The reason I cut off the rest of Santiago’s comment was specific.
First of all he came up with a “Not the Mantra” — the good old NTM — so AFKAN endorsed it enthusiastically. It is “Civilization is a White Thing!”
What the hell does THAT do for us? “Asia for Asians, Africa for hte Africans, White Countries for Everybody” is as shoprt and makes a point that will NEVER be made otherwise.
“Civilization is a White Thing” is more staisfying, more insulting, if that is what you’re in this for. It is also a major distraction. Every bumper sticker with that does NOT have “Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, White Countries for Everybdoy!”
In the meantime, I will do the drudge job of sticking to discipline. I LONG to talk about more interesting things, about political strategy in the next age. But as long as I have to keep saying the above, again and again and again and again and again, like pushing toothpaste back into a tube, all I get to do is BORING.
I won’t even spell-check this one.
Screw it.
#1 by Z on 11/18/2007 - 9:53 am
I agree, “Civilization, its a White thing” is as wrong a two boys caught in the hucklebuck at church. Just think about where you got the saying “its a —– thing?” That’s not how White people think!
If you’d listen to Bob’s audio recordings you would know better. White people don’t like that kind of arrogance. Do you forget that most people are taught that Whites “stole” their civilization in the first place? Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White countries for everybody else on the other hand, cannot not be debated. In fact, this may even draw attention to you, which will allow you to use the Mantra. This, “its a White thing” nonsense will have the opposite reaction. You need training young man, go listen to the Bob’s audio shows for a week.
#2 by Simmons on 11/18/2007 - 12:54 pm
Its the Mantra versus “Secret Nazi Plans”, I’ll take Mantra, thank you. Really Ian only Hollywood or the FBI could draw up crap like that, spare us please. I’ll take the explicit white racial conscious of the Mantra over the nonsense of secret gatherings practically taken from a script from Jewwood. I’ve spent a lifetime dealing with that morality play, angry Nazi youth saved in the end from his inner turmoil by kindly Jew. I actually now see Bob’s point on freelancers.
#3 by Lord Nelson on 11/18/2007 - 1:16 pm
I do sympathize with the coach’s frustration about this.
SERIOUSLY. If I catch someone trying to steal my car, I don’t stand there telling everyone what a great driver I am.
Or in other words:
(VEE DONT HAVE TO PROVE ZAT VEE ARE DER MASTER RACE) just to have the right not to be ethnically cleansed from our own countries.
BTW. Simmons, if it was possible I would give you REP for this:
“the nonsense of secret gatherings (is) practically taken from a script from Jewwood.”
#4 by shari on 11/18/2007 - 3:29 pm
Maybe a not so good idea leads to a good one.
#5 by Alan B on 11/18/2007 - 4:32 pm
“Civilization, its a White thing” is a catch phrase that misses the Mantra’s main point. Non white immigration into white countries and only white countries “IS” leading to the Genocide of the white race. The history of White Europe had the dark ages. Presently, they are facing a new Dark Age, the age of the Dark Race, the race with a history of death, misery and despair. White Europe can predict the future of their nations by visting the past of the non white races that are overwhelming their nations to this today.
#6 by AFKAN on 11/18/2007 - 9:28 pm
in reply to Simmons:
in reference to Ian Santiago’s post, you wrote:
in reply:
Is it necessary that Santiago’s statements be factually true for them to be realistically useful?
Santiago cited Calverhall’s “Serpent’s Walk” – a book which i found in the “Science Fiction” section of the local thrift shop’s book section – as one example of a certain type of thinking.
I’ve wasted too much time coloring between the lines defined for us by Others, from Buckley Conservatism, to Reagan’s New Nationalism, to the entire panoply of White Nationalist organizations and commentators.
Get a copy of Fest’s biography of Hitler, and look at the tremendous difficulties faced by the young Chancellor as he flew into Berlin.
He was a Revolutionary of the highest order; his gifts and talents were complemented by the organized, disciplined skills of the meritocratic aristocracy, which seemed to be waiting for such a moment to present itself, in the transformation of an entire nation along explicitly Racial lines.
If it seems to some that this Aristocracy was in hiding, that is their perception.
Calverhall’s Idea – that organic Aristocracies can plan in terms of centuries for the centuries to come – is certainly far preferable to the gap-toothed, green-teeth, beer-bellied, torn t-shirt wearing mouth-breathing moron that the media chooses as our Racial Symbol.
I am – slowly – trying to turn good-hearted mountain boys into people who will be what they want the world to become, worthy of membership in the organic Aristocracy.
I have asked them to choose what they thought would be a Family motto, for both themselves, and their Families to come.
They spent a few days, and came up with a Family motto consisting of one word:
I’ll take that.
Incidentally, I find it hard to describe the degree to which the public school system essentially led them to the madness of intellectual impotence.
We can DO Something about that.
They won’t make the mistakes of those who went before, who colored between the lines Someone Else drew for them.
Not now…
#7 by Simmons on 11/19/2007 - 10:57 am
Thanks AFKAN. I might have been too tough on Ian, and I hope he is not too sensitive. I’m sometimes forgetful that most are not like me. Still this secret plans stuff in essence leaves most people defenseless when the spotlight of the wreckers singles you out. Many years ago Don Black wrote something directed towards posters on his site that I found useful, “if you won’t say it in a Federal court don’t say it here.” I like the Mantra, and if I had a world audience for my show trial it would come first and be repeated as punctuation.
#8 by AFKAN on 11/19/2007 - 2:22 pm
Again, in reply to Simmons:
you wrote:
in reply:
We MUST be tough; the price for failure is simply too great.
My spiritual teacher and I were discussing prayer, and he noted my prayers were for the burden to be lifted. He said this was wrong; the correct prayer was to learn the lesson being presented to me in the hardship I was facing, and to grow to be a better man for the learning.
Most of several generations have missed this, and choose to hide behind various painkillers – television, alcohol, drugs, indiscriminate sex – all to avoid facing the Lessons they were receiving from the Real World.
All, to shut down the Mind’s shouting to them what it was learning from what the Senses were telling it.
I have been trying to teach my nephews to SEE the Learning in the challenges before them.
you wrote:
in reply:
I have always assumed that most White Nationalist/Western Nationalist organizations have a membership pattern found in the Communist Party USA near the end; essentially, all of the remaining “members” were with the FBI…
I have always borne in mind the invaluable advice of Dr. David Duke; “When a man comes to you and starts speaking favorable of illegal activities, tell him – firmly, loudly – ‘I don’t want anything to do with this. Leave me alone!’ Then, walk away, and if he follows you, tell him if he follows you, you are going to the police.”
In “The Hidden Rules of Class At Work” you can see the different Mindsets of the various observable classes in action. Note that, essentially, you see the classes of Workers and Managers; you never see the Owners…
Wells chose as his religion what he called “The Open Conspiracy.” He supported this is a thousand ways great and small, but, above all, he supported the Gramscian model of transforming the host to support the parasite.
To return to Ian Santiago’s point, such men as led the Waffen SS came from a common cultural perspective, and were rigorously trained in supporting and advancing their Race, in general, and the Vertical Expansion of their Race, in particular.
That was THEIR “Open Conspiracy.”
My “Open Conspiracy” involves two young men, good-hearted mountain boys, who will have to face a world the Self-Proclaimed “Greatest Generation” enthusiastically self-medicates, to enthusiastically avoid.
Incidentally, following World War II, Buenos Aires
had billboards with three words:
#9 by Bob on 11/19/2007 - 2:53 pm
AFKAN, one Klan leader told me it was easy to spot the FBI plants:
“They’re the ones who pay their dues on time.”
#10 by mderpelding on 11/19/2007 - 8:15 pm
The above is the opening salvo fired at our enemies.
Not a talking point. Anybody can whisper sweet sounds of white supremacy at the like minded. But that’s not what we are here for.
Any idiot can preach to the choir.
We are fighting for our future.