Hardric: There is a quite intelligent member of Stormfront who does not think that some of Marx’s ideas – including those on Race – were all that bad. I am no expert in this area, but I sure don’t have a lot of good feelings about filthy rich super capitalists who thrive on the misfortunes of their own people.
There are people and people who MATTER. No matter how hopefully respectable conservatives earn their bread by coddling minorities, non-whites are just groups to be ordered about by their “leaders,” who in turn are bought up by those with money.
That was true when Indian chiefs were given liquor and gifts by whites and that is true today when minority “leaders” live in luxury in the DC suburbs.
As Charles Issawi pointed out, American society is egg-shaped. It is the rich and the poor against the large middle class. This is historically routine. Alliances are ALWAYS against your neighbor. The earliest record of a permanent alliance is in cuneiform, an agreement of country A on one side of country B with country C against B.
The aristocracy had is superstitious peasantry to counter the rising city middle class.
Marxism is a weapon in the hands of the super rich against the middle class. That is why the anti-racist element has taken it over. The Krupps and their modern kin have kept the middle class inline by making them fear the masses and the minorities on the bottom.
That is why I keep INSISTING that the super-rich be made to PAY for what they are doing now. In the future, they and their heirs should be forced to WATCH each ad for interracial marriage they sponsored, forced to make out a huge, painful check for each one, and a few actually facing prison time or exportation so they can LIVE with their beloved minorities.
Religion preaches forgiveness, but power politics is NOT religion.

#1 by Hardric on 08/02/2007 - 9:30 am
Quite instructive. In any case, if I took over, Bill Gates would need more than 24 bathrooms to hide in.
#2 by mderpelding on 08/02/2007 - 6:48 pm
I wonder, has the elite failed to notice that Marxism has changed from an ethical system called “socialism” based on “need” to be accomplished via bloody class war into an ethical system called “multiculturalism” based on “equality” to be accomplished via bloody race war?
The so called “dictatorship of the proletariat” is to be replaced with “the dictatorship of the savage”.
Anyhow, seeing as racial animus is deep and natural, any cross racial alliance would be of the “fairweather” variety, wouldn’t it?
All the money in the world won’t stop blacks from hating whites.
Of course multiculturalism has been a boon to corporate USA, and the state. Multiculturalism has created “white flight”, arguably the greatest wealth transfer scheme of the last 50 years. I’d wager that the U.S. economy is absolutely dependent on it.
But cheap energy is essential to the system. And that is a problem.
Cheap energy has allowed the majority of whites avoid fighting. Instead they could easily flee violence. That will change.
Inter-racial violence will increase. Eventually whites will have to stand their ground. That means war.
Hence the bipartisan support for non-white immigration. Time is running out, more anti-white troops are needed. The only problem is to keep them from killing each other.
As far as who the “turncoats” are, the rich never promised anything. They have always been interested in capital accumulation. And always will be. At least since the beginning of time.
But what about those who promised under oath to uphold the constitution? You know, that document written for “us and our posterity”.
Remember, a mid-level bureaucrat can destroy a millionaire. It’s a matter of paperwork.
We’re not in a class war. We are in a race war.
Oops, I meant culture war.
#3 by Tim on 08/02/2007 - 8:37 pm
There are rich folks and then there is THE RICH. Bob is talking about THE RICH who profited from this garbage. Not the average stock trader or foreign exchange millionaire. There is a big difference between accumulating wealth and using your wealth to commit genocide against your own tribe. In fact, tribal societies can be just as profitable as self hating white societies.
Russia is creating a ton of millionaires quickly with Putin running things. But they are NOT making money selling out their own. There is a difference. The Slav Millionaires are NOT spending their money sponsoring groups to push non whites into our homes. In a tribal society —–everything would look like it was in reverse to a SHWP. Right now everything in the Ole USA seems in reverse to folks on BUGS.
I like your idea about expelling them outright. That is more ruthless than firing squads. Remember, Billy Gates does NOT need Western Civilization to replicate his wealth. He can do it in the 3rd World. That is why he is giving scholarships to so many lil Africans. I have no problems with making him PROVE he can recreate Microsoft in the 3rd world. That means making him start from scratch in a 3rd world country and prove it to us.
The big buzzwords in the future will be Genetic Capital. Our Genetic Capital. That is what we are trying to preserve and grow. Everyone will realize that without so-called Western Genetic Capital (white folks). You get no Western Goodies. It should be interesting to see how many of these so-called Western Corporations realize they cannot get the same results in creativity from non-western people. There will then ensue a fight for Western Genetic Capital among so-called Western Corporations.
People are busy talking about Chinese Spies. I don’t doubt they are here. I would be if I were them. But the big spy cases will be White men fed up with all the garbage selling out Corporate and Defense to Technology Secrets to the Russians…..just watch. In a tribal world, the Chief that represents the tribe best gets the goodies of the tribe. I am probably more tribal than Putin. But I am not in the White House. So Putin is the only European Leader on this planet acting like a European Leader. That has many intangible benefits. He is basically leading the only White Nation. We are just white tribes without borders. If I were in his position, I would be taking so-called Western Civilization with all it’s goodies and moving it East at a rapid clip. And I have a hunch some of things being sold to them will make that spy case involving Robert Hansen look like a warmup.
(I do not know about Robert Hanson. But I do NOT doubt that race factors with in the agency played a role. I bet he was fed up with the SHWP’s. Everything is race to me.)
#4 by Hardric on 08/02/2007 - 11:50 pm
I have a little problem with this: As far as who the “turncoats” are, the rich never promised anything.I don’t think if you commit treason (in the Governments view) they will ask about the promises you made or the oaths you swore. Nor do I forgive Racial Treason just because the offender did not swear formal allegiance to the White Race. It comes with the uniform you were born with. As far as wealth goes, although I haven’t done much Bible reading recently, it seems like I remember this: “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.”
#5 by mderpelding on 08/03/2007 - 8:04 pm
The “rich” value capital accumulation to establish dynastic power.
Your social grouping consists of racially aware white people.
The social group of the “rich” is their progeny. Not white people or brown people or Christians or their neighbors.
TIM…you are confusing the issue.
The source of profit is entirely secondary to the degree of profit.
The rich use their wealth to create more wealth. Rate of return rules supreme.
The intent is to maximize rate of return, not to engage in racial politics.
Their focus is much narrower than yours.
If tribal societies were even as borderline profitable as our free societies, there would be Navajo spaceships.
As far as the RUS, remember the Romanovs.
The rich define genetic responsibility MUCH narrower than you do.
You say all white people.
They say, only our closest genetic kin.
You think race.
The “rich” think immediate family.
While you worry about the so-called “white race”,the rich worry about leaving a lasting legacy for their great-grandchildren, and beyond.
As far as bible quotes, so-called good Christians quote their Bibles to justify the constant importation of cannibalistic savages into our countryside.
#6 by Hardric on 08/03/2007 - 9:02 pm
RE: The rich define genetic responsibility MUCH narrower than you do.
Many people define all kinds of responsibility differently than I do.
The father who runs off and abandons his children defines responsibilty differently than I do.
The politician who sells out his nation defines responsibilty differently than I do.
And someone who kills may define murder differently than others.
Tell that to the judge and jury. You don’t get off the hook by making interesting definitions.
I’m not religious, but the Bible and H.L. Mencken have some nice quotes. None of them will help the religious Race Traitors get to wherever they think they are going.
#7 by Tim on 08/04/2007 - 12:27 pm
Ironically, my social grouping does not consist of many racial aware white people. It would be more appropriate to say that they are becoming more aware of race.
We are talking past each other. I understand what you are saying. But you must understand RACE. Lets recall the first rule—-RACE IS EVERYTHING. Your comparison of Navajo’s to Aryans is foolish. You oughta know better. By tribal society, I mean that the guys in charge actually care about their own. I am not talking about Aryan Rain Dances but the formation of a new Aryan/White Nation State based on Blood. There is no such thing as equality and that includes tribal societies.
Furthermore, you are thinking in terms of a Normal Society were Rich Folks are in a class of their own. That will not exist much longer and is already breaking down.
I am around wealthy people everyday at work (10mill+). They are all becoming more tribal in so much that they are worried about things that they were NOT worried about 10 years ago. They have asked me a hell of a lot more direct questions about bus rides in the ghetto than then your average middle class white person.
Because preserving their wealth may be dependent on understanding what happens when whites are on bus were they are only 15%. Rate of Return is very important for any investor. But on this bus, that is a secondary concern. And if you don’t understand that —–you and your money will be not be around long enough for me to worry about. I am seeing it everyday. Many wealthy folks will do what it takes to keep their money AND stay White ………they will become as RACIST as anyone on this blog.
This is not 1920 or 1950. You can get away with just thinking of your next of kin and securing your dynasty. It is 2007, and you will not be able to run away from this if you are rich (unless you want to be non-white 100 years from now and that goes for everyone). Ironically, I have come to believe independently wealthy people (and White Executives in Fortune 500 companies) are much more concerned about these things than the average White person. Some are just worried about their money. But many have all the same concerns as you or me…….
#8 by Bret Ludwig on 08/06/2007 - 10:38 pm
Marxism is a weapon in the hands of the super rich against the middle class. That is why the anti-racist element has taken it over. The Krupps and their modern kin have kept the middle class inline by making them fear the masses and the minorities on the bottom.
That is why I keep INSISTING that the super-rich be made to PAY for what they are doing now. In the future, they and their heirs should be forced to WATCH each ad for interracial marriage they sponsored, forced to make out a huge, painful check for each one, and a few actually facing prison time or exportation so they can LIVE with their beloved minorities.
But that assumes there are just three layers. In practice there may be five or seven. At some point it gets unworkable, of course. And there can even be an even number if there are more than three.
But I see the hyper-rich against the merely superrich with the noveaux nerd money class and the extreme low element used as a tool by the middle class against what are called “the working poor”.
And especially within the broader middle classes I see a lot of horizontal infighting-often egged on by upper strata.