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Nobody — Please, Anonymous, Jr.?

Posted by Bob on January 3rd, 2007 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses

I HATE the pseuonym Nobody. That is exactly my opinion of people OUTSIDE this blog.

We have a world FULL of Nobodys. I resent hosting one more.

Pain accepted my pseudonym. I hereby formally ask “Nobody” to accept Anonymous, Jr. or think of something else.

Nobody, Anonymous, Jr., does not understand the doglike nature of America. Of course we don’t control our own cities and our own borders. Why should those matter to Israel?

It is a common confusion: Europeans cannot separate their inabiliy from our slavelike ability. They are two entirely different things.

Has it OCURRED to me? What do you think I have wasted my LIFE on?

You have completely ignored the point I made. I’m used to that. When my head is frozen, it will be the end of understanding this. People like you will keep trying to persuade me that being a bunch of slaves, a bunch of obedient dogs, is bad.

Hey, Nobody, hey Mark, try to imagine that I KNOW what you are saying.

Try to imagine that I am trying to say something, odd as it may strike you.

The routine opinions are 1) America is enormously powerful or 2) America is morally weak and slavish.

I am getting tired of repeating it, but America is enormously powerful AND morally weak and slavish.

The American militaryis tiny, tinier than the Roman legions relative to the Empire it ruled absolutely. But,as with the legions, there is nobody else.

So, instead of sitting around sticking their tongues out at how silly Americans are, the Jews see this reality and use it.

Meanwhile, others keep saying that moral weakness makes this power stuff all a lie. America can’t be all that strong, says Nobody, because we don’t have moral courage.

America IS all that strong. With moral courage we could be absolute.

Don’t give me platitudes and first century physics.



Bob quoted Mark:
how high are the stakes for Iran?


Bob replied:

I’ve given your question a lot of thought.

One point I keep making and people outside my blog ignore is that America is not just the only SUPER power left in the world, it is the only POWER left in the world. Not one other country on the planet projects real military muscle outside its own borders.

In reply:
We can project the Form of “real military muscle outside (our) own borders.”

The substance – in terms of the effectiveness of that force to force substantial positive change – is rather a different issue.

Has it ever occurred to anyone that this is a tremendous net negative for America economically, with a power that can only be used once? Hasn’t the nature of war shifted from the capital-intensive heavily mechanized systems to intelligent organizations that are motivated by the common RACIAL dream of removing the RACIAL Invaders from their territory?

The example of Israel – with its spy satellites, F-16 fighters, advanced communications technology, and atomic weapons – being defeated by fourteen year old boys with hundred dollar Kalishnikovs in Lebanon last year, is stunning proof that the economics, indeed, the very nature of warfare, has changed, and the change is not in our favor.

Bob wrote:
Hell, France doesn’t have control WITHIN its borders.

In reply:
And we do?

Ever seen the membership numbers for the 18th Street Gang in Los Angeles, or how many illegals are in America?

Hell, DETROIT doesn’t have control WITHIN its borders.

Bob wrote:
For this reason, the United States is EXTREMELY dangerous

Never forget the lesson of the Sword of Damocles.

In reply:
I think this is a stronger metaphor than you realized. Remember, the Sword of Damocles can only be used ONCE.

Once the Sword of Damocles has been used, a wide range of flexible political options are permanently foreclosed. The issues are crystallized, the facades are removed, and everyone knows where they really stand. Possible alliances are nor foreclosed, and everyone moves down an ever-narrowing corridor.

Bob wrote:
And America is Israel’s pit bull.

In reply:
It is the perception of many that America is SOLELY Israel’s put bull, and America does SOLELY what Israel wants, in the Mid-East, and certainly does not conflict with Israel’s interest, beyond the Mid-East.

Bob wrote:
I don’t know if you are old enough to remember when Reagan bombed Libya. The American attack planes were allowed to take off from Thatcher’s Britain but they were not allowed to fly over any other country. They made a zigzag around Europe and through the Strait of Gibraltar and returned by the same zigzag route.

In reply:
The greater irony, it seems, is that, America, on “evidence” that seems less rational, than a rationalization, took action against an enemy of Israel. All of the other countries in the region, and beyond – saw this in that context.

Their political memories are strong enough to realize their superiors were right, then, and they will be right, now, to judge ALL American actions in the light of America as the shabbas goy of the goddamn JEWS.

Bob wrote:
All the respectable conservatives are demanding that Bush bomb the nuclear facilities in Iran. I don’t know if even Tony Blair would allow the attack planes to take off from Britain. The Iraqi Government now controls its own air space, and they wouldn’t.

In reply:
Blair will do what we tell him to do; however, as we look to the Muslim demography of New Londonistan, it is hardly likely that this will ignored by their Muslim brethren.

*** Good stuff. But in real politics, Blaire can’t do what we tell him to do. Losing a vote of confience brings up a new election.

This might not be the much-heralded Clash of Civilizations, so much as it is the Clash of RACES – with the White RACE as the proxy for the goddamn JEWS.

Bob wrote:
That could mean that the air assault conservatives demand would be American planes taking off from Israel. Can you imagine the reaction to an air attack on Iran from ISRAEL by the United States?

In reply:
Oh, yes.

Bob wrote:
The usual reaction is to say that the United States couldn’t take the heat for that. But let me repeat, THERE IS NO OTHER POWER ON EARTH EXCEPT ISRAEL’S PIT BULL. The United States could invade Iran with the whole world screaming its effeminate little head off.

In reply:
The United States could take the heat, for a while.

However, this would tell the rest of the world that our facade of being anything more than an irrational bully would be revealed, and there will be a tremendous shift in “world opinion” away from us.

And, this shift will take many forms, such as creating alliances where there weren’t any before.

An example might be the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan; incredibly long supply lines, and the use of cost-effective hand-held weaponry by the Mujaheddin, set the stage for the collapse of Empire – the Soviet Union.

I suspect the effect will be no less profound, for us.

Bob wrote:
Don’t fool yourself. When it comes to getting out in the field, there is no armed force on earth that face the Americans even briefly. That would mean terrorist attacks, but do you think that is more important in Washington than taking out Iran if Israel REALLY insists on it?

The Sword of Damocles is over Iran.

  1. #1 by T. Hawat on 01/03/2007 - 3:34 am

    T. Hawat, formerly nobody, replies:

    I think I see the crux of the matter.

    Bob wrote:

    Meanwhile, others keep saying that moral weakness makes this power stuff all a lie. America can’t be all that strong, says Nobody, because we don’t have moral courage.

    America IS all that strong. With moral courage we could be absolute.

    in reply:
    I am not saying that “this power stuff (is) all a lie.”

    Power, raw naked force, has settled more issues, more absolutely, than anything in the history of the world. Yet, power in the absence of a (higher) moral purpose quickly leads to failure, because it serves the shifting sands of temporal convenience.

    Power, harnessed to a (higher) moral purpose, transforms the world around it, in service to the RACE. Forms change, but the transcendent substance of RACE, in the words of Yockey, manifests in miracles: “This destiny does not tire, nor can it be broken, and its mantle of
    strength descends upon those in its service.” – Francis Parker Yockey, Imperium

    This is what has taken me so long to realize; when you work in the fulfillment of a (higher) moral purpose, you are only effective to the extent that the greatness of the RACE is furthered by your activities.

    The highest “morality” truly has a RACIAL focus, a RACIAL foundation; the absence of this RACIAL focus simply leads to behavior that is ultimately immoral, for the most obvious of reasons.

    We have so much “power, “as a matter of Form, yet, it being defeated by “moral courage,” as a matter of Substance. My working definition of “morality ” is simple – survival, and growth, in the fulfillment of RACIAL greatness. For all of the billions of dollars of “power” the Israeli military has, they were defeated by fourteen years old boys with hundred dollar weapons, fighting for their RACIAL SURVIVAL. When these “boys” display the battle discipline to defeat the Merkava Main Battle Tank, you are seeing the operation of “morality” that, as you implicitly note, is the missing element of our national power; their every deed, intentionally or not, was done in the furtherance of their RACE.

    This “morality” has an explicitly RACIAL foundation; fighting to defend their mothers and sisters, in the name of transcendent Islam, gives the “moral courage” the spiritual foundation that allows its followers to bind themselves to a RACIAL purpose that extends well beyond their lives, and their lifetimes.

    I KNOW full well that we have grown weaker in so many areas, and dare not face up to what needs to be done – that is a test of moral courage, and it is a test that we have failed.

    We have surrendered the right to say “NO!” to immoral behavior to our RACIAL enemies, and THAT is the moment we have relinquished our “moral courage.”

    I am fully aware that we have all of this “power,” and none of the “moral courage” that we need to use this “power” wisely, and effectively.

    I am fully aware the goddamn JEWS understand this better than we do; their knowledge of our moral weakness, and our unwillingness to face that moral weakness, simply drive me to anger on a very foundational, profound level.

    I also mentioned that the “power” we have is so far removed from the foundation of morality – activity in the service of RACIAL greatness – that it lies literally above our heads, like a Sword of Damocles, and can only be used ONCE.

    Service to the barren moral soil of goddamn JUDAISM, in the Form of JUDEOChristianity, will only lead us to reap the whirlwind of horrific failure, in all of our endeavors that are not explicitly in the service of RACIAL Greatness.

    Finally, let me clarify certain issues that might arouse concern.

    I mention the goddamn JEWS, and goddamn JUDAISM, not so much to define what I am opposed to; rather, they are the manifestations of the exact opposite of what “Christianity” should be. For the first time in my life, I can clearly understand them, and understand them as an outworking of the negative Aspects of “Christianity” as the spiritual foundation of Western Civilization.

    The irony, for all of the supporters of JUDEOChristianity, is this – “Christianity” has only worked with one RACE, and only transformed Western Civilization, and thus, the World, when it merged with the European tribes – “nations,” if you will – binding them to a transcendental purpose that was explicitly RACIAL in origin, and service.

    Hatred of the goddamn JEWS, and goddamn JUDAISM, is too small a purpose; worse, it allows the Enemy to define the Agenda.

    It is the work of a lifetime to define ourselves in terms of what we are FOR, and to make damn sure we get THAT right. To the extent that we are not FOR the continued greatness of our RACE, we are, by definition, immoral. For that, we shall pay a horrible price for generations to come, and THAT is the ultimate Sword of Damocles.

  2. #2 by Alan B. on 01/03/2007 - 5:26 am



    I agree that America IS enormously powerful and morally weak and slavish. In terms of power, our country can project her might anywhere in the world quickly and effectively, one aircraft carrier battle group can wreck havoc on an enemy. Taiwan, less than 100 miles off the coast of China, IS still a free nation, and defies China’s calls for reunification under the threat of invasion, thanks to America’s might of course.
    Morality really doesn’t have a place in military logic when the heat is on; war is hell, that enters the stage when the real fighting is over for the most part. We became morally weak as a people when went from, “Government Of The People” to “People Of The Government”. Remember 911, the government was operating on words, political correctness, a nation of immigrants and tolerance, 3,000 Americans died because of this garbage, they did ask why, but within days all the nations involved and the names of the hijackers and their photo’s were made public, the heat was off, we wanted revenge. Hell, we exchanged the bill of rights for the Patriot Act, we handed the fox the keys to the hen house. Today it upsets people when their 80-year-old white grandmother is strip searched at the airport, while all the Arab looking passengers are waved right thought, now maybe they know why. Our race is a moral race, our lack of morality is a result of our failure to reject the government protected immorality of the aliens being thrust upon us, that’s what happens to a nation of orphan’s.
    It can be said we are slavish to the government, we rally by the millions to vote for promises, the voters get the shaft and they all stay home to pisses and moan, da. When we fail to mobilize and project our power as a unified group, one voice, it makes no difference how many millions are pissed off,. Israel can whip our government into action at their leisure because they know how to use power we Americans gave away to these phony baloney politicians. Hell, its not their fault we became dependant on government, we let them take it from us, learn from Israel’s example if anything. Heres what is so retarded about this whole mess, our government is to afraid to ask Isreal why in the same manner we are afraid to ask our government why, its about courage. Every body is to damn scared to just say no, a slave isn’t allowed to question anything, that’s why we are slavish. Forget about an attack on Iran, the last thing anybody needs is 75 million pissed off Iranians ready and willing to die for Allah mad at us. Don’t forget the millions of radical supporters raising hell all over the world, these bastards would make the terrorist in Iraq look tame.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 01/03/2007 - 11:16 am


    Well Bob you certainly have strayed from the “basics” with this somewhat jumbled post. I still recommend that the other posters here study the issue of “Peak Oil”, get some of that background that Jr. staffers need before making a presentation to the principal. Since the mullahs of Iran used your input to antagonize their supposed enemy (Israel) do you not think they want the sword to fall? It seems to me that the mullahs have a better grip on reality than the Ziocons (their god squad auxiliaries) and the oil barons. In a personal note when you touched the Iranian/Jew issue with your holocaust remarks you touched the hottest fire on Earth, remember the Jews got their museum on the Mall before the dumbest generation got their statuary. That all said I think you had better prepare your audience for the establishment’s wrath if they need a homegrown fifth column to blame shift when their sword falls and clanks off of rock and falls to the ground. BTW the radicals in Tehran probably pray for an American armored column to snake its way towards them.

  4. #4 by Peter on 01/03/2007 - 2:24 pm



    ALAN B.

    My poor old University is hosting , “lluminations of the Holocaust” the speaker is the director of the institute for Interreligious, Intercultrial Dialogue at Temple University. The traveling exibition will focus on American isolationism, racism and antisemitism, this is at the Kamerick Art Building, how fitting.
    Kamerick was president of the university, he lectured Humanities, he was once my instructor. I liked this man, few knew that he worked in the intelligence department for the OSS in WW2, I know because I would chat with him after class. he was the Greatest Generation.

  5. #5 by Peter on 01/03/2007 - 3:10 pm

    The sword of Damocles hangs over all of our heads especialy over the young and even the unborn for the simple fact that global warming is going to engulf the coast lines, with more and more population, timber cutting, burning our fossil fuels etc…we are headed for the biggest struggle that one could possible imagine! People keep mentioning Isreal(?) do they have gills?! We are at the point were we must all face the fact that The sword of Damocles hangs over all of are heads and for the people that care, what the hell are we going to do about it?(people scratch their heads and kinda say out loud “i don’t know”The ? is how many really care? I’ve been hearing all my life those that say well…I don’t care about the other guy..”Well fuck you!”
    I am that other guy, and I have people that I care about…You don’t give a fuck about me and mine,..I don’t give a “fuck” about you and yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #6 by Peter on 01/03/2007 - 3:23 pm

    I am so fucking tired of these irrogent little fucks that infest this planet! with their parents treating their little johnny like hes king of the world! Your little johnny aint the king of shit!A real king has a goddam clue! Don’t give that shit that he can be king, just not a good one! No, you either are what you are or your not, don’t let that little johnny bullshit go to your pissant brain. Thats the problem, people are so afraid of the truth that it obscures thier ability to think properly.

  7. #7 by Peter on 01/03/2007 - 3:31 pm

    Every time I see a care free person it makes me want to vomit, Probable how BOB feels about the greatest generation crowd. In terms of selfishness that is the definition. A care free person with no disipline or care for no one else. what a waste. what a waste in our unirverse.

  8. #8 by Tom on 01/03/2007 - 7:37 pm



    Listen “peter”, we here at Bob’s Blog are only concerned about two things. We’re worried about the dissaperance of our race, the White race, and the fact that no one is allowed to talk about it.

    “Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.”

    “The Netherlands and Belgium are more crowded than Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.”

    “Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.”

    “What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?”

    “How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?”

    “And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?”

    “But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.”

    “They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.”

    “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.”

  9. #9 by Peter on 01/03/2007 - 8:11 pm

    Sorry, Bob. Looks like T. Hawat gotcha good and proper that time. T. Hawat is definitely The Man. Right on the money all the way through. Makes some of the folks on this blog look like respectable conservatives.

  10. #10 by Peter on 01/03/2007 - 8:35 pm



    I dont know why each comment is marked as being from “Peter”.

    Anyway, it seems that the US has turned itself into another member of the Greatest Generation. Great physical strength, no moral strength to defend its own personal interests.

  11. #11 by Peter on 01/03/2007 - 8:55 pm



    To correct your name so that “peter” will not appear, press “logout”, then press “register” and fill out your ScreenName and E-mail address.

    An e-mail should be sent to you with your password. Log in and fill out your profile if you choose.

    That simple exercise should correct the problem.

  12. #12 by Pain on 01/04/2007 - 1:48 am


    Gee, I seem to have spawned clones.

  13. #13 by Pain on 01/04/2007 - 1:52 am


    I couldn’t figure out how Bob’s Blog new who I was, then I saw other commenters cussing out Bob in my name.

    I may be a cuss, but I don’t cuss.

    People get mad at me enough already for speaking the truth; I can’t imagine how hard my life would be if I also cussed.

    Put it another way: I am already a pain.

  14. #14 by Peter on 01/04/2007 - 12:35 pm

    Not Spam
    Not Spam

    Is “Peter”off?

  15. #15 by Alan on 01/05/2007 - 2:20 am



    Never fails, some clown has to mess up a web site they “HATE” because it conflicts with their head in ass view of the world. I hope we can avoid this for now on and if there is any additions information on what cause this, please provide it. Alan B.

  16. #16 by Peter on 01/05/2007 - 11:10 am

    Guys, whoever handles technically this blog, please take notice that when you open it, you are automatically logged in as “Peter”. Thus, the many peters.

    You have to logout, and log back in with your handle, otherwise you’ll have under your post:

  17. #17 by Pain on 01/05/2007 - 5:47 pm


    Why not change to default login from “Peter” to Guest?

  18. #18 by Bob on 01/06/2007 - 9:55 pm

    Pain, because no has bothered to call Kelso and ask him about it.

  19. #19 by Kevin on 01/07/2007 - 12:47 am


    Reading your message Bob brought images of a deers last seconds infront of a pair of headlights. I missed the obvious solution to a problem that was staring me in the face.

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