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Posted by Bob on January 5th, 2007 under General

I was just watching a documentary by Richard Attenborough talking about “the most researched
monkeys in the world.”

They are the ones who are in the ruins of that southeast Asian temple of a civilaztion that disappeared a thousand years ago, as Eastern empires are wont to do:

Whites originate.

Orientals stagnate.

Blacks degenerate.

Anyway if you haven’t seen this temple with those monkeys at least five times, you don’t
watch documentaries.

Attenborough featured a young monkey who was born into the ruling class of those monkeys.
The other monkeys had just eaten a lot of fruit and our little naciocrat missed it. BUT
all the other monkeys had packed excess fruit into pouches at the side of their mouths.
So our little Ruling Class monkey went up to a very large female and picked her mouth for

The lower-class monkey made it as hard for the naciocrat kid as she could. But if she
had actually fought back, the rest of the monkeys, the same ones the naciocrat could have
taken their pouch food away from, would have torn the lower class resister apart .

The lower class monekys would tear their fellow lower class member apart because they felt it
was AGAINST NATURE to resist one’s “betters.”

Rousseau said this sort of violent support for class unfairness was a product of HUMAN civilization. Marx based the whole enormous success of the Soviet Empire on the idea that all human inequality was based on a human artificiality.

What do you say when “intellectuals” build their whole world on nonsense?

If you are a rational person you regard an “intellectual” who is ridiculous the same
way you regard someone who is walking around in rags with a sign that says, “The World
Will End Today”.

If you take the guy with that sign seriously, I will not yell, “You’re a NUT!”

But I will THINK it.

If I say this out loud, “These so called intellectuals are nuts!”. respectable conservatives will lead the lynch
mob liberals tell them I deserve.

George Orwell wrote a book about this kind of thing. But people thought he was an alarmist.

  1. #1 by Alan on 01/06/2007 - 2:17 pm



    These monkeys are the desendants of all the other monkeys that had lived in the temple from its inception. This advanced civilazation collasped and dissapeared, yet the monkeys lived on, they survived by folloing tradition as it goes with monkeys. Monkeys do what monkeys do, intellectuals fail to see the obvious, in there eyes all these monkeys have taken on the moral habits of humans.
    They fail to see how they continue to live on where the human inhabitants failed. When civilizations fail to follow the accepted norms of society anarchy insues and the whole group parishes, the same instinct that would drive the others to kil that once monkey that refuses to feed the elite one, is the same drive that protects the whole group from enemies.outside their pack.

  2. #2 by Alan on 01/06/2007 - 3:09 pm



    Monkeys or the original inhabitants of humans either way whats there today is pretty much what was their when the asians occupied it, mpnkey see momkey do.

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