Archive for January 20th, 2007

Point of Information

Those who demand suppression of free speech in America say, “Freedom of speech is to be used, not abused.
There is no room in America for racism.”

They then quote the famous line, “Freedom of speech does not include the right to shout ‘FIRE!’ in a crowded theater.”

I have a question:

What if there IS a fire in a crowded theater?



Proliferation – Not Whether, But WHO

When I explain to people at movement conferences that “proliferation” is the new word for “colonialism” they give me that familiar look that says, “So what? That has nothing to do with today’s headlines.” It never occurs to them that today’s headlines are for respectable conservatives to quibble about and make their living on.

We make no progress when we forget that ours is a different world view, not just a matter of finding some exciting quibbles to chew over.


Proliferation MEANS:

“WE determine which countries are worthy of nuclear weapons.”

That was decided when I was a boy. ALL countries have a right to FULL sovereignty. It was decided THEN that all countries are EQUAL.

Now we want to decide that some are more equal than others.

Sorry, Mr. Bush, that line was already taken by somebody else sixty years ago.

Also in my youth the future of computers was locked in. That was in the day of UNIVAC. It was assumed that, in an ago of instant communication, there would be fewer and BIGGER computers, until we had one titan that all the world used.

The computer you sitting in front of would make the old UNIVAC look like a dog’s compared to a human’s. In the 1990s, e3ach “Tickle Me Elmo” doll had a computer in it that was more powerful than the one used in the Moon Landing in 1969.

And the Moon-landing computer made UNIVAC look like a dog’s brain compared to a human’s.

So here we are, trying to prevent the spread of a technology that is fixed, the instant forming of a critical mass of U-235.

Lots o’ luck, Bush, but don’t expect an adult to get aboard YOUR ride into fantasy.

On September 11, 2001, one of my articles was “For God’s Sake, America, SPREAD OUT!” On that date I also repeated a two-year-old Whitaker Online piece called “Superterrorism.”

Just because Communists and oil-producing countries are slow doesn’t mean they will take forever. Stalin had Klaus Fuchs, an open Communist, IN the Manhattan Project, but it took him YEARS to get the bomb. Einstein was a worshipper of Stalin, which was the standard Jewish position then. Oppenheimer was a Communist.

But it took Stalin YEARS to get the Bomb, and he got it, not through his friends who developed it, but through the Rosenberg group. Nobody wonders about this. But if you dealt with the KGB as much as I did, it can be explained.

But that would be a long article, and we don’t want those, do we?

So North Korea is taking forever to get the basic technology right. Iran is taking forever. So the whole “scare” about suitcase-size A-bombs and superterrorism has died down. They are putting yet another supersize structure in the same eminently bombable place where the Twin Towers stood, right in the city where it has been assumed since 1945 would be the first place in America where nukes would fall.

No, the world is not going to settle for nukes only in America and in countries where the tiny army has arthritis. One day the metropoli of the world will be nothing but hostages. FINALLY, they will be evacuated. But not because a redneck warned the urban sophisticates about this yeas before. The same redneck warned about the implications of anti-colonialism and anti-racism, but they are coming as a surprise to today’s Peer Reviewers, a.k.a. neoconservatives. That will have gone down the Memory Hole, as usual.

Until our WORLD VIEW changes, it is going to require a disaster to make our bureaucracy called “experts” to do anything that is obviously rational to one outside it.

Meanwhile, instead of looking at me as if I should be ashamed not to have read today’s paper, our side should take advantage of what I have to say and assume the world of Superterrorism is coming. We, and only we, can talk about the future.

Meanwhile, many of the professional Futurologists are discussing Tomorrow’s New York. All the PAID positions are taken. They are as unavailable to those who talk about the real future as they are useless in that discussion.

In a way that is your problem, not mine. I got mine. But your problems ARE my problems. I deeply resent the fact that real intellectuals like you are banned from the jobs we need you in. I would LOVE to see some serious Futurology instead of the wishful Politically Correct future we have in journals today, which mirrors the wishful Politically Correct past in our history books.

So it IS my problem. I don’t need MONEY, but both history and futurology produce nothing I can read in areas I would LOVE to read some real thinking about.

So much for the problem. Let’s fight for the solution.



Reminder of richard’s Experience on the Aryan Desire


That reminds me of the time I worked as a teacher in a school of mainly Indian/Pakistani kids in London. The girls, like all young girls, liked to draw pictures of fairies/princesses/supermodels/angels, etc.

Every one of them had blond hair and blue eyes!

Comment by richard


Remember, we are fighting GENOCIDE here. Designer babies do not have to be ALL Aryan. But in this society, there will be plenty of those who decide to have one or more ARYAN offspring. I personally don’t believe there will be many people who will choose to have ugly mixed-looking offspring.

If you want to know the percentage of people who will choose offspring as brown as themselves, look at the number of rich black men (those with a CHOICE) who marry women darker than themselves.

And remember, that Politically Correct choice will not be admired by those ugly kids when they themselves have to look for DATES.


The OJ Simpson type 0f black would not THINK of dating a girl who looked like his own daughter.



Alan and Shari



The only dumb question is the one you fail to ask, this is an old line my college professors would use in class. We expect to be punished if we do not answer the question correctly and this is the problem most of us face in here. We are not being asked trick questions, Bob I think is trying to open our minds up to objective and clear thinking. I once commented to Bob, I think I see the light but I can’t seem to bring it all together, well maybe I am afraid because the master might scold me for giving the wrong answer. What I will do is speak from the heart and put it forth as I see it in relation to what I have learned in here, it’s the best I can do.

Comment by Alan — 1/20/2007 @ 5:06 am | Edit This

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Thank you for the compliment. I do appreciate it. Shari


Shari, when I give a compliment I mean it. If do not weigh them first like a good PR man.

But it is good to value my compliments, because when you do say something I think is wrong I will criticize WHAT YOU SAY with the same mentality.

The main reason you put something HERE is to get MY judgment on it. What you get is MY judgment, and mark this carefully, on *** IT ***. As Alan says, I am not here to judge YOU. The less of that judgment on the crapola section of what you SAY that you consider a judgment on YOU, the more you will get out of this.

I am NOT saying your mother is ugly.

The fact is that learning the lessons I have to teach is extremely hard concentration on its own. We DO NOT need this distraction.

Now, face this fact:


You had BETTER see the chance of direction when I start ruminating on how what I don’t like about your comment REMINDS me of an error fostered by the enemy. If you DON’T, then you are going to assume I am regarding YOU as the enemy. This goes right back to what Alan said, you have been trained to the idea that, if you have any idea that is not Politically Correct, your teacher will treat YOU as an enemy.

A lifetime’s training is not easy to get over, so Alan’s point is CRUCIAL here: YOU ARE NOT IN MOMMY PROFESSOR’S WORLD HERE.

Bob’s Blog is for adults.

And there are precious few of us left.



Bruce and What Goes Around COMES Around


Bob, I think your forgetting one very important motivation – the instinct to want to pass one’s own genes and traits onto the next generation. That’s why adoption is normally a last resort alternative to conceiving a couples biological child.

If the designer baby movement has any chance of overcoming that, it would be merely some gene therapy on ones own progeny to correct some defects, or perhaps by some process to select only the choicest genes from one’s own body (as in the movie Gatteca when the Doctor (to paraphrase) explains that, “He’ll still be you, only he’ll be the best of you.”).



Bruce, you are still thinking in terms of NORMAL motivations. If we had NORMAL motivations there would be no racial intermarriage.

I think YOU are forgetting one important motivation. The black man who says on television that he doesnot date black women is not after more copies of himself. The Indian cosmetics industry puts out huge amounts of skin whitening products and advertises them as such.

I remember watching an Italian movie that showed a south Italian being envied by others, he had the ideal. He had a blond wife and THEIR daughter was a blond. Again and again I have heard some guy who married a brown say, “I hope our child is blond like my sister.”

Once again, what goes ar4ound comes around. The anti-whites are inthe midst of a massive campaign to assure everybody that adoption is the SAME as real children. Gays and lesbians and anti-whties are united on this. Interracial adoptions are based on it. And the whole anti-white campaign of assimilation is based onit.

Had you noticed?

Now let me in on a little secret of life: The people that any campaign makes believers of are the people on their side. It is THEY who are being convinced that adoption is better than crowding the world up with children of one’s own. When designer children come in, that will snap back on them like a rubber band.

Parents USED to want children who looked like them. That WOULD have been a major block to designer children. The campaign for designer chilren has already been begun.

