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Pain, I Don’t KNOW!

Posted by Bob on August 20th, 2007 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses, History

Pain wants me to be more specific about the future. My point is that I don’t KNOW the future.

If you want to just make static here, you can declare that things like my suggestion that Indians MIGHT want Aryan babies is nonsense. You could argue that the Soviet Empire would have collapsed, Reagan or not. I call them as I SEE them, and when I don’t think I SEE them, I don’t call them.

As I KEEP pointing out, a Prophet of Doom is as silly as any other self-declared Prophet, but while everybody laughs at ever OTHER self-declared Prophet, the Prophet of Doom is NEVER laughed at. It may come from the same place that our absolute worship of stone-faced Chinese and American Indians who babble crap and do nothing comes from.

If you have a frown on your face, people take you seriously. Since Prophets of Doom have no better track record than any other prophets — take a look at the famous predictions of 1900 of what couldn’t be done by top people — the only explanation is the Chinese one.

The East Indian/Aryan thing was simply a random example trying to get your head out of the latest newspaper. I don’t argue it because it isn’t my POINT. My POINT is that things will make up the future that sound absurd right now.

No Sovietologist lost a penny by being dead wrong about the future of the USSR. Nobody in intelligence lost anything by 9/11. I am alone in that I CARE about what will happen, not just about my next paycheck and a reputation.

NO ONE ELSE has talked about the GENERAL conflict between science and social science. You are a specialist in one or the other. But the simple fact is that you can’t predict the future I you are a specialist. Specialists ALWAYS get blindsided. But it also never costs them anything, so that is not going to change.

One commenter put it perfectly: We are going to have to learn to THINK.

Someone asked me about general guidelines from me about comments I wouldn’t bitch about. I can’t think of any. Mark is bitching at me right now. I have no idea what he is getting at. I will bitch at you from time to time. If you have a point to make, you just have to live with it.

The points I just made strike me as important. Mark will ignore them and continue whatever jag he is on. Others will concentrate on what Mark is saying.

I’ll just go ahead and make my points.

  1. #1 by richard on 08/20/2007 - 11:12 am

    In schools in India, they stream pupils according to their skin colour. In class, the paler kids sit at the front and the darker kids sit at the back. If you’re a dumb kid with light skin, you’ll have a better chance of being in the top class than a bright kid with dark skin. Check out any Indian dating website, and you’ll see the descriptions of ‘light skinned brahmin woman seeking professional man’ etc.

    I’d say Bob’s vision of East Asians genetically engineering their kids to be Aryans is a hell of a lot more likely than the ‘one raceless world’ dream of our enemies.

  2. #2 by Pain on 08/20/2007 - 3:40 pm

    I (and I think Mark, too) just want to make sure I understood what you mean. Now you seem to be saying that selective atavism will become one tool to fight white extinction. Nobody can disagree with that! (Much less importantly, the same tool could also be wielded to weed out white trash, whom we could define as those with DNA so corrupted that they are hardly white anymore.) But you make no prediction as to just what will unfold down the line.

    ***But please help us focus here. I think there are very many people who read this blog, but don’t post comments because they are unsure what you want.

  3. #3 by Dave on 08/20/2007 - 7:01 pm

    The future is determined by the real problems needing solution. People, however, are terrible at accurately identifying their real problems.

    For example, low cost electronic storage, only ten years old, forever solved the problem of record keeping. Today no one cares a fig about the problem, being definitively at long last solved. Yet for all of human history up until ten years ago this problem placed severe restraints on economic progress, yet how few of us ever identified it as an issue?

    Accordingly, the future is determined by the real problems bedeviling us. Not the recognized problems, but the real problems we face, recognized or not.

    That is why enormous power is available for those of us that SEE.

    Want to solve your problems? Learn a new way of seeing. Just make sure it’s an ACCURATE way of seeing, not clouded by emotional issues and reactivity.

    For this vulgar humanity that surrounds us, this great mass of people living in branded derelictions, so aptly aided and abetted by public education and the MSM, and so muscularly committed to unwavering self-deception, is much in need of a boss, any boss.

    Therefore, the task of white nationalism is to shed both our political and personal derelictions, for our nonwhite “brothers and sisters” are in great need of supervision, their own native derelictions being genetically hardwired and bound to squalor.

    I not saying anything any educated white man did not consciously and fully understand in the 19th century: Nonwhites must be supervised. Under white supervision nonwhites thrive. Otherwise they sink into unavoidable native derelictions and squalor. The nonwhite world understands this implicitly, except for a few deluded intellectuals among them. That’s why, as BW has said, for nonwhites there is only ONE race, the white race.

    But how can we whites supervise other races if we can’t supervise ourselves? Accordingly, we should strive to become the branch of humanity in no need of supervision, not being as susceptible to the seductions of derelictions as our nonwhite “brothers and sisters”.

    Therefore, our task is to master ourselves and we do not do that by creating rows and arguments within our own family. Master yourself, and your opponents will follow, having been definitively defeated.

    That is the secret of how white nationalism needs to proceed, for it is easy to articulate WHAT needs to be achieved, it’s the HOW to proceed that is hard.

  4. #4 by Hardric on 08/20/2007 - 7:02 pm

    RE: My POINT is that things will make up the future that sound absurd right now.

    And that is an extremely important point. Most people’s vision never goes beyond straight line interpolation. All they can imagine is more of what they see right now.

    Be aware, however, that not all of us belong to the myopia crowd.

  5. #5 by Alan B on 08/26/2007 - 4:13 pm

    Here is my prediction for the future. I believe Russia a nation with vast land and mineral resources will be the land where our race will immigrate. Europe will be the first region to begin the exodose. The non white invasion of resource starved Europe will become unbearable and survival will be all that matters to the whites at this point, the white nation of Russia will look like an oasis in a desert by then. Russia, like all white nations suffers from a low birth rate and shortage of skilled labor, as of now, they have not sold out to the anti whites on immigration, could this be the next garden of eden for whites?

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