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Look at Reality? OK.

Posted by Bob on January 6th, 2007 under Coaching Session, History, How Things Work

Forty years ago I was one of those who was knee deep in the whole IQ business. My brother was a pediatric neurologist and he testified against integration in Federal court, free of charge.

My brother just sent me a New York Times article dedicated to vilifying William Shockley, inventor of the transistor and a New Englander who kept pointing out that black and white IQs were different. The reporter’s assignment was to insult Shockley, to show how a found of the electronics age could have degenerated into an evil nonintellectual.

Note that sentence, “The reporter’s assignment was to insult Shockley, to show how a found of the electronics age could have degenerated into an evil nonintellectual.” Nobody doubts it. But it really sounds like 1984. If you were reading it in any other age you would imagine someone would think it was a distorted view. But in our age we all know that is exactly what the assignment was.

But what YOU can learn from this is what my brother takes for granted: That is, when these people are assigned to concentrate on one thing, they made BAD slips in other directions. So normally he would not bother to send me one more hit man job from the New York Times. But what he noticed was ONE SENTENCE that showed the establishment with its ass hanging out.

My brother, who went through all these wars against “anthropologists have proven that all races are equal inherited characteristics” saw a sentence in the article that stated, “Shockley hereditarian views are ore acceptable than when he state them.”

We all KNOW that. The leading journal of psychology had an unapologetic statement of racial hereditarian views by Jensen and … I KNOW him, I’ll put in the name when I remember it … a couple of years ago. But for the New York Times to SAY that someone who says the average IQ of races is different and not be called anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews is EXACTLY the kind of thing respectable conservatives get paid to ignore.

Anybody else would have fumed at the attack on Shockley or done something else predictable. I want YOU to look beyond the obvious.

There is a filter-down in history everybody claims to know about but nobody seems to be able to USE. At the very moment a movement is at the zenith of power it is the result of forty years of growth from a small, dissident movement. Everybody knows that. But everybody acts like they DON’T know it.

So when the small dissident movement shows up, AGAIN, the main argument against is, “Look at the POWER THEY have! Resistance is USELESS! Look at REALITY!”

Maybe we should look at reality. For once.

  1. #1 by Peter on 01/07/2007 - 5:48 pm

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    Not Spam

    I see a lot of things as very precarious right now. It’s just hard to see the sun after the storm and I don’t want it to take another forty years, dammit. Shari

  2. #2 by Alan on 01/07/2007 - 5:54 pm



    The established media is aware that the internet is exposing the myths of the Political Correct media, they still smear but try to be less obvious about it. When they sip up, they leave the door open for debate in there arena, like it was mentioned, the obvious is ignored thats how its been in their word for to many years. They almost admit that views have changed, they know the truth is that IQ is related to race and more have been exposed to this knowledge out side their bias realm. The PC writers assignment is to reinforce their bias political view, truth is irrelavent, he started it all and he’s fair game even tody, they kick him just to inflict another blow, its a remender to those who still remember.

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