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Posted by Bob on September 16th, 2006 under Comment Responses

Joe said at the outset that Carto was his kind of guy. He repeated that after my latest praise of Carto.


After my bitch about readers who don’t copy and paste, which Joe made me think of, Joe apparently got offended:

The difference between Paul Craig Roberts and that pack of paid whores is that Paul Craig Roberts is honest. For whatever reason he decided to go a different route than you did. I really should ask him about that. Maybe I will. I sure would want him in my camp if I were you. Do you suppose it could be that he disagrees with your entire set of premises?

Comment by joe rorke

I am not kidding: it is kind of fun to be accused of dishonesty after a lifetime of being criticized for exactly the opposite.

It is also ironic, a type of humor we like. The last time I saw Paul was at the Voice of America in 1985. We were in school together twenty years before. We exchanged opinions and he smiled and the last thing he said to me was:

“You know, Bob, it’s kind of nice to know that some things never change.”

  1. #1 by Dave on 09/17/2006 - 3:34 pm


    “You know, Bob, it’s kind of nice to know that some things never change.”

    I’ve never known anyone more astute than BW for being on top of how quickly things DO CHANGE.

    Remember the Texaco scandal a few years back where some middle managers got taped making racist remarks?

    That was the beginning of seeing a smiling pickaninny infant in every corporate ad on the planet.

    Now Miller Brewing Company is faced with a boycott for OFFENDING WHITES.

    Great book ends, huh?

    Corporate BIG DOG has received its wake up call: MARKETING is now going to have to decide just WHAT RACE it is marketing to.

    Expect to see more and more catalogs with no nonwhites in them at all.

  2. #2 by Al Parker on 09/17/2006 - 3:55 pm


    Let’s not overlook the bblogosphere. It may be a more suited area to target. Blog readers are less composed of nerds and wannabe intellectuals. Let’s look for blogs worth posting to on, then enter the comments section and insert Bob’s mantra. Often the commenting can be done quickly, anonymously, and is not even moderated. We can start with the Islamo-obsessivist Gates of Vienna ( ), who thinks the question of Muslims in Europe is only religious in nature.

  3. #3 by joe rorke on 09/17/2006 - 5:35 pm

    Bob, not only is Willis Carto my kind of guy but American Free Press is my kind of paper. Has been for years.

    You really must dispense with these ideas of reference, Bob. I did not accuse you of being dishonest. You really should go back and reread the piece and try to fully understand it. I was comparing Paul Craig Roberts with Rusher, Will, and especially the Israel firster Cal Thomas when I was referring to honesty in reporting.

    I have never considered you dishonest, Bob. A little slow, maybe, but never dishonest.

    I wrote of you going one way (pursuing the race perspective and political matters) and Paul going in another direction. He was, after all, a Reagan appointee, was he not? He speaks of things like outsourcing which you do not. You have your focus and he has his. He’s easy to read, not boring, neither pompous nor arrogant, never blows his own trumpet before him, etc. There appears to be nothing self-centered about the man. When he speaks about Israel unlike (in my opinion) Cal Thomas he actually puts the interests of the USA above that of the state of Israel. Like Charley Reese, I consider him honest in this matter of American foreign policy.

    Whether Joe copies and pastes anything is something you don’t know. If I did such a thing would I report back to you? What for? I’m not into bragging. There’s one word that covers that and most professors never heard of it and never use it. Whether mommy or daddy professor. The word starts with the letter “o.”

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