On “Prometheus” below, Mark says:
This has got to be the most enlightened and thought-provoking item I’ve ever read. Bob, if you don’t put a permanent link to this you will be doing all of us a great injustice. This piece hits home like nothing I’ve ever seen.
Mark, links and such are the work of SysOps, BoardAd, and whoever else is now our technical team.
I didn’t even write this one, as you can see. One of US wrote it and it is up to one of US to link it right.
I got us going. But when something is written by Prometheus, praised by you, and linked, at your suggestion, by my team, I am in my GLORY!
Untouched by Whitaker hands, that’s the ticket! It means that when Whitaker HANDS it over, my work will not be wasted.
#1 by BoardAd on 07/16/2007 - 3:28 pm
I put a link to the post under “From the Commenters”, if you think that this is in the wrong place or want it somewhere else, speak up.