Archive for July 19th, 2007
Tim and Simmons, A+ !
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 07/19/2007
The drug issue is a race issue. It is also rooted in Wordism. I want the Wordist’s to be stigmatized more and more. “Blood before Money and Wordism” should be our motto. And that should be Stormfront’s Motto on the front page.
Puritans and other Wordist’s can get their own thread BUT they cannot dictate control over other threads. I don’t mind Puritanical Pilgrims in the struggle BUT they must be loyal to OUR TRIBE before they are loyal to the Pilgrims. If not, no leadership position for them and squelch them out!
Hmmm, maybe we should tell the Stormfronters that Wordism is a Jewish Conspiracy. That would go like wildfire and may be our solution once and for all!
I despise Wordism more and more each day……….and it does not matter what the word is. It is literally the sole cause of all ills on this planet. I have been in the habit of saying to people in an argument:”If only we believe your words than the world will be ok…right? Well I don’t believe in Wordism and it does not matter what the Word is”. Everyone seems to be a little thrown off by that. On this blog, we just tend to be more grown up than the average spoon fed fool…..even if some of us are younger. Wordism is a plague on my Aryan brain.
If I ever write a book it will be titled “Zen and the Art of Anti-Wordism”
— Tim
Tautology a peculiar Jewish trait passed on to the more primitive of Earth’s inhabitants. No decent white man takes it up, and if he/she is in particular somewhat literate they reject tautology and the bastard children such as Freudian techniques of “debate.” The East Asians never seem to belabor failed nostrums and White men of any intelligence quickly apply Occam’s
law to anything worthwhile or they take up PC wordism AND THEN FADE FROM SIGHT (Bob’a caps). For instance, have youseen Jack Kemp lately? We are deprogramming a cult here with its emotive appeal and reward system. It takes asking the right questions, providing the right amount of
scepticism to the wordist answers and then providing the correct line of reasoning, or we belabor till death with little to show for it like the people at Amren providing for the millionth time some statistic about some non-white perfidy.
This is wonderful SEMINAR work!
Your anecdotes and opinions are always welcme,but here we have intellectual WORK. It is WORK that comes from thikng over wha is orignial HERE.
Above all, it ties OUR seminar concepts together. It connects up our world view without referring to Nietzche or some tome or tryng to make some other sale that the person would have mentioned if I had never been born. It is Occam’s Razor in action.
Your opinions and observations are always welcome here. We need it, and don’t hold back. But remember that if you want to ramble, you have the whole world to ramble in.
The seminar part, what I have to offer you, is dedicated to WORK on the SUBJECT that we have HERE. You are not here to as Bob’s Disciple. This blog, HERE, is coach trying to get some basic concepts across and get you on the road to EXPANDING in them and CREATING while USING them.
Tim and Simmons have done just that.

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