Archive for January 20th, 2007

Bruce and HUAC


It was Martin Dies Jr. who started the HUAC if I’m not mistaken.



That is the impression you would get from Goggle. But Dies took over HUAC and MADE it anti-Communist AFTER World War II. During the Roosevelt years, there were more Communists than anti-Communists among congressional Democrats. Southerners became a very small minority of Democrats after the 1932 landslide, and those Northern Democrats were FAR left.

Dies may have named it HUAC for all I know or can easily find out. The original committee and its purpose are simply un Googleable, at least for me.

I got the real story from a chance mainline documentary shortly before the KGB files were closed again. But, like the Medicogenetical Institute, it has gone into the Memory Hole.

But it WAS a Communist New York Jew who set up the originial committee to chase German sympathizers and Klansmen, and Communists were on that committee.


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