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For the Record

Posted by Bob on September 26th, 2006 under Coaching Session

As I mentioned before, the Director of the Civil Service I worked under in the Reagan Administration was abolutely opposed to getting one single Reaganite into the permanent civil service.

This sounds a bit nuts, so let’s make a distinction. As soon as the Bush Administration went into office in 1989 there was an open competition to rid the government of ALL Reagan appointees. Even National Review pointed, out, with their usual moronic disappointment, that one head of a department announced that he was the FIRST to get rid of EVERY Reagan appointee in his department.

No, I am not talking about Bush people who cleaned out all the Reagan appointees to an extent Democrats would have been ashamed of. My Reagan boss kept on a Carter apointee, and was proud to do it. But he was absolutely opposed to my using my expertise in staffing to keep on one single Regan appointee.

Does this make any sense to you? If so, I need to explain this a bit a more.

Reagan told him, “We need to clear the swamp, not to join the alligators.”

As I pointed out below, my boss got rid of me, and he was the ONLY PAS (prediential appointee with Senate Approval) who did not get reappointed to his PAS position for as long as I can find a record.

ANYway, I as interested in the settlement of space colonies as a way of preserving our race, so I took a big risk. I went to NASA to explain to Reagan appointees who were pro-space to explain how we could get them permanent appointments in the civil service.

So I went in to the top level. They were watching a video. It was a video in which President Reagan announced in a speech something they had given Reagan’s staff. While I stood there, they played it over and over and over again.

Then they took me to have lunch in the Special Reserved Lunch Room.

Gosh! Wow!

I was looking for good people to get into the career cvivl service in NASA, in spite of my boss’s determination to be sure nobody was left after the 1988 election.

  1. #1 by Mark on 09/26/2006 - 9:11 pm

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    Bob, did you ever meet President Reagan or have a discussion with him? I know he had his flaws but even now, after 20 years, I still admire the old man.

  2. #2 by Bob on 09/27/2006 - 12:51 pm

    Yes, I talked with Reagan, in person and on the phone. My best work for him got to him through others.

  3. #3 by Alan B. on 09/28/2006 - 1:00 pm


    I take it when Reagan made his statement about draining the swamp etc he set off a feeding frenzy, he provided bait and allowed these people to devour themselves. My guess is anybody with real talent could never survive in a rat hole enviroment like that nor would would they really want to .

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