I was recently in Argentina and made gratuitous use of the mantra and it was well received indeed.
I attended a gathering of Waffen SS vets and their families and I have never before seen so many young people with their kinder. People were in attendance form all over the world and talk was of the ongoing collapse of the current multi-racial, democratic paradigm. Our people in Europe have already planned for the aftermath, in detail. It is rather length but I will post up some details of this “manifesto” later on today or tomorrow. Heck, I am feeling even more optimistic than usually, and that’s saying something!
Remember, filth, evil and decandence is always purged eventually, it is the order of things. Our Robespierres, Caesers, Napoleans and Hitlers will soon arrive on the scene and the current evil, filthy order will be swept away like a cardboard shack in a tornado! Politcal, economic and social systems are transitory but La Raza Blanca will endure forever.
#1 by Z on 11/18/2007 - 8:53 am
Well lets hear it. What is this plan that’s talked about among the SS community? This better not include anything about Antarctica.
#2 by Pain on 11/18/2007 - 8:50 pm
We will have to sweep the aside too, or we will have another revolution or series of revolutions like those Jacobins and the Puritans as well.
#3 by Tim on 11/19/2007 - 8:53 pm
Good god, I love realists like Pain and Ian. Keeps me coming back to this site.
How about Bawn-avism: White Bolshevism backed by Whitakerisms. The ISM to end all ISM’s. How does that sound?
#4 by mderpelding on 11/19/2007 - 9:12 pm
“Our Robespierres, Caesers, Napoleans and Hitlers will soon arrive on the scene and the current evil, filthy order will be swept away like a cardboard shack in a tornado! Politcal, economic and social systems are transitory but La Raza Blanca will endure forever.”
Quotes mine.
Lets see…
Napoleon destroyed his army. The “flower of French manhood”. Somewheres in Russia. Hitler of course, through his unique political brilliance, managed to turn over the heart of Western Christendom to the barbarian horde who had been successfully repulsed by the Teutonic knights for centuries.
The same Teutons who that other political genius, Napoleon, had vanquished on his march into nihilistic oblivion on his way to Moscow.
Of course, Yockey said that Hitler and Napoleon were true leaders. So, of course, true followers love Hitler and Napoleon. Because Yockey said so.
So of course, all good white nationalists revere Hitler and Napoleon. Because Yockey said so. And they revere Yockey as a “great theorist”.
Napoleon destroyed France.
Hitler destroyed Germany.
The left worships Hitler and Napoleon.
As for the rest, Ceasar tried to destroy Celtic civilization. My ancestors. And Robespierre was closer to de Sade then Jefferson.
Also heroes of the left.
They all talked a good game.
But then, actions don’t matter, do they?
Just the words.