Do we mark the Pope a race-traitor? In that case, do we not mark every single living ‘bona-fide’, elected white leader in the West a race-traitor? And what of their white electorates? Heck there’s work to be done!
OK. Every single living bona-fide white leader IS a race-traitor. It’s part of the job description.
I have been pointing that out on WOL since the beginning. The instant a leader says somethng pro-white he is no longer respectable and he is OUT. I am an example of that.
Pain made the only comment on my piece below about how other professinals read my writing because I am 1) kicked out and 2) a damned good source of thought respectable NEED every day to make a living. He said something abut how I am sayng a priest wrote the Sobran piece I referred to, which I assume is his brand of humor.
But I DID figure out a way to take ADVANTAGE of being kicked out. I AM a pro, I made MONEY out of my ideas, and now they’re free for the taking, and nobody has to giveme credit for them. You better believe the other pros take advantage of that. I hope SOMEBODY noticed the POINT here.
BECAUSE I’m kicked out, my ideas spread BETTER than they would if I were a big name getting paid for it. Bill Rusher gave me credit for one of my ideas in a book, and THAT one didn’t spread.
This is an EXAMPLE of my saying, “Yu can have the money, yu can have the fame, you can have the titles, all I want to do is rule the world.” It works beautifully precisely because no one but me can SEE it working.
#1 by Pain on 07/27/2007 - 3:13 pm
“they’re free for the taking, and nobody has to giveme credit for them.”
That’s power.
I have noted Rush Limbaugh using your stuff, even the way you frame your words. People here have shown Ann Coulter using your stuff right after you posted them here.
What it proves is that you have packed in big ideas into little chestnuts.
Chestnuts are easy to carry around. And when a commentator throws out a chestnut to his audience, nobody thinks they were picked off Bob’s tree. They just think they taste good.
So, are you saying here is that it is good that Sobran disavows you, since now he can use your ideas without anyone knowing they come from that crazy Southern redneck Bob? If so, then this may be good for both of you.
#2 by marwinsing on 07/27/2007 - 6:22 pm
Power’s a pack of devil’s bullets in the left pocket and an envelope of love in the right. With a pack o’ steel in one hand and yer Genius mouse in the other.
#3 by mderpelding on 07/27/2007 - 7:43 pm
I’ll paraphrase Yockey here…
1)The purpose of leadership(government) is to differentiate friends from enemies.
2)War is the resistance to aggression.
Sentence 2 seems dependent on sentence 1.
So who is the enemy?
Respectable conservatives?
Cultural Marxists?
Post millennialist Christians?
The Pope?
People who say “almost”?
Posters you disagree with?
College professors?
How about the ever growing world of non-white savages?
How about people who aren’t white Gentiles?
Every white identity group, no matter how “militant” they seem, lets say comparing “Stormfront” to “V-Dare” or “AmRen” to “Whitaker online” realizes implicitly that western civilization is at risk. What they can’t seem to agree on is “why?”
We all know we are toast.
We are all ready to fight.
We just can’t agree on who the enemy is.
#4 by Tim on 07/27/2007 - 10:34 pm
Speaking about ideas getting out there. Fjordman the European blogger/writer that the brought the world Islamic horror stories from Europe has just laid out a fascinating read. Fascinating considering he has been adopted by the Neocons and that makes him a bundle of contradictions on OUR RACE issue. But read below……it is MUST reading for BUGS readers/commentators.
“Alexander Boot, a Russian by birth, left for the West in the 1970s, only to discover that the West he was seeking was no longer there. Boot believes that democracy, or in the words of Abraham Lincoln, the government of the people, by the people and for the people, has been replaced by glossocracy, the government of the word, by the word and for the word.
Glossocracy can be traced back at least to the slogan of the French Revolution in 1789, “Freedom, equality, brotherhood.” As it turned out, this meant mass terror, martial law and authoritarian rule. The more meaningless the word, the more useful it is for glossocrats. This is why the notion of Multiculturalism has been so useful, since it sounds vaguely positive, but ambiguous and could be used to cover up vast changes implemented with little public debate. The impulse behind Political Correctness consists of twisting the language we use, enforcing new words or changing the meaning of old ones, turning them into “weapons of crowd control” by demonizing those who fail to comply with the new definitions. The European Union, a French-led enterprise, is currently the world’s pre-eminent and most unadulterated glossocracy.
According to Boot, a dictator whose power is based on bullets is afraid of bullets. A glossocrat whose power is based on words is afraid of words. The EU has drawn up guidelines advising government spokesmen to use “non-offensive” phrases when talking about terrorism. The word Jihad should preferably not be used at all, or should be explained as a misunderstood term meaning peaceful struggle against oneself. These recommendations are being implemented. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, in an attempt to avoid offending Muslims, in the summer of 2007 banned his ministers from mentioning “Muslim” and “terrorism” in the same breath, following attempted terror attacks staged by Muslims – including several medical doctors – in Glasgow and London.”
First, Anne Coulter tells millions about the ongoing Genocide of our Race. Now Fjordman talks about WORDISM and dictatorship……not bad.
Read the whole thing below. But lets savor this line:”the government of the word, by the word and for the word.”
I love Soviet Dissidents. They are our kind of people. We are White DISSIDENTS.
#5 by Sys Op on 07/28/2007 - 3:28 pm
Why invent new make-believe words? “Glossocracy” EQUALS democracy. It’s always been that way. The French Revolution merely took democracy to its final logical end. Democracy = mob rule. America never established as any sort of democracy.
You may not like what it is formally, but it IS that nonetheless.