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Jews, Occam’s Razor, and Mantra Thinking

Posted by Bob on January 8th, 2007 under Coaching Session, How Things Work

If “How many angels can stand on the point of a pin?” was not one of the questions Renaissance scholars discussed, it was certainly the TYPE of thing they spent their lives on. Scholasticism was considered the epitome of Christian scholarship for hundreds of years, but it is simply impossible to overstate the total contradiction between the New Testament and scholasticism.

Scholastics were, like the clergy of our present established religion, an inbred bureaucracy. In fact, today’s professor-priesthood is in every their direct descendant, right town to the robes and tassels.

1) Jesus went OUT of the Temple, AWAY from the self-selected scholars who complicated everything. They put him on the cross for it.

2) Jesus SIMPLIFIED. He even reduced the Ten Commandments to one or two. Scholasticism saw virtue in complication, and only in complication, footnotes, quotes, complexity.

So Occam made a simple rule: Do not go beyond the least number of points needed to explain a point. That is the basis of Western science. But it is also a great deal nearer to the Gospel Jesus than the scholasticism Occam’s Razor destroyed.

Mantra thinking is Occam’s Razor thinking. Once you have seen that all of our present opinion-makers are fighting for genocide, you don’t need to spend the rest of your life sitting around and bitching about how bad they are.

Jews have been covered by TAFKAN, the artist formerly known as nobody. Jews exist only to be enemies of those around them. Their very survival as a group depends on declaring everyone else to be enemies who are out to get them. Their whole modern credo is self-pity, “Everybody on earth is evil but us. Anybody who wants to preserve their own kind, except us, is anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.”

But that is ENOUGH. The Mantra is ENOUGH. Whole scholastic-style books about how evil Jews are not only a waste, they are a DISTRACTION. The point is simply that Jews have an insane proposition that everybody is evil but them.

I have run into this distraction a hundred times at least. I would have an audience on my side and condemning the “anti-racist,” almost a miracle, as I honed the Mantra down. Then some zit-brain who was supposed to be on my side would say, “Yes, and there is a *** JEW ***” on William Buckley’s staff when he says that!”

The whole point of the Mantra is to hone things DOWN to reality. But the anti-white is delighted when zit-brain gets the talk onto ****** JEWS ***** ! This he can handle. It leaves me hanging there while zit-brain “proves” it’s all ***JEWISH ***.

Let this happen to you a few times and you will be as disgusted with scholastic anti-Semitism as I am.

  1. #1 by YearningForFreedom on 01/08/2007 - 3:41 pm



    I know the last thing you want is to be treated as a priest, but I have to say “Amen!” I also agree wholeheartedly with Alan B’s comment.

    Once the anti-white hears ‘Jews’ then he can start ranting and raving about the Six Million and what a genocidal maniac the zit-brain is.

    Defending the Third Reich is probably another red herring. I can understand the impulse people feel to do that. It’s a huge element of collective white guilt. Not only that, but considering the tens of millions of whites that died in that war, people want to believe that the German anti-Semitism was something of crucial importance to the world. And they find it impossible to consider that it MAY have been scapegoating for the economic problems, cultural decadence and the WWI loss — or it may have been Zionist-influenced, since the Zionists wanted European Jews in Palestine.

    Maybe Mr. Jared Taylor is doing the right thing. Although his organization seems far too reactionary — like it is speaking out of the 1960s, and as if we could go back there and rewrite history. You have to start somewhere to raise consciousness, I suppose.

    People ought to be forced to decide what they are at heart — anti-Semites or pro-White. Pick ONE.

    This is what happens to people who can’t pick one… Here’s Mr. Mark Weber interviewed by Hannity & Colmes:

  2. #2 by Bolg on 01/09/2007 - 4:57 am



    “I have run into this distraction a hundred times at least. I would have an audience on my side and condemning the “anti-racist,” almost a miracle, as I honed the Mantra down. Then some zit-brain who was supposed to be on my side would say, “Yes, and there is a *** JEW ***” on William Buckley’s staff when he says that!”

    The whole point of the Mantra is to hone things DOWN to reality. But the anti-white is delighted when zit-brain gets the talk onto ****** JEWS ***** ! This he can handle. It leaves me hanging there while zit-brain “proves” it’s all ***JEWISH ***.”

    You can say that – you have reached the point of saturation, you *know*, thus you are *past* ZE JEW as a topic. For those who don’t know about ZE JEW, it is necessary knowledge, it is basic foundation.

    Awakening -> Realization -> Planning -> Utilization. Leave any of these out, you build on sand.

    You can’t build a spaceship without mathematical knowledge, but more important – you won’t build it if you never learned the alphabet.

    Maybe you mean that it is enough to learn to think straight, and you’d be immune to the jew, *among* other dangers. In laboratory environment, yes. In reality? Well, you’re not blind, are you?

    No, sir, 2+2=4. That must be ingrained so deeply, that it’d be impossible to beat out.

    Do I qualify as a zit-brain then? So be it. This is not a social club. It’s a course in utilization, if I get what’s going on. (I do.)

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