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The Preamble Party and Alaska

Posted by Bob on September 13th, 2006 under Coaching Session

You are letting me down. I have not had a single comment on the Preamble Party Platform yet and I need them.

Alaska is a prime candidate for a Preamble Party to make a strong showing.

Alaska has problem that have led to an actual secession movement there. It has to do with the appropraition of Alaska’s resources by the rest of the country. As a political gesture, we need to side with Alaska on that.

There is another issue that has not been brought up. Alaska has the highest percentage of member of the National Rifle Association of all the states. But they can only drive to the “lower forty-eight” through Canada. At the Canadian border all weapons are confiscated.

All literature considered Hate by the Canadian Government is also confiscated and the carrier can be charged with a crime for it.

I know. Paul Fromm was carrying MY book and it was taken from him when he went home to Canada. My book was taken, questioned, and beaten, but after two months it was pronounced legal by the Canadian Thought Police.

But what bothers Canadians is the fact that they cannot take their guns with them across Canada to their own country.

There are a number of countries like Lsotho and Swaziland which lie completely within the borders of another country. To prevent their being isolated, international law recognizes that such countries have special rights to crossing the surrounding country’s borders. The surrounding country would otherwise have the right to a blockade or partial blockade against them, and a blockade is an act of war.

“The Platform Party completely supports the right of Alaskans to all the benefits of resources in the State of Alaska. No resouces may be taken from that State without due compensation, and compensation in fell.”

“Further, Canada has imposed a blockade on the State of Alaska. Citizens of Alaska are entirely separated by land from the rest of the United States, but Alaskans traveling to the rest of their country and citizens of the rest of the United States travelling to Alaska are subject to siezure of property which is legal in other states but not in Canada.”

“A blockade, even a partial blockade, in such a case is an act of war under international law.”

“The platform party will subject ALL Canadians to rigorous search and siezure until Canada ceases this practice against Alaskans en route to the rest of their country.”

  1. #1 by C.E. Whiteoak on 09/13/2006 - 7:49 pm

    Bob, the Preamble Party is the best idea for a new party that has come up in years,
    and as a believer in the Preamble I’m ready to support it.

    While my knowledge of politics is pretty miniscule, I am willing to share my opinions
    for what they’re worth. In my opinion the launching of a new party is crucial, and must
    be done right with the right people or the party is doomed. I’m not claiming I know
    exactly what the right way is, and am willing to let political experts who know how
    to focus determine how to start off on the right foot.

    The reason I say that the way a new party is launched is so important is because I’ve
    seen it done the WRONG way. The mostly late and lamented Southern Party was publicly
    launched in Flat Rock, North Carolina (Hey, you know just where that is!) in August 1999,
    and I was there. The knucklehead who was the first chairman of the party made a speech
    in which he for no good reason made a POINT of not being a racist. I hate it when people
    do that. It always sounds so dumb. He said about the Southern people, “We’re a people, not
    a race.” See what I mean by dumb. I immediately got a sinking feeling that the party was
    doomed. I could go on and on, but I’m sure you’ve heard stories about all the in-fighting
    among the egomaniacs in the Southern Party. The majority of the people put in charge of
    something were rank amateurs when there should have been some experts.

  2. #2 by Kelly on 09/13/2006 - 10:42 pm

    Lets face reality here also…all these other countrys, companys etc.. are just using the people of the United States and to be honest ,I say its time for change! Most people can sit back and think that the people in this country are so content on how fat we are getting that we will not be able to break true to the other side of P.C….Wrong they have been caught fair and square…And trust me if we allow other countrys and companys to use us as the do, when the time comes they will cut any line towing this country..But the bottom line is we must first cut the lines that we the people in the United States are towing for the benefit of a small few…

  3. #3 by joe rorke on 09/14/2006 - 12:40 pm

    It has taken me some time to realize that those who call you a “hater” are the true haters. This whole tactic, strategy, call it what you will has always been a confidence game. You want to live apart from races that are not your own and you are called a “hater.” To such people I say, “go to hell!” You are the true hater. You call White People “supremecists” when, in fact, they are separatists. That, in my opinion, is their right. That, in America, should be their right.

    If I want to come across the Canadian border with certain literature in my possession and the Canadian government steals my literature and calls me a “hater” then I am calling the Canadian government and all its people tyrants and the true haters in this world. This word “hater” has been thrown around and tolerated far more than it ever should have been. The true hater always somehow seems to be the accuser.

    I charge Canada with first degree tyranny! Keep your hands off American property you pack of politically correct swine! Keep your politically correct filth out of our minds! We’re Americans! We don’t want it!

    Let’s hear it for the Platform Party!

    Let’s hear it for Mel Gibson!

    What was that? A blockade is an act of war? I’ll vote for that. Sounds like an act of war to me. Whoops! I think you got me there. To Canada I say f**k you three times over. That’s one of our problems in America. We always let the punks get away with stuff instead of knocking them on their ass on sight. Hey! We’re Americans! We’re going to Alaska! Get your hands off our guns and our literature! Don’t like that idea? OK, sounds good to me. Let’s Rumble!

    Looks to me like international law would apply in this case. Unless Canada is really America and America is really Canada or the merger has already taken place. As you say, Bob, a blockade is an act of war. I’m assuming, of course, that your knowledge of law is correct on this. I’m sure it is. You’re too smart to be dumb.

    Whoops! Now that I’m at the bottom of your piece, Bob, I see that the position of the Platform Party is not quite enough to free our people to cross the border unmolested. I would hit the Canadians much harder than that. I would let them know that we consider their border activities an act of war and that they are to cease and desist that activity immediately or …….you get to fill in the blanks here. All it takes is a creative imagination.

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