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Posted by Bob on September 14th, 2006 under Comment Responses


Nat Gas figures are probably wrong unless we have one of the largest conspiracies ever in hiding them. US production is flat to declining and we rely on authoritarian Canada and some LNG from the Caribean to make up the rest. Oil production is half of what it once was and that too is delining, the Alaskan brouhaha was BPs calculation that production from that field would crater before the pipeline, fields do exhaust. Coal has possibilities, but conservation from using CFL light bulbs would probably be more effective than handing everyone a pick. Peak Oil is a geological fact, the days of easy motoring are waning and once the central banks of the world unite to restart the god of economic growth gasoline will go from its soon to be 2.00$ level to god knows what as every Tom, Dick and Lee Kwon Qu goes about in his SUV. I’ll be your energy czar Bob, but only behind the scenes since I’m not a glad handler and I like women and beer way too much to act like a Neo-Puritan.

Comment by Simmons


In 1976 and 1980, the biggest issue in the campaign was the Oil Crisis.

By 1982, everybody had forgotten the Oil Crisis, and it didn’t even come up in the election.

Reagan simply deregulated prices.

New England has gotten cheap oil fromthe South since the turn of the century, due to Federal regulation of oil prices. The same thing is true of natural gas prices.

Do you remember the 2YK disaster, when all civilization would cme to an end on January 1, 2000?

Nobody else does either.

During World War II, the sources of natural rubber in southeast Asia were cut off. There was a rubber crisis, and new tires became impossible to find, even for the military.

Within two years, we had plenty of artificial rubber.

Do you realize how much horse manure in the streets was predicted for New York in 1900 for the year 1950?

We will not switch from oil — even TIRES are made of oil! — until we really need to. Then we will do it.

I have lived through a hundred civilization-destroying crises that never happened. Don’t build your worldview on one.

White countries solve their own problems.

Stick to BASICS.

  1. #1 by Pain on 09/14/2006 - 12:59 pm



    I have an uncle that was a research chemist for one of the very biggest oil companies. His job was to develop and patent alternative technology. He quit his job in the early nineties when he realized that his company’s intent was to keep alternative technology off the market. But it is very clear that oil is not the only viable fuel and the alternatives are cheaper, cleaner, and more efficient. Oil lingers because there is so much of it and new sources are found every year. Yet the technology is already out there for alternatives and I imagine a changeover would be smooth and easy.

  2. #2 by Dave on 09/14/2006 - 1:15 pm


    I wish someone would tell the BNP to “stick to basics”. The BNP is fabulous until it mentions “economic development” and the “energy crises”.

    BW has given you the best economic lesson you will ever receive: Prosperity is racially determined.

    You now know more than any Economics or Business School Professor at Harvard, at Wheaton, or Stanford. You do not however know more than any oil company executive.

    Oil companies executives well know the racial axis in determining productivity. It is the industries biggest headache.

    And by way, white men are still running Saudi Aramco, only don’t mention it to any politically correct Saudi (which is all of them).

  3. #3 by Pain on 09/14/2006 - 8:55 pm



    I just talked to a man on my favorite trail. He runs some restaurants and has a triple filter to get the fries out of vegetable oil. He fires up his F-350 Diesel on it @ 60¢/gal. And it’s already been used once for food, so for him it’s free.

    If this is true, in a free society how long would it take for oil companies to go bust?

    Just think of all the people who could make a living with a corner vegetable oil store. They wouldn’t even need the exorbitantly priced environmental tanks that put most people out of business. And vegetable oil is just one of many alternatives…

  4. #4 by Simmons on 09/15/2006 - 10:23 am

    NOT SPAM East Texas field largest ever found in the lower 48, powered the WWII war machine gave us billions of barrels of decent oil now is producing 99% water cut oil (very little), and this is the fate of some of the world’s largest oil fields. Nothing beats hydrocarbon for energy density for dollar cost, and as it rises in cost and it will my point has been that liberalism will be pressed very hard. This is why I mention it here, I don’t have any intention of trying to convert some well off old man to suddenly change his views built up over a lifetime I do not waste my my time on such endeavors. But some of your younger readers might want to investigate this trend. Since I have read Spengler I fully understand the costs of giving away the White man’s technology (he wrote a pamphlet called “Tecniks” describing this blunder). I will stick to the basics, but I have to remind you that the energy costs are part of our equation in seperating ourselves and securing our future.

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