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Gee, Whiz, Al!

Posted by Bob on January 13th, 2007 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses



OK, I wrote a reply yesterday but I didn’t send it. Here is my rewritten reply after more thinking.

Of course humans are animals. But what I see what you are trying is introduce another frame of thought. But more than that, you are trying to introduce a new Weltanschaunng (world view).

I see the current Weltanschaunng as saying that all people are humans. We have black humans, yellow humans and white humans — but we’re all human. And we are more similar than different. Where there are differences, we should work to correct them, not to separate and segregate. Where some are lower, we must try our best to raise them up to our level.

You are trying to introduce a world-view that dehumanizes us. It makes us think of ourselves as animals. Then, we can say the non-whites are lower animals (or lower breeds). It seems like an un-Christian way of thinking. (Or at least the sick brand of Christianity, as you refer to it, that says, “According to the Bible, there are no “races” – there is only one race: the human race. We are all descended from Adam and Eve and diversity came later.”)

I’ll just say that if many people adopted the latter view, nobody would care about denying the Holocaust anymore.

Comment by YearningForFreedom


This is one of those “Gee, whiz” answers: “Gee, whiz, but the truth is too COLD!”

The Gee whiz used to be, “Gee whiz, if you think different races have different IQs, you are dehumanizing us. We are all just, well, gosh, humans!” Yes, Al, I consider the whole concept that all men are created equal as pure unmitigated crap the same way the Founding Fathers did.

Average differences in IQ are pretty well accepted now (ever the New York Times admits it!) except in the most remote corners of academia.

If you can’t live with reality, that is called insanity.

If we found that chimpanzees were interbreedable with man, would it “dehumanize” us to still consider they are DIFFERENT? Well, gee, whiz, of course it would!

That is the kind of “human” I definitely want to be dehumanized from, the silly kind. We fought all this crap out when Galileo was suppressed for saying the earth is not the center of the universe. Humanity’s planet was no longer the center all creation so that dehumanized us.

Hey, Al, after four hundred years, do you think you can accept Galileo now? Four hundred years is a long, long time. I mean, Gee whiz, Al, give the guy a break!

  1. #1 by Alan on 01/13/2007 - 1:02 pm



    Today all races are said to be equal, in the past when the phrase “All Men Are Created Equal” refered to the only race of man that mattered, the race of the man who wrote these words, the white race. Today the PC adovocates blow everything out of proportion, they assume the know what some man meant when pen was put to paper, thats pure bullshit. Our fore fathers were refering to the white race here in American when the latter phrase was put to paper. All men here in America are equal, whites, they never even considered that sambo or chill bean could be confused with what they had in mind. Their world was the white world, the modern world, the only world. We set ourselves apart from England when we used those words, we said in America we do not recognise class divisions, All white men are created equal, period.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 01/13/2007 - 3:23 pm


    Bob of course you are right whites have had a death wish long before the Jews climbed on the anti-white bandwagon. Old Al here is just repeating the mantra of white wordists. Thankfully it is so laden with bad history and declining results that it can and will be toppled just like Communism once our logic is taken up by more than our half dozen free thinkers. I am a white man and I offer no apologies for that and never will, I wish to exist and prosper, I demand it, and I see myself as part of a continuim of those white men who came before and those I wish to see follow me. That is my mantra, I live it. Al does not, like many others he wants heaven on earth and a life of ease, many do, its easy to fail and subsume yourself to a mantra of nothingness, this offers me nothing I desire. I ask Al and others like him, “What does he offer in specific terms?”

  3. #3 by YearningForFreedom on 01/13/2007 - 8:04 pm



    The more I read here, the less I understand.

    I had always assumed we consider people of other races to be at least fellow humans. I thought calling non-whites subhumans were comments made out of anger and frustration. I knew IQ differences were significant, but I didn’t think of something so radical as considering different races different animals. Animals that might be psychopathic or not have a “self” as we know it.

    The subject is always comparison of blacks to whites, an easier task. What is the place for East Asians in your Weltanschauung? Their IQs are close to whites but they are not as creative.

    Maybe you ought to give us a required reading list or something so we can understand this way of thinking and this world view, to help us FEEL what it was back then.

    -al parker

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