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Jewish Communists or Communist Jews?

Posted by Bob on July 23rd, 2007 under Coaching Session, History

Jews who are Communists or Communists Who are Jews?

That former KGB man on the Youtube

gives me a breakthrough here. He explains so much I have been trying to explain. One of the things I keep saying, but can’t get across, is HOW pure hatred destroys the hater.

This is not a moral statement. This is not a theoretical statement. This is a statement from a person who has practiced hard core power politics for half a century, and made his living at it.

I have repeatedly told you that the Jews who made Europe import the third world have cut their own throats. Europe is now being populated by people who make Hitler’s hatred of the Jews seem impersonal. The Arabs’ hatred has no chance of drifting away once a Fuhrer passes away.

The third world in the UN is now a solidly anti-Israeli bloc, yet it was Jews who made this possible with their anti-colonialism. Now the American LEFT is becoming anti-Semitic as Bush fights for Israel.

As Kissinger said, “A people that has been persecuted for two thousand years is doing something WRONG.”

It is no accident that, while Jews in general are in the midst of a population implosion worse than that of Europe, the Hassidim multiply the way Americans did in earlier days. It is no accident that, BY FAR, the solidest bloc of voters for conservative Republicans are, of all people, JEWS, Hassidic Jews.

Communists made no progress among Hassidic Jews. Demoralization found no support there. But demoralization and Communism are both the products of the HATING Jewish mentality. Franz Boas and Boas Marx had the HATING ethic, though both abandoned Judaism itself.

Now Jews are shouting about “the silent genocide,” THEIR OWN marriage of gentiles. But their children are only following the doctrine of race mixing hating Jews laid out. Hassidic Jews won’t even let a gentile into their house, much less MARRY them.


Is this the fault of Jewish who became Communists or of Communists, including the gentiles who became Communists.

The side of Judaism that concentrated on how evil everybody else was led to Communism and race-mixing, and that same Communism and race-mixing is destroying the part of the Jewish community which concentrates on past persecutions and getting white gentiles back for it.

So which came first, the chicken or its rotten egg?

Neither. Hate came first. The Devil came first.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 07/23/2007 - 11:33 am

    We certainly don’t need “hate”, some of the lesser minds in white nationalism might only be able to grasp onto hate, for now until they get a better script from us sometime in the future. What we have is what white men have been doing since they last busted the priest caste a sense of what Spengler called “Race.” For us that meant the future and what we could build, Hubble telescope comes to mind and countless other endeavors. What we can do is point out to the real haters those white traitorous antis is that their children’s future is one of being submersed into a peon culture (see Sailer’s v-dare article about a trip to the park). Whites are at an inflection point where we can dump the millstone of anti-racist hate onto the laps of their peasant peons and move on to a higher plane of existence.

  2. #2 by Dave on 07/23/2007 - 11:40 am

    This whole process is reflected in the military history of Israel and Israel’s own gradual process of demoralization.

    Committed fighters established the State of Israel fighting a demoralized enemy. As long as Israel’s military opponents existed only because of state sponsorship, Israel has been able to cope with the military threat to its existence.

    But gradually Israel’s military opponents have (1) become moralized at the same rate Israel’s military (2) has become demoralized and (3) at the same rate Israel’s military opponents have relied less on state sponsorship and more on private sponsorship.

    The neoconservatives are defined by their support of Israel’s foreign policy and the very thing they cannot come to grips with is Israel’s many committed and moralized enemies under private sponsorship.

    This is the central issue that neither Israel nor the neoconservatives can come to grips with. The issue is so profound they keep pretending it doesn’t exist. They are living in the past and in the MSM we keep seeing analysis that pretends the successful pacification of Iran would somehow change the arithmetic.

    As last summer’s Lebanon campaign proved, the only way Israel can now furnish a successful countermeasure to the growing military threat is to carry out operations that necessarily produce high casualties and the real reason Israel failed in the Lebanon offensive is that the boots on the ground refused to carry out the assault for that very reason.

    This is the truth the MSM tries very hard and unsuccessfully to cover up. This is occurring while Jews are resigning from being Jews in droves.

  3. #3 by Twin Ruler on 07/23/2007 - 4:35 pm

    Left Multiculturalism and Cultural Marxism are examples of Communist subversion on Campuses. As is, Political Correctness!

  4. #4 by mderpelding on 07/23/2007 - 7:13 pm

    What Marx taught was the Jewish worldview.
    Jews were allready ethnocentric, so the way they distinguished themselves was via their ability to generate wealth and power.

    That is why even after two thousand years, Jewish numbers are still small compared to the rest of the world.

    And why the Jewish elite will support all manner of “pograms” as long as their interests are advanced.

    Remember that in the ’30’s, the Nazi’s and the Zionists were in full agreement.
    If the destruction of the Jewish masses could be used to insure future Zionist hegemony in the west, that was okay.

    There is NO extant historical example of the idea of “noblesse oblige'” in Jewish history.

    The teachings of Marx, Freud, Boas, Marcuse , and the many other Jewish intellectuals throughout history are not really overtly anti-goyim.
    They were instead the attempts of profoundly alien minds to understand
    a world they viewed as incomprehensible.

    In all cases, the Jewish intellectual view projects the Jewish worldview.
    Of course, we have adopted this foreign viewpoint as our own.
    So we constantly have to endure the term “anti-semitism” when if we had even a modicum of historical racial self-respect we would stop viewing our actions through the eyes of our enemies and instead view our historical relations with the Jews as two thousand years of Anti-Gentilism.

    When you allow yourself to be called a racist or anti-semite, or a Naziwhokilledsixmillionjews, you are allowing your enemies to define you.

  5. #5 by Twin Ruler on 07/23/2007 - 8:35 pm

    And remember, 60 million Christians died at the hands of Jewish Communists. That is ten times the number of Jews that allegedly died at the hands of the German Nazis. We usually do not hear about those 60 Million Christians, since the Jewish controlled mainstream media considers the lives of nonJews, of Goyim, to be less important than those of the “Chosen People”. The methods that the Jewish NKVD used to kill those Christians were atleast as fiendish and savage as those of the SS.

  6. #6 by danerebor on 07/24/2007 - 2:03 pm

    Many Jews have helped create this PC frankenstein monster. That’s what cunning, evil people DO. Then the monster ends up killing its creator… or its creator’s loved ones.

    Monsters running amok can really change things, usually NOT in the way their creators intended.

  7. #7 by Twin Ruler on 07/24/2007 - 3:34 pm

    Communism, itself, was a Frankenstein monster which turned on the Jews.

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