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Posted by Bob on January 27th, 2007 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses


OK, so when you say “choosing the race of their children,” do you mean the children will be white only in appearance, i.e. they will be impostors, so to speak — or will they be “fully” white?
Al Parker


From my first article on this I emphasized that the ads in India would say “genuine ARYAN children.” That is why I had more faith in India than in the West.

But this is precisely the kind of question WE need to be concerned with. Outside of Bob’s Seminar, they can talk about relative birth rates, immigration, and the assimilation crap you were talking before, but we are the ONLY ones who realize that the future will not be like today.

Let me mention that mere cosmetics is not as easy in real genetic as we are led to believe. According to all we have been led to believe, not only is it very simple to assimilate and educated non-whites to be white, but we are all the same genetically except skin color.

As always, we have to get rid of ALL of our PC concepts. A paint job totally separate from all other characteristics will not be as easy as you, with your assimilationist ideas, would naturally believe.

Politically Correct types are always saying that less than .0000000000000000000000000001% or whatever they choose to make up of genes are racial. Now they will fight to get those specific genes into children who are bred to look white. As usual, their own argument is a problem.

While others in the movement are arguing over whether a particular name from 1888 is Jewish or not, they will laugh at us for concerning ourselves with the two percent or so of gene makeup we are concerned about. What’s THAT got to do with Iraq?

But your question and my answer shows how completely divergent this seminar makes our thinking from the usual stuff. The further we diverge from the old failures the better off we are.

We want the “genuine Aryan children.” One generation ago, all the Yuppies HATED whites. Today that attitude, hard as it is for younger folks to believe, is far less prevalent.

The Greatest Generation is DYING, Lord be praised! The offspring they raised to be anti-white is old. We live in a world which is overwhelmed by non-whites and nobody knows what to do about it. This is a VERY important difference as we come to a time when race will be a CHOICE.

Merely convincing people our race needs saving, plus the simple reality that everybody actually prefers white children – which is why they spend such stupendous resources proving that mixed blood looks just as good – is what the next generation needs.

Running out with a machine and taking over the world is not the point now.

REAL white children, not just paints, a word I just made up, is what we are after. In a really competitive environment, I think “genuine” will sell.

All the so-called racial loyalty of non-whites is based entirely on a hatred of whites. Vanishingly few black men would have brown kids if they could help it.

That is the reality that counts in the twenty-first century.

  1. #1 by shari on 01/27/2007 - 2:51 pm


    I remember that OJ’s black daughter was seriously angry. I think that she hated white women.
    If you want to stop or at least neutralize “hate” stop the mixing, it’s just that simple. Thank God the truth cannot be supressed for ever.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 01/27/2007 - 4:25 pm


    Big news on the “choose white” campaign front. I seen a video of some black girl’s documentary where she did a study of pre-shool black children choosing the white doll over the “bad” black doll. History repeats itself Bob is right, again. Personally I would like to see all the races tested for this, imagine little Chinese kids choosing blue eyed Barbie. Imagine Hane Elliot hanging herself.

  3. #3 by YearningForFreedom on 01/27/2007 - 5:27 pm



    Off topic: Some whites like to tan their skin. Tanning establishments have opened up in cities. Do whites tan because they might be anti-white or because tanned skin is aesthetically preferable – ie: healthier looking…

    Wait, nevermind, here is a 5-page thread on it.

    -Al Parker

  4. #4 by Alan on 01/27/2007 - 9:49 pm



    Whites will be of pure Aryan genes, we can not have it any other way. In time every brown skin race of this and that will be trying to prove that they belong to this group of that group, yet their skin color will only say brown, victims of all the PC horse shit that demanded we worship brown. Our race will not have such trouble, and we will demand that anyone with in our group be a perfect match, the dominant race in a sea of brown muck.

  5. #5 by Dennis on 01/29/2007 - 2:50 am



    What you are talking about, appears to me, to be the willful genetic manipulation of ones offspring, to not only change superficial physical attributes such as skin colour, but change many deeper ones. That is, to change what essentially is a child of one race, into one of another.

    However, genetics doesn’t work as simply as we intially assume. It isn’t just the genetic code which creates us, it is the ordering of the code and interactions between them. It may prove not to be possible to do this without wholesale changes. The question then to prospective parents is “is this really our child?”
    Granted that people generally prefer to have children with white attributes, will parents however be willing to import foreign DNA into their child to do this?
    Will parents be willing to make the jump from “the best of our genes” to “the best of our genes and those of others?”

    On another note, the characteristics that make white people unique are characteristics that aren’t obvious to most people. Considering that people will select for the visible and obvious charactersitics, such as physical features and intelligence, will the genetic selection of the future overlook the more important ones such as creativity, empathy, self discipline and self restraint?

  6. #6 by Papillon on 01/30/2007 - 7:24 am


    Oh drat! I forgot the NOT SPAM on the previous comment. So this is a “heads up” for you, dear Bob.

  7. #7 by Papillon on 01/30/2007 - 9:54 pm


    Looks like my “heads up” didn’t work. Anyway, I posted the mantra in the comments section to a newspaper report about “sensitivity training”, and wrote a request on here that people keep an eye on the reactions it was getting. I checked back on it this morning and POOF! the mantra has DISAPPEARED.

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