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Posted by Bob on November 4th, 2007 under Coaching Session, History

dit) “Unfortunately, some Americans realize that Europe is in for a disaster but seem to think that it is only getting what it deserves. Europe has to be destroyed by the Muslims as a punishment for the Nazis’ crimes during WWII. Last year, I was invited to speak about the situation in Europe at one of America’s major universities. For two days my host subjected me to the most terrible accusations. He told me I would have to suffer for what my ancestors had done to his ancestors. “One cannot respect the Europeans,” he said. “America should have nuked Europe during WWII instead of Japan. If ever things turn nasty in Europe I will make sure that neither you nor any white European will be allowed to seek shelter in the US. I would rather invite the Muslims in than you and your lot, because one can respect Muslims but not Europeans.” Since my host was Jewish and had lost his family in the war I could understand his anger, but not his short-sightedness. I think he did not mean all he said, though it was an upsetting experience and one of the most unpleasant moments in my life.”

Bob was right. Jews hate us more than they love their own children. I wonder how many NeoCons this applies to. There is an interesting article people on BUGS should be aware of over at the Brussels Journal.

  1. #1 by AFKAN on 11/04/2007 - 12:30 pm

    Tim just nailed a critically important issue for the understanding of Judaism as a racial dynamic, and it is worth much more analysis than it has been given.

    Tim wrote:

    (The Jews believe)

    Europe has to be destroyed by the Muslims as a punishment for the Nazis’ crimes during WWII.

    *end snip*

    in reply:
    We know the Jews fully intended to eliminate the White Race in America as a Racial Entity with a multipronged attack – their Colored Lackeys, with the “Civil Rights Movement,” and the Immigration Act of 1965, along with Affirmative Action and multiculturalism.

    We never fully grasped the absolute hatred for the beautiful, the better, the best, that is at the heart of Judaism, and the unanswered question of exactly why the parasite would destroy the host.

    We know why.

    It is hatred beyond what we can rationally understand, and can ONLY BE COUNTERED WITH A GREATER FORCE, DILIGENTLY, RELENTLESSLY, AND RUTHLESSLY APPLIED.

    This does explain the tremendous Jewish support for the Islamification of Europe – note the emphasis on “Europe,” and not merely NSDAP Germany’ in other words, the White Race, collectively.

    Of course, this is merely a rationalization for the implacable, total hatred that is at the foundation of Judaism, for all that they do not totally and absolutely control. after all, “the Nazi’s crimes” were really proving the successful triumph of the Western nation-state over the Asiatic Hive Consciousness, especially in the area of transnational financial power, and national financial control.

    And, this ties back into Dave’s equally worthy Insight; that hatred, in the defense of what is Right, is not only good, but necessary.

    No compromise.

    No surrender.

    Time for Fight Club.

  2. #2 by shari on 11/04/2007 - 1:38 pm

    I don’t know if this is pure hatred talking. It might be fear and panic, bluffing. It’s nuts. The muslims would kill every last jew and think that allah is pleased. No race, anywhere, will offer any protection for them, except whites.

    I’m not suggesting any compromise with lies, no matter whose mouth they come from. But lets not be nuts as well.

  3. #3 by AFKAN on 11/04/2007 - 2:26 pm

    in reply to shari:

    you wrote:

    I don’t know if this is pure hatred talking. It might be fear and panic, bluffing. It’s nuts. The muslims would kill every last jew and think that allah is pleased. No race, anywhere, will offer any protection for them, except whites.

    in reply:
    Symbionts act in an intelligent manner, and work with their symbiont/”host” to a Pareto-optimal outcome; anyone may better off, while no one is worse off.

    Parasites simply move from host to host, when the old host has been drained of the life force.

    Think of the more than one hundred nations that have kicked the Jews out; unspoken is the greater Truth that not ONE of those nations wants to Jews BACK.

    They have learned, the painfully hard way, that all Jews are their implacable Racial Enemy in a relentless Racial War. Their idea of a nation is, essentially, an extended Family; of they have forgotten this, the Jews never forget it.

    And, the Jews and the Muslims have live side by side for more than a millenium. Yes, they have had their quarrels and differences, but they have worked together, as, historically, they saw the organized Christian NATIONS as their common Racial Enemy.

    Still do, I suspect.

    you wrote:

    I’m not suggesting any compromise with lies, no matter whose mouth they come from. But lets not be nuts as well.

    in reply:
    We have wasted far too much tme in the Doctrinal fantasy – the Wordist Fantasy – of being rational with the irrational, in the assumption that oir implacable Racial Enemy is, really, “just like us,” with a few different mannerisms.

    If we simply “compromise” – softly surrender – they will turn out to be “just like us,” at the end of the day.

    Thus, the salami slicer of Hegel, and Gramsci, goes into effect, and our relentless Racial Enemy slowly slices us into lunch meat.

    My nephews have reported they feel like they have been Awakening from a long, slow Dream.

    I told them it was someone else’s Dream, and their Nightmare, all delivered with soft, soothing words and lots of pretty smiles, accompanied by validation for their having been successfully indoctrinated.

    “First Rule of Fight Club IS?”

  4. #4 by Dave on 11/04/2007 - 2:14 pm

    The notion of “communitarian standards” was imported from Europe into the United States in the early 1950s and imposed on the public school system by teachers unions. (A more accurate name for “communitarian standards” is “Orwellian tyranny”.)

    This happened at precisely the same time US secondary public education was reduced to the ringing of bells 25 times a day and the herding of students from one room to another every 55 minutes. The “budget” became the be all and end all for education and “administrators” starting running the show.

    “Administrators” running the show is the story of Europe and the US public school system is a piece of Europe in America (except that we at least have the decency to focus on sports and throw up basketball courts, football and baseball stadiums, and swimming pools).

    Accordingly, there are two Europe’s, one in America, and one in Europe.

    But there is only one America and that is the America that insists upon being free.

    And there is the possible affinity we may have with Muslims in our shared quest for freedom. That kind of thing can be the basis of an alliance.

    You know darn well this prospect is extremely frightening to Jews.

    But what it is really all about is how things come out in the wash of terrible situations.

    And terrible situations are uh – situational, you know what I mean?

  5. #5 by Tim on 11/04/2007 - 8:01 pm

    FWIW, I talk to quite a few Muslims and have since school (all Shia). They have for the most part been cordial. They all hate Jews. They consider the Ashkenazi Jews to be Allah’s ultimate enemy.

    But they did not really have problems with Middle Eastern Jews. For the most part it is Eastern European Jews that they cannot get along with. Kevin McDonald talks about the difference between Eastern European Jews and Middle Eastern. There appears to be a HUGE difference in ethnocentrism. Eastern European Jewry are seemingly on all out attack at all times.

    I cannot get over the above Jew had the nerve to TELL his house guest this. That is TRUE HATE. I will tell you what I know for a fact. On the bus with me this Jewish man and anything that thinks like him………will NOT make it. No way. Impossible. He is blinded by irrational hate. This Jew is like a moth to the flame.

    (And he IS on a bus with me….Litterally. This bus is about about 25% Africans, 20% Mexicans, 13% White, and the rest is Muslim. You tell me how this works out?
    I recall a new white kid getting on the bus and was told to go sit with the whites. He said he was NOT white but a damn Cherokee Indian. And then immediately all the non-whites looked at us and said “is this fool with you”. My response was “No he said he was WITH YOU—he is not white”. LOL. He nearly got killed. Now just trade this stupid white kid with the above Jew. You think he is gonna make it on this bus? And on this planet we are all literally on this bus.)

  6. #6 by Alan B on 11/05/2007 - 10:13 pm

    Those responsible for the Muslem invasion of Europe will not stop the racial disaster facing Europe. The responsible party would need the open and lawfull participation of the citizens of each nation. Empowered and enraged, whites would focus on the race traitors first, stripping them of their power. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Either way, the haters of the white race lose out, their power is all that matters, lives of millions mean nothing to them.

  7. #7 by Tim on 11/06/2007 - 9:51 pm

    Alan B,

    thesis: ‘war on terror’ —bomb Muslims

    antithesis: flood the west with Muslims

    synthesis: when the west blows into civil wars (WW3) Israel can do whatever it wants with the Palestinians.

    They know what they are doing. One Israeli official said that if ‘they’ cannot have a country no one else will……they were referring to Europe. They exported their problem……good for them.

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