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Shari and Joe (Ladies First)

Posted by Bob on September 29th, 2006 under Comment Responses

Damned right Shari is scared of you. You’re one scary guy. I remember when I first entered this blog. I thought you were going to come through the computer at me. You told me how nobody messed with you and I wondered what part of Brooklyn you came from. So, of course, since I’ve been there and done that, I took you on. Child’s play. But Shari probably is scared of you. Remember what I told you about Rocky Marciano, Bob. He was scared before every one of his fights. That’s what he said. And you know the Rock don’t lie. Just ‘cause you’re scared don’t mean you don’t tho a punch at somebody.

Shari might be scared but she’s also right there and that’s enough. She hasn’t left town yet. And she’s a great student. Which is a lot better than no student at all.

Comment by joe rorke — 9/28/2006 @ 2:10 pm | Edit This

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I don’t know if I am scared of Bob or not. I figure there is not much he can do to me unless he is really a PC sicko, pretending otherwise, and will turn me in to the secret police.

Comment by Shari


Joe and Shari have given me a chance to repeat something basic: Being a gentleman. I am not naive enought ot hink Joe did so accidentally. As you know, being raised around the group that calls iself The Greatest Generation makes me sick at my stomach when I tell anybody how tough I am.

So Joe did that for me. Yes, I have been a in a lot of situations that would give a frozen turkey the shivers, and so has Joe. On the other hand, a lady has nothing to fear from me or Joe. Quite the opposite. Mexicans are “macho.” That means they drive wildy and risk the lives of otehrs to prove their manhood. They are mean.

All of our enemies make war on women and children. Jews and homosexuals try to subvert us through getting white women to be Libbers or to be fashionable. In Soul on Ice, Eldridge Cealver demanded that blacks rape white women to take away their aura of being on a pedestal. Black riots never went into white areas, because there were white MEN there.

A gentleman is just what it says, a gentle MAN. Those sweet old Southern boys with their “Yes, maam” and “No maam” are notoriously the last guys on earth you want to insult face-to-face. If you come to, it will be in an Intesive Care Unit, and everybody knows it.

We’re PROUD of that. “Macho” is what we call “trashy.”

It is astonishng that Hollywood LIBERALS described our Southern women best: “Steel Magnolias.”

I was not raised with weak women. I was not raised with weak men. But because our women act very feminine and our men consider good manners to be the sign of class, many Yankees portray our women as shrinking violets.

I treat Shari and Elizabeth as ladies. But I am NOT easy on them. They would, quite rightly, be offended if I did. Anybody who tried to treat Elizabeth or Shari as a delicate little flower in a discussion would find himself in the verbal equivalent of that Intensive Care Unit the Good Ole Boys would put them into.

No, I leave it to trash to physically abuse women or to make their attacks on our women and children. I leave it to idiots to treat an intelligent LADY as if she were a shrinking violet. I do speak differently to women than to men here in some cases. But that is respect for the sex, not giving out breaks.

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