One of our policies here is that if one of our bloggers puts up a REAL website, as opposed to one that is forever “under construction,” I give it front-page coverage at least once.
A really good one gets more: If you look at the listing to the right, you will find “Introduction to Bob.” It is not Bob’s. It’s Dave’s national salvation site listed at the bottom of every article.
Scimitar’s is at
I reproduce comments mercilessly/nicely, depending on what you think of them.
If that bothered you, you wouldn’t BE in this kitchen.
I’m a racialist, not an “anti.” I keep track of these things at my website. Vermont never passed an anti-miscegenation law. The Wikipedia page on anti-miscegenation laws has been updated since I last checked it. Apparently, Vermont was not alone in this respect:
“Only Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Vermont, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Alaska, Hawaii, and the federal District of Columbia never enacted them.”
Of those, I am pretty sure Wisconsin, Minnesota, Hawaii, and Alaska also did not pass anti–miscegenation laws. According to the Jim Crow History website, Connecticut passed two anti-miscegenation laws in 1908 and 1933.
Note: For the record, Vermont is also one of the few states in the Union to allow same-sex civic unions.
#1 by Scimitar on 07/08/2007 - 9:55 pm
Thanks. I appreciate your support. As you can see, I blog daily about racial issues in North America. If you would like, I will put up a link on Occidental Dissent back to Whitaker Online. I’m deadly serious about building up a racialist answer to DailyKos and Red State.
#2 by shari on 07/09/2007 - 10:34 am
Scimitar, I agree that it is time to clean up our language and discard pc euphamisms. After all I am a ” Native American” and I am not an Indian.
#3 by Hardric on 07/09/2007 - 9:21 pm
Nice website, Scimitar. With Bob’s Blog, The content at National Salvation, and yours, I must say that these represent some of the highest quality and most thought provoking material to be found on the Internet.
#4 by mderpelding on 07/09/2007 - 9:48 pm
Interesting site. As an old order “Catholic” I thank you.
An observation re mass mestizo migration.
The whole legal/illegal argument is a loser. This argument follows the rules of the left. This is the wordist argument. Framed by wordists.
The left knows that anybody who rejects amnesty for our migrating friends is doing it for cultural/racial reasons. Not legal reasons.
There is no cogent argument from our historic natural law viewpoint to turn back mestizo invaders from our borders.
Remember, I am not talking history, but legality.
So the left insures that all mestizo migration is argued on the basis of legality.
Anybody who veers from this dialectic is branded as a “racist” or “xenophobe.”
I recently attended an “anti-immigration” rally where the organizers bloviated mightily about “illegal immigration” while complaining about so called “white nativists” that ruined the whole demonstration.
The organizers wasted no time in accusing those natavist supporters of “racism” and “xenophobia”.
But the left views ALL opponents to mass mestizo migration as racist.
So I will tag the respectables as “racists”.
Destroy their half baked arguments.
Take away their moral superiority.
Subject them to ridicule.
A smart man once said that “a house divided against oneself cannot stand”.
#5 by Simmons on 07/10/2007 - 10:33 am
Reading a David Duke essay I came to find out that Jared Diamond wordist posing as scientist advocates DNA tests to sort out Jews for Israel.