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Never Say Never?

Posted by Bob on July 16th, 2007 under How Things Work

Statistics teaches that everything has a FINITE probability, even if that probability is google to the google power squared.

I am sure SOMEBODY will say they don’t believe this statistics stuff, and I will believe them if they agree to take a flight in an AIRPLANE that was built entirely by people who “choose not to believe” in this statistics stuff, which is basic to ALL engineering.

So much for the BS.

So statistics says there is a probability that there is NEVER a case where something is absolutely certain in all cases. All things are POSSIBLE.

Strictly speaking, this is the LAST moment in time when the words ALL or NEVER can be used.

I use them. I refuse to give up the use of all and never and no one because they CANNOT be stringently true. I am open to contradiction, but there is a finite probability that we are all figments of each others’ imagination so the contradictions don’t exist either.

If people object to my use of these words, they really need to look at the BASICS. Strictly speaking, NO ONE should EVER use those words.

But to say that, I HAD to use those words. And there is a finite probability that statistics is a figment of its own imagination and those airplanes don’t really fly.

So let’s cut the crap.

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