHT to extend protection to those who are not part of We the People of the United States of America.

Due warning must be given, and after that we will meet all incursions into this country with every means at our disposal.

Innocent people will be killed. Thousands of innocent AMERICANS are being killed regularly by illegal aliens.

The Preamble Party says that our Constitution allows our government no right to extend protection to non-Americans crossing our border illegally. The Preamble Party says that it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL for us to ALLOW illegal aliens to cross our borders if we can stop them by any means in the government’s power.


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How We Got Jeremy

Jeremy says,

I like your site, though. I was introduced to it by accident through Yahoo Answers. I think I will order your book on Amazon.

Comment by Jeremy


Jeremy found this seminar because someone put Bob’s Mantra on Yahoo Answers.

PLEASE put Bob’s Mantra everywhere you get the chance!


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The Preamble Party and OIL


Oil is an issue the Platform Party wold need to address.

Does anybody remember when Bush was accused of fighting “a war for cheap oil” in Iraq?

Have you seen any cheap oil? Have you heard anybody who REMEMBERS that charge?

In his last infuriated Senate speech, Senator Hollings let the cat out of the bag: We are

in Iraq for Israel, wholly for Israel, and ONLY for Israel.

This is not exactly a secret. If you were one of the thousands of staffers on Capitol Hill

and you didn’t know that, you would either be fired or put on disability. Everyone inside

the Beltway knows that, but they also know you don’t MENTION it.

The media have not mentioned Fritz Hollings, once their liberal darling, since.

The Preamble Party would say that the Middle East is a dangerous, unstable place. For the

good of our people, which is the only reason our government exists, we must end our

dependence on MIDDLE EASTERN OIL.

Since the fall of Communism, some serious economic work has gone on in Russia. Since the

fall of Communism, serious exploration has discovered that the country with the largest oil

reserves on earth is NOT Saudi Arabia, but RUSSIA. And more is being discovered every day.

Russia is very anxious to conclude agreements with the United States, whatever you may hear


The country which has the largest COAL reserves on earth, by far, is the United States.

“Cracking” coal to make oil was where South Africa got ALL of its oil. “Cracking” coal

isnow economical,but nobody wants to do it.


Because if we went into serious coal cracking to make oil all the amphasis on the Middle

East would suddenly disappear. The only OTHER excuse we have for being there would

disappear overnight.

Coal cracking is now cheaper than buying oil. If we got into it, it would be much, much

cheaper. We would be the world’s OPEC again.

We were once the world’s OPEC. That is how we got Japan to attack us at Pearl Harbor, by

cutting off their oil supply.

There is another problem with cracking coal. We have huge expenditures for “alternative

energy,” but this is an appeal to the environmental lobby. Like the Hispanic vote, Bush

keeps trying for the solidly Democratic environmentalist vote. So “alternative energy

sources” does not mean making more oil.

For the Preamble Party, Americans need oil, so we will get oil.

Cars can be run on processed natural gas. Once again we probably have the world’s largest

supply of that, too.

Diesel engines can be run on vegetable oil as well as gasoline.

But none of this is being looked into, for the reasons listed above.

*** I will also be hitting on issues outside our usual area for another reason, and you are in on the plot.

If you look at history today, you get the impression that the German National Socialist Party never talked about anything but Jews. But it was a POLITICAL party, and Germany was inthe midst of a giant depression and had lost a war and a major portion of its territory.

I have repeatedly emphasized Bob’s Mantra, so PLEASE don’t think this is an invitation to wander off the subject only the few of us here are needed to emphasize.


But YOU can also use some information I have accumulated on other issues.


Other issues can be USED if you keep popping Bob’s Mantra in. No matter what the subject is, you can become adept at getting the Mantra and HERESY! in.

The true Preamble, “We the people of the United States and OUR posterity,” can be the basis of dealing with ANY issue:

“What’s in it for US?”

The Preamble says our government has no right to do anything for any other people. Building a free nation in Iraq violates the United States Constitution. Doing ANYTHING for ANY United Nations agency violates the United States Constitution. Americans as individuals are free to help the third world, but the government is expressly forbidden to do by the Preamble.

No alien has any rights under the United States Constitution. It applies only to ourselves. Legally resident aliens have only those right expressly granted them. They are NOT covered under the Bill of Rights. Before they have ANY rights, Congress must pass an act stating them specifically. Illegal aliens have no right to due process.

How’s THAT for starters?





“But a white man must speak in entirely objective terms…”

I once had a business associate who had a very blond daughter.
He was one of those anti-white wannabe “evangelist” that make you ill
just listening to him order lunch.

I asked him one day how he would feel if his blond daughter
married a negro. He said, “If he treated her good, then I’d be
okay with it. We are all the same under the skin, after all.”

His statment was interesing and not unlike what a lot of antis make when
asked a similar question. “IF he treated her good…”
Thats the same as saying, “I’d let a pig live in the chicken coop —
IF he could lay eggs and sprout feathers.”

Meanwhile, on planet Earth, those of us with a brain in our heads have sense enough to know it just aint gonna’ happen.

Comment by Mark


Mark, you are missing the BASICS.

No matter how In Love his daughter may be, no matter how nicely she is treated, Jesus said “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

The children will be UGLY. This self-styled Christian hasn’t given THAT a thought.

How would HE like to go through life as a half-blond, half-black mulatto? Does he think his black son-in-law would even LOOK at a girl who looked like the daughters that marriage would produce?

Would OJ Simpson date a girl who looked like h is daughter?




The Preamble Party

Jeremy and Shari reminded me, after I wrote “Meat,” that some of my coaching sessions may seem a bit odd when they don’t deal directly with our shared issue. In this case, the explanation was that I am trying to share a way of thinking, that you should weigh information as to WHY it has been provided.

Take it from me, who has spent money and time sharing hundreds of thousands of words here, that very few people are as weird as I am, and simply want to tell the truth. Every piece of information you get costs somebody time and money, and the reason you get it is as important as the info itself.

I will also be hitting on issues outside our usual area for another reason, and you are in on the plot.

If you look at history today, you get the impression that the German National Socialist Party never talked about anything but Jews. But it was a POLITICAL party, and Germany was inthe midst of a giant depression and had lost a war and a major portion of its territory.

I have repeatedly emphasized Bob’s Mantra, so PLEASE don’t think this is an invitation to wander off the subject only the few of us here are needed to emphasize.


But YOU can also use some information I have accumulated on other issues.


Other issues can be USED if you keep popping Bob’s Mantra in. No matter what the subject is, you can become adept at getting the Mantra and HERESY! in.

The true Preamble, “We the people of the United States and OUR posterity,” can be the basis of dealing with ANY issue:

“What’s in it for US?”

The Preamble says our government has no right to do anything for any other people. Building a free nation in Iraq violates the United States Constitution. Doing ANYTHING for ANY United Nations agency violates the United States Constitution. Americans as individuals are free to help the third world, but the government is expressly forbidden to do by the Preamble.

No alien has any rights under the United States Constitution. It applies only to ourselves. Legally resident aliens have only those right expressly granted them. They are NOT covered under the Bill of Rights. Before they have ANY rights, Congress must pass an act stating them specifically. Illegal aliens have no right to due process.

How’s THAT for starters?


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