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The PRACTICAL Uses of Mantra Logic

Posted by Bob on January 8th, 2007 under Coaching Session, History

You simply cannot understand the world today or history without thinking first about WHY people say things. For example, any of us who have an interest in history have been presented with one picture of Stalin, but few know, at least clearly, why.

Who gave us this picture of Stalin? The professors and writers who look upon themselves as “intellectuals.” To them, the most massive attempt in history to turn everything aspect of human life over to the “intellectuals,” Communism, is Sacred Writ.

“Intellectuals” did admit that Communism had its “flaws.” In extreme cases they would say that Communism had almost as many little problems as the West did, though Marxism was still morally superior. But when the entire machine suddenly collapsed of its own dead weight, they grudgingly even went a little further. And when all the silenced people who had lived under the “intellectuals” all that time were able to speak out, “intellectuals” had to admit the basic critics of Communism might just have a partial point.

So now we see clearly where the accepted picture of Communist history comes from. Which explains a spate of Stalin biographies now coming out.

The picture of Soviet history which academics favored was this: Communism was morality incarnate, though it had a few intrinsic problems. But Lenin was a humanitarian and Trotsky was a hero. Both Lenin and Trotsky were on the way to a perfect society when this thug named Stalin took over. It was, as Trotsky said, Stalinism that ruined Communism.

The historical Stalin was a feeble-minded, paranoid thug who was just too insane for gentle intellectuals like Lenin and Trotsky to handle. It was only because intellectuals LOST power that Communism became a nightmare.

Solzhenitsyn exposed Lenin and demonstrated how everything Stalin did was well under way by the time Stalin took over. Molotov, who knew them both intimately, said, “Compared to Lenin, Stalin was a pussy cat.” Funny how seldom you see that quote elsewhere.

But if you are not buried in the depths of academia, you will immediately wonder, “If Stalin was just a stupid thug, how did he outsmart both Lenin AND Trotsky? And that is what the spate of new biographies, complete with the opening of new Soviet files, goes into.

Twenty years ago, Reagan was universally portrayed as an ACTUAL retard by television. Once again, if one were not buried in the depths of the professor-priesthood, one might wonder how this dumb guy kept running over the brilliant liberals in Washington like a freight train. So today they simply forget they ever said that about Reagan.

But you cannot understand phenomena like these without knowing Mantra Thinking, an extension of Occam’s Razor on which Western science is built extended to social and psychological matters.

The new biographies portray Stalin as a genius. They also no longer portray his wife who committed suicide in 1932 as a saint. They actually mention the fact that Lenin was an almost unbelievably extreme physical coward along with being a sadist. Even Trotsky, the true intellectual hero of the political left for eighty years, is not spared.

None of these books makes Stalin a hero. In fact, they make him the genius of an evil system, the perfect genius of that system.

Few people understand where the old picture came from. Few will ever have it explained to them. And when I die, maybe no one will, unless some commenters continue Mantra thinking of their own.

  1. #1 by Peter on 01/09/2007 - 6:35 pm

    Not Spam
    Not Spam

    Apparently it came straight out of our colleges and universities. No wonder the GI bill was such a great idea. Still, it’s uncanny how things have happened at the right time. Wars wreck havoc, before, during, and after their exact dates. Shari

  2. #2 by Alan on 01/10/2007 - 1:36 am



    Stalin had little use for intellectuals, Stalin was a man from the street and a thug, he used manipulation and force to accuire his aims. Intellecuals were usefull idiots in his view and when they wore out their usefullness he would dispose of them, they feared Stalin and here he was a thug with average intelligence ans a speaker who was duller that John kerry. Stalin is only remember because of his ruthlessness, he collectivised the farms and saved communism from fascism, life meant lettle to Stalin and intellectuals were at the bottom of his food chain.

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