This is a coaching session from Dave.
I left out his final comment on marijuana because I think commenters would obsess on that one paragraph. I hope this is an undeserved insult, but I hope it is useful cautionary one:
TV is an irrelevant thing because of the Internet. The real minds on the Internet show through like a cop’s 500-lumen flashlight. It has been fascinating to watch the Internet’s influence on the markets. The whole market commentariat evolves together with lightening speed based upon the highest IQs. I can trace the influencers with complete transparency and immediately detect those who have failed their homework or whose intellectual horsepower isn’t up to snuff.
This is a new world with its speed and access for those with IQ horsepower. The blocking intermediary has been flushed out and passes to elite clubs have been made much easier to obtain.
This process is in early stages. Take a look at is yet another incipient engine of conspiracy, a fabulous tool in intelligent hands for loyalty coupled with a conspiracy is a badge of social class.
For example, I remember as a kid the Patty Hearst saga: These “revolutionaries” calling themselves the “Symbionese Revolutionary Army” sold each other out in the less than 5 seconds flat. Revolutionaries indeed! They were double-digit IQ mutt niggers pretending to be revolutionaries.
Pretending is something we do profusely as kids and we don’t usually drop the habit in adulthood. The kid who put together is a revolutionary. He is not a pretender. He puts to shame all Wordists.
Responsibility is there for those willing to shoulder it and pretending comes to an end when you realize our world is far more deterministic than our “rising expectations” culture dares to acknowledge. Fear takes the driver’s seat, ebbing and flowing over great secular eras. It has been so long since America has known the flow, the mass of Americans have forgotten it exists, yet the competitive struggle deepens and the consequences for delusion become ever more onerous.
#1 by shari on 08/31/2007 - 12:36 pm
Facebook says it is a social utility connecting YOU with the people around you. I know some smart techy young men who aren’t concerned about white genocide, but I’m sure are aware of facebook. So you are saying that they will come in contact with what concerns us whether they are looking for it or not.
As for kids smoking marijuana, pretending to be rebellious, they don’t have time.
Even, or especially, those with high IQ horsepower had better straighten up fast.
#2 by Simmons on 08/31/2007 - 12:56 pm
The Facebook thing is a little fuzzy to me. Second and off topic, Dave some days ago you mentioned martial abilities and the struggles happening just outside of the conscious mind. Of the conscious mind of Stanley Kubrick (paid up member of the tribe that counts) his last movie “Eyes Wide Shut” had as the gentile’s wife dream sequence her vastly enjoying relations with a Naval officer who would have come out of our central casting. You might be interested in the movie, Ygg has a review.
#3 by Dave on 08/31/2007 - 5:15 pm
“Martial Societies” remove young boys from their mothers and put them under the supervision of males within a military organization, usually at the age of 8 or 9 years of age. These boys are then raised to be soldiers away from women.
For example, the armed forces of both France and Britain raised whole generations of boys, largely cut off from feminine influence for most of their lives, during the 18th and 19th centuries for career naval and army service.
Britain did a better job of this than France, Britain’s system being far more ethical for the welfare of these boys and their training, while in France these boys were little more than officers’ slaves. Accordingly, Britain developed superior military capabilities because of a loyalty and commitment over and above what the French were ever able to develop.
But the system of removing boys at a young age from their mothers and keeping them segregated from women died with the 19th century. This is one of these huge things that no one ever notices. Accordingly, it is just weird the way the US military is such a “family oriented” institution.
This has had a devastating impact on American military capabilities because it prevents the development of effective martial values. I think it is a major reason why the Pentagon is relying so heavily on private multi-national paramilitaries instead of regular forces. The private paramilitaries offer a means to reward martial skill and commitment with significant cash incentives. The private paramilitary people are far less “family oriented” than the regular forces.
We white nationalists need to understand these issues. For example, white nationalism cannot succeed along the BNP model. The BNP cannot even see that the task is competitive fitness within the failed nation state, which is what Britain and increasingly America really are – failed nation states.
In the failed nation state the feral dog is greatly advantaged, having insecurity for its feed. could become a important tool for a band of feral dogs. It might not, but I just offer it as an example.
Tame domesticated dogs cannot compete for they are forever struggling to live “normal secure lives”. That’s what the BNP wants, “normal secure lives” for white people. Ain’t gonna happen.
That’s why I can’t get “Mark’s Brilliant Line” out of my head: “Those who own the present own the Future. Those who own the present NEVER have any serious relationship to what is really going to happen.”
#4 by Pain on 08/31/2007 - 6:23 pm
“‘Martial societies’ remove young boys from their mothers and put them under the supervision of males within a military organization, usually at the age of 8 or 9 years of age.”
Similarly, traditional education in the US put boys together to be taught only under men, and girls only under women. This is why high schools and universities were all male and women had their own system of education.
And the kids like it that way. A masculine male teacher will attract a swarm of male students, especially the wild, spirited ones that the lady teachers can’t handle and don’t want. Then a wolf pack forms, which to outsiders looks wild and scary (this is a desirable effect!), but on the inside is full of strong loyalty leading to the best work.
Old British boarding schools were right to take boys from their mothers, but I think they were wrong to take them from their fathers. Schools close to home are preferable to a sterile institution. The Spartans could keep the boys together with dad nearby because Lacedaemon was a tight community.
#5 by Hardric on 09/01/2007 - 6:37 am
Ding Ding Ding. And here is the world the way we see it from our studios at CBS. And the way we see it is the right way to see it. It has always been the right way to see it. It will always be the right way to see it.