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Note to Shari

Posted by Bob on September 9th, 2007 under General

The Shari who writes now is not a lot like the apologetic person I gave so much hell to.

The original Shari used to write excellent comments and then REALLY piss me off by adding a sentence about how she had humility in making such bold statements in such august company. I beat her over the head with this until she is now unapologetic.

I was not being nice to Shari. I have spent my whole life in a sewer full of intellectual rats who got PAID for their ratdom. The last thing I want to hear from somebody who has somethig decent to contribute is apology.

My reply below was aimed at Shari because she caused it and she can take it. Shari is a leader here, and damned few people but me have the frontal lobes to KNOW that.

Which is why she apologizes so much.

Shari lives in a university town and is used to halfwits.

Shari, dear, Bob is NOT a halfwit. Bob gets pissed when you assume that BUGS is like the Halfwit Center you live in.

If I can get the point of the article below across to ANYBODY, my job will be largely DONE. You ALL have to STOP ending with even good observations and digging DEEPER. When Shari wrote about how real people really think in the “intellectual” realism she inhabits, the observation was valid.


Mark concentrated on criticising me. By the way, Mark, I DID read a LOT more of the site. I am famos for that, I once read a thousand-page report for a single sentence which went into the Congressional Record.

But dammit, Mark, you stopped with ME! You did NOT look into what I was saying about BASIC ideas being NOTHING LIKE copy and paste stuff.

I want you to make your observations. But THEN I want you THINK BEYOND THEM.

Shari, don’t obsess on my criticism of you. If I could EVER get that same criticism across here, most of the job would be done.

  1. #1 by shari on 09/10/2007 - 9:33 am

    I know that more action is needed concerning making use of the “goddamn” mantra. It needs to be used like bullets. I also know that more forward thinking and understanding is needed. I’m having trouble, for several reasons, but I’m listening and will try.

  2. #2 by Alan B on 09/10/2007 - 10:24 pm

    The white race is with out a doubt the superior race, we invent and acheive and we have prospered. Political correctness sees this as a threat to their socialist utopia, thus our success is twisted and sold to fellow whites as racist. The sick mind of the politically correct view the distruction of our white race as the ultimate form of justice and equality for all, they won’t admit this but I just did. The browning of the white race and the backwardness it will produce is the perfect non racist world in the eyes of the PC parasite, a world ripe for their picking.

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