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If It’s Explicable, It Isn’t True

Posted by Bob on July 3rd, 2007 under Coaching Session, History

Information is a PRODUCT. If you can EXPLAIN WHY someone HAD to say something, it’s not true.

Information which can be explained, like information in an infomercial, is sometimes true. It is sometimes true in EXACTLY the same way that a broken watch is right twice a day.

No matter how much you disprove ANYTHING; there remains a finite probability that it is true. The Lizard God may be creating the world at this moment, and you are a figment of your own imagination or of something else you do not know. Nothing is EVER proven beyond ANY doubt.

So let’s get real. If I see a watch which doesn’t move at all, I assume it is wrong. If someone makes an argument that is perfectly Politically Correct, a statement he MUST make, I assume it is nonsense.

That is ALL I need to prove, if one understands reality at all. You can NEVER prove there is a zero probability of ANYTHING simply because there is nothing for which the actual probability is zero.

I was reading a mail out of Great Courses I could buy. On the cover is a pyramid, and it talks about The Secrets of Ancient Egypt Revealed! One of the many courses offered inside, some of which may be worthwhile, is a History of Civilization. The description of it is exactly like the course I took as a college freshman exactly fifty years ago, with ONE exception.

This “modern” course explains how everything was invented in the Middle East, spread to Greece and then to Rome and finally to the barbarians of Northern Europe. But there is a kicker at the end. At the end it talks about World Civilization and how the Spanish discovered that south of the Rio Grande and how the future lies THERE. Western Civilization is just a blip on the surface of Great Civilization. It was the LATEST blip when I was in school. Now it’s a PASSING blip.

One can explain this “history” up to the last bit the old way: If everything came from Ex Oriente Lux, from the Middle East, white people are incidental. Carbon dating has destroyed that whole historical theory FACTUALLY, but that has nothing to do with MARKETING. Once you face that simple fact, the Hispanic Supremacy part, which includes AND excludes the rest of the non-Western world, is easily understood. Ignoring a billion Indians and 1.3 billion Chinese in a summary is explicable of you understand that this book is aimed at the AMERICAN market.

Information is a PRODUCT. If you can EXPLAIN WHY someone said it, it’s not true.

  1. #1 by Dave on 07/03/2007 - 1:30 pm

    Anything anyone says or writes is always motivated and when you are talking about motive, you talking about the world’s trickiest subject.

    For the vast of majority of people any convictions are expressed purely for talismanic or narcissistic reasons having nothing to do with actual convictions, convictions based upon the avoidance of having to do anything that requires courage.

    This is why so few control so many.

    Accordingly, the public is unaware, contrary to their perceptions, that successful politicians are not cowards, a big leg up on the public they supposedly serve.

    Stray dogs have insecurity for their feed and a tame dogs trade their freedom for slavery and a collar.

    The task of the politician is to get all those tame dogs out there to punch his name on the ballot, tame dogs being capable of the enormous act of courage of filling out a ballot.

    But the politician’s concern is with stray dogs and the threat they represent.

    You get a few stray dogs together and lo and behold you have got a revolution.

  2. #2 by Prometheus on 07/03/2007 - 7:56 pm

    Information, as opposed to knowledge.

    Somewhere in the education system, the waters between information and knowledge have been muddied. Something, I suspect has changed in the way people think and view their world, but I can’t place my finger on it. Being relatively young, and not knowing the world before PC fundamentalism came into existence, I have no first hand knowledge of the ‘before’ and ‘after’ to make a comparison.

    A broken watch may only be correct twice a day, but its invaluable when you don’t want to know the time.

    “Race is only skin colour” is a completely fallacious argument, but valuable to those who WAN’T to believe that.

    That is one of the interesting aspect of PC that I found detestable. Information is a product, and liberals CREATED a market.

    They spoke about how the biological difference in race would lead to genocides and murder, wars and more Hitlers, and in doing so, created a market for all those that could ‘disprove’ race.

    Similarily, by suggesting that difference in sexes and differing roles leads to oppression and suffering, they created a market for those who wish to prove that men and women are the same, aside from certain appendages.

    Fox Mulder from the X-Files had a poster in his office, with a picture of a UFO and the caption “I WANT TO BELIEVE” underneath.

    By making knowldege of race, of sexes, knowledge of the true nature of humanity to seem to be detestable, they were more able to sell their own ‘reality’. They made people WANT to believe that all races are equal and the same, and in doing so, anyone who could somehow ‘prove’ so was instantly elevated.

  3. #3 by mderpelding on 07/03/2007 - 8:33 pm

    Only western European whites have ever viewed history as an objective scientific study.

    All other peoples view history ethnocentrically.
    History justifies their own existance and quest for primacy in the world. They view themselves at the center of existance.

    Ethnocentric history has become the norm in the western university.
    But whites view history objectively.

    I think that many intelligent students sense this.
    After all, objectivity is part of our nature.

    At the same time, the urge to fight back with our own ethnocentric history is doomed to fail. We don’t want to grovel in the same trough as our enemies.

  4. #4 by Hardric on 07/03/2007 - 9:18 pm

    That is ALL I need to prove, if one understands reality at all. You can NEVER prove there is a zero probability of ANYTHING simply because there is nothing for which the actual probability is zero.

    Including, to be sure, the example from statistical mechanics which says that there is a nonzero probability that a pot of water placed over a fire will freeze solid. Which never has interfered with my breakfast.

  5. #5 by AFKAN on 07/04/2007 - 1:41 am

    Prometheus makes an excellent point.

    In truth, the terms our hereditary RACIAL Adversary uses – and which we accept – does something far more interesting than many might understand.

    Not only does the language – and thus, the “c” culture – shift to adopt their values, their use of false terms, with false meanings, is the foundation of what is called the double-bind, in which you are, literally, damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.

    So you do NOTHING without looking for that hint, that direction, that your choice is correct.

    Consider a commonly used term, such as JUDEO-Christian.

    Note that (1) it places JUDEO, nebulously defined, in First Place, and (2) JUDAISM is the EXACT opposite of Christianity.

    So, you have a term that, to the extent that it is accepted, literally, stops the Mind from going forward.

    Do this often enough, and you will have an awful lot of people on prescription tranquilizers, trying to quiet the anger that arises from the enforced cognitive dissonance the Mind, their tool of survival, suffers from.

    This is where the healthy, cleansing fires of pure anger, come to the fore. Properly harnessed, with assertiveness being used as the first tool of choice over (usually misplaced and misdirected) aggressiveness, they can begin to accept the Truth that their Mind has been trying to get them to SEE, and to ACCEPT.

    This is what the politicians live in fear of, someone who can break the Code, and work with the newly discovered Truth they have been using Wordism to hide behind.

    The only people that are remotely willing to discuss the larger issues of Family, RACE and Nation, are the WHITE people on both ends of the socioeconomic scale; the Elite, because they know it is true, as well as a source of power for them, and the Newly Dispossessed, who are all but to the point of having nothing, and nothing to lose.

    Of course, the Jews of all economic strata understand this most of us, for they realize that, if you can just control their Minds with the Words they accept – complete with their hidden meanings – they have just neutralized any forward motion by their hereditary RACIAL Enemies.

    Incidentally, does anyone else believe that the Form of “Education” has become the New American Religion?

    Wonder who controls the Education/Indoctrination Complex?

    Neither do I…

  6. #6 by Dave on 07/04/2007 - 12:12 pm


    Politicians live in fear of people committed to attacking the guilty.

    As long as their opposition follows doctrines that permits them to attack the innocent, politicians and their opponents are in alignment in their thinking: It is the innocent who must suffer.

    This is why the Jews love terrorism and why they danced with joy in Seattle last year when a schizophrenic Moslem burst into a Jewish community organization and shot five Jewish girls.

    Everybody in the establishment just loves these kinds of incidents. The whole rotten parasitic mass gets a payoff, from the Governor, to the Mayor, to the Police Chief, to the cops on the beat, to the Federal Police, to the criminal bar, to the medical professionals and emergency personnel responding, to the “mental health” professionals who get to carry on about “misunderstood schizophrenia”.

    The whole thing is so sickening it is just hard to endure.

    “The system” is in massive alignment regarding its agreement that the innocent and only the innocent must suffer. This is true no matter how the establishment characterizes itself (which is usually in some sort of reform or opposition guise). They all agree, it is the innocent and only the innocent that must be caught up in any trajectory.

    The true motto and operative policy of our government and the politicians who operate through it is this: “We will not held accountable for anything, under any circumstances, ever” and elections and “opposition politics” are the primary accountability avoidance mechanism in place in our time.

    For example, how many Ron Paul’s must we endure before at least some of the morons out there realize that Ron Paul is among the truly guilty? Ron Paul’s candidacy is about the system’s need to avoid accountability, THE EXACT OPPOSITE of the MSM’s characterization.

    Accordingly, the system’s real opponents are just a handful. That is those few of us who do not give a damn about ideology or any agenda and who are committed to identifying and attacking only the truly guilty. That is what those bastards really fear.

  7. #7 by Sys Op on 07/04/2007 - 5:53 pm

    Carbon dating has destroyed that whole historical theory FACTUALLY

    Factually, all current that I’m aware of right now, and all old “carbon dating” technologies are invalid — that has been shown to be so for many years. There are always certain assumptions and human start points that must be made in theories, which were applied to equations of isotope knowledge and comparisons we can attempt to make. Another PC driven item was put down by real science. As you say, whether and intelligent, creative “God” or strictly following the “law” in operation over our natural world — the absolute truths will be the same if they are truth. That’s why the most ardent evolution supporter scientists (ones who honestly wrote the just past current textbooks) have all said (as Darwin did) that the theory has not proven out and we must look for new answers.

    DNA/RNA/gamete operation have all proved what you and I refer to as general/species to species evolution null and void.

    We did not descend from the species we know as “apes” or any other species. The creative/natural design of replication is similar, but that’s where it ends and all science not twisted by PC adds to the dirt layers over that theory.

    The reason you may not know or read this is basically the same reason you fight for your race. We don’t need for our agenda that evolution be true. When I saw the PC-only drum-beat (not real science)for evolution in college and even the science professors rolled their eyes and said “just learn it and write it down on a test, you DON’T have to believe it… it doesn’t matter to anything, believe me.” And I could see they were right, so before I ever cared about “religious” things, that was training ground for “beware the PC Gods lest you die.”

    As we all wonder when we hear anything from anyone…. what’s *their* agenda.

  8. #8 by Simmons on 07/05/2007 - 10:49 am

    “Evolution” as taught today without genetics is the weak straw in the wind of PC science. It was some crazy jew “scientist” with a sinecure in the Ivy League that turned Darwin’s well thought out hypothesis into middle eastern magic thinking. What does that mean for us it means thousands of high IQ whites who now believe in evolution as taught by Stephen Gould and PC anthro by Jared Diamond are starting to learn they were duped and will be available for recruiting. Most likely they will not head to Stormfront but they will be available after they find out they were intellectually fleeced by the rabbis of science.

  9. #9 by AFKAN on 07/05/2007 - 11:18 pm

    Dave made a point that is so strong, it has taken me a day to define a reply.

    Let’s look at his point:

    Dave wrote:
    “The system” is in massive alignment regarding its agreement that the innocent and only the innocent must suffer. This is true no matter how the establishment characterizes itself (which is usually in some sort of reform or opposition guise). They all agree, it is the innocent and only the innocent that must be caught up in any trajectory.

    The true motto and operative policy of our government and the politicians who operate through it is this: “We will not held accountable for anything, under any circumstances, ever” and elections and “opposition politics” are the primary accountability avoidance mechanism in place in our time.

    For example, how many Ron Paul’s must we endure before at least some of the morons out there realize that Ron Paul is among the truly guilty? Ron Paul’s candidacy is about the system’s need to avoid accountability, THE EXACT OPPOSITE of the MSM’s characterization.

    Accordingly, the system’s real opponents are just a handful. That is those few of us who do not give a damn about ideology or any agenda and who are committed to identifying and attacking only the truly guilty. That is what those bastards really fear.
    *end snip*

    in reply:
    “The innocent” are the only ones who can be reliably trusted to fulfill their role as professional victims and sacrificial lambs; I remember a conversation with a coworker thirty years ago who seemed GLAD that he had lost his job to the Affirmative Action hire, on the grounds that “it was for the Greater Good.”

    My only thought was, “Damn! Winston Smith has come back from Room 101!”

    The same routine was pulled on the guys in the Machine Shop, all of whom could have retired years ago. They were introduced to their Affirmative Action Supervisor, a man who could not even identify the machine tools, much less how to set them up.

    Didn’t matter.

    They were TOLD that they WILL make their new Supervisor a success.

    Their Supervisor sat down, just like they told him to do at OCS, opened his briefcase, just like they told him to do at OCS, and told them he would like to meet with them in his office individually.

    They left for lunch at that moment, and returned from lunch, went straight to Personnel, put in their retirement papers, and went out – again – for lunch.


    They had given up their holiday’s, children’s birthdays, you name it, all for the corporate good, and THIS was their reward.

    I agree with you about Ron Paul; the question I always have of Paul’s supporters is, “How will you pay the bills? How will you deal with the cities being set ablaze by Grandma and Grandpa, wondering where their Social Security check is, much less their Medicare payments?”

    Two points about Paul many seem to miss:

    One, he promises to do what Reagan promised to do. What happened was the greatest deficits in American history, by far, and – note this well – an incredible privatization of government functions.

    The functions never went away, like Reagan’s supporters thought.

    They were PRIVATIZED, and now include such functions as Intelligence; roughly forty percent of the Intelligence budget is in private hands.

    All of Paul’s supporters seem ignorant of this, living as they do in some Libertarian fantasy world.

    In short, with Paul, you will get Reagan/Bush, in practice.

    It only gets worse.

    The Flat Tax/”Fair Tax” people, like Bortz, will do away with the motivating issue of their Libertarian/Conservative constituency, and that is the lack of an income tax in the Constitution.

    Won’t matter any more; a national consumption tax of 30% plus takes care of that, while scrupulously avoiding the taxation of “non-earned income.”

    Thus, governmental spending goes up, the national debt increases, and the income paid to owners of the national debt is now tax-exempt.

    Jaw-dropping, isn’t it?

    I have been wondering how we chose to actively support dysgenic policies, from the War on Poverty, to the 1965 Immigration Reform, to the 1986 Illegal Immigration Amnesty, to the de facto creation of the Republic of Aztlan, and the subsequent nullification of the Republican Party, by the Republican Party Leadership.

    Clearly, this could only have been accomplished by the singular RACIAL focus of our hereditary RACIAL Enemies, the Jews; of course, we LET this happen to us.

    I firmly believe that enough of us need to hit “rock bottom,” of one kind or another, and then stop blaming ourselves, and shifting into focused, disciplined Activity, using Anger as a tool to empower, while clearing away the intellectual and moral fog that blinds us now.

    Wordism has trapped us into intellectual impotence, and ineffectual acts.

    Dave’s final comment is strongest of all; the bastards truly fear those who can see clearly, and act with intelligent, focused, disciplined courage.

    The rest pose more of a threat to themselves, than to anyone in political office, much less anyone holding Real Power…

    For now.

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